The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I did not know this. My oldest toon on my original server was a Darkspear but haven’t played him since basically 2011. I jumped on him a couple times in between then and now but I think he was level 100 when 120 was max. And never once did I notice a BE not selling to me, lol. Maybe because I skinned him before he could open his pretty little mouth. :wink:

To me Zandalari are hostile to both Alliance and Horde. I mainly know them from the Vol’Jin book and any interactions I had with them before BFA. Vol’Jin owned the crap out of them as they invaded Pnadaria (?). Darkspear fighting Zandalari = not friendly. Shadowhunter = greatest troll class of all.

Where as the forest trolls were lead by Zul’Jin who helps Orgrim after he rescues them and that happens before Vol’Jin was in Pandaria. Plus, camouflage trolls = awesome trolls.

Plus, forest trolls, I’m thinking more along the lines of Amani, could bring up some more story between the BE’s and the Amani and give us a nice little inner conflict. One much better then the stupid one from BFA that I wanted no part of.

EDIT: I also think of Amani as berserkers and ax throwers which brings me back to the WC RTS games. Would’ve been very cool to get either one of those as a racial hero class IMO.


In Vanilla they were friendly to both factions. You helped them against Hakkar in Zul’Gurub. I always found it odd how they turned them into villains later.

It’s the bowyer at Farstrider Retreat, Paelarin. If you try to vendor with him as a troll, he doesn’t open a vendor window. Instead, you get this chat text: “Be gone filthy creature. Why anyone would tolerate your filth is beyond me.” He also has a few lines of anti-troll dialog.

If a Zandalari tries to vendor with him, he doesn’t open the vendor window, but his text is his default quote of “How may I serve?”

You can see his dialog on his Wowpedia entry:


They weren’t one of the founding four, but they were the first race to begin working with the Horde that wasn’t one of those four.

They joined the Horde during the Second War as did all forest troll tribes and left after Doomhammer abandoned the siege of Silvermoon to go after Capital City (yes, that’s what it’s actually called). During Classic, they began working with the Horde instead of fully joining as the concept of Thrall’s Horde intrigued them but they remembered the Old Horde and the backstabbing and corruption of it. If you read the quest dialogue from the Hinterlands in Classic and compare it to the dialogue in Cataclysm, the Revantusk make it clear they’re much closer to the Horde than they used to be, and going off of their speakers’ dialogue in BfA, it’s clear that their new attitude has been retained since the Cataclysm. By now the Revantusk are a part of the Horde in every way minus that they haven’t had some official moment where the fully join.

That said, they’re one of the classic Horde races nonetheless, as they were a part of the Horde in WC2 and have been allied with the mordern Horde since Classic.

Trolls will always feel incomplete to me as long as there’s no shadowhunter playable.

I’d like for hunters to get throwing weapons like axes/spears/javelins and be able to use those for their abilities instead of crossbows/bows/guns.

Getting axethrowers and headhunters for trolls would be awesome.


I just thought of an easy way to implement this. Allow ranged weapons to be skinned into polearms and axes, maybe daggers too, with their animations being set to throwing animations. I would so love that. Maybe they could bring back some of the old throwing weapon mogs as axe, polearm, and dagger mogs too.

While they’re at it, they could also let us mog two-handed melee weapons into bows and guns. Alleria wielded Thas’dorah as a melee weapon, why can’t we?


Both playable Forest Trolls and Ogres for the Horde would be great additions that represent the old Horde quite well. It’s something I hope to see get added and would make the Horde feel closer to being completed.

Getting back to Ogres, this is a fun video uploaded in 2018 that talks about why Ogres would make a perfect allied race for the Horde with brief scenes of Ogre voice acting:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


2021 and still no ogres huh?


Unfortunately, still no playable Horde Ogres. A shame that we’ve waiting for so long, and continue to wait. Not to mention the opportunities that have gone by and not even an appearance of the Horde Ogres. Still, I keep hope that we’ll see them appear again eventually, preferably as a playable Horde race.

On another note, as most people likely have heard by now, Blizzconine information has been announced. It’s occurring on February 19th through the 20th, where it all will be free to watch this year. The day schedule is as follows, according to Wowhead:

"Day 1 will kick off at 2 p.m. PST on Friday, February 19, with an opening segment that includes a first look at some of the latest game content the development teams have been working on. Then for the next three-plus hours, you’ll have the option to tune in to one of the six different themed channels, so you can decide whether you want to sample a little bit of everything or dig deeper into the games you’re interested in most.

Day 2 will pick back up at 12 p.m. PST on Saturday, February 20, with multiple channels once again, until the fun wraps up at later that afternoon. Throughout this second day, we’ll be shining a spotlight on the global Blizzard community, including the winners and outstanding entries in the Community Showcase contests and exhibitions."

Much as I’m generally hopeful to see Horde Ogres make an appearance, unless we go back to Azeroth for some reason, I feel that the chances are going to be low. News will likely involve what is next in the Shadowlands, where the only potential Horde Ogre related thing I can see are the spirits of the dead Stonemaul Ogres from that one quest in Dustwallow Marsh that could help us.

If we did end up going back to Azeroth, there are two possibilities I can see with the Horde Ogres:

The first possibility is that the Stonemaul and Dunemaul are defending their respective territories from the undead, with the Dunemaul also helping Megs defend wherever she brought them.

The other possibility is that they’re overrun by the undead and may have retreated to either Thunder Bluff or Orgrimmar to help assist defending those areas.

We won’t really know how dire the situation is unless the story takes us back to Azeroth, but more than likely, we’ll still be in the Shadowlands continuing the story there. Still, I would like to know what all is going on back in the living world (of Warcraft!). We’ve barely see some of that in a scene or so in some of the covenant campaigns.

Guess we’ll see where the story takes us on the 19th to see what direction we’re going. As usual, if I happen to see anything of interest Ogre-related, I’ll be sure to report it here.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Found a fun lore video that talks a bit about how several Ogre clans, including the Stonemaul, arrived in Kalimdor. There isn’t a lot in terms of specifics, but still a neat video to watch:

It also reinforces how Ogres make their own ships, which again Orc ships are based on. Not to mention heading to Kalimdor would require navigation of some sort, so Ogres would need some skills in running a ship crew, operating the ship, and of course navigating it somehow.

Still a shame that the Horde Ogres missed out on BfA, which did have a emphasis on ships and the seas in several ways. I imagine they would’ve made some excellent shipwrights against the Kul Tirans, as well as a scary sight if they managed to board any Alliance ships in general.

Despite the ship having sailed on BfA, hopefully we’ll see the Horde Ogres appear in the storyline again soon…as well as on the Horde side of that character creation screen.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I had this video pop up in my YouTube reccomendations, which I think I’ve shared before in the old Ogre megathread, but I’ll share it here. It shows a comparison of Ogre and Gnolls models from original Warcraft 3 to Warcraft 3 Reforged:

And I also found a video that shows all scenes or voice clips that involve Ogres in some fashion in Warcraft 3:

The 19:18 mark is when the video shows off Stonemaul Ogre related scenes. Still a fun video to see all the Ogre stuff in general in Warcraft 3, and as I said before, making the Stonemaul Ogres a playable Horde race, especially all they’ve done for the Horde, would be a great throwback to Warcraft 3.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Blizzcon in 2 weeks… they’ll have to announce Ogres… they just have too!

Is Chris Metzen still working on WoW??, he’s the key to getting Ogres!


It would be a great announcement, since getting a massive army of Ogres to storm the Maw would be very awesome and fun to see. However, I really don’t know what to even expect in terms of announcements in general. I don’t really see any new races being announced for Shadowlands, and I’m one of the types that really doesn’t want to see covenant races playable (no offense to those who do want them, as this is just my own personal opinion).

To be honest, as much as I will try to keep an open mind, I’m more dreading Blizzcon announcements than eagerly awaiting them. Shadowlands hasn’t been a favorite expansion for me, mostly because of the setting of being in the afterlife, so to see more of it isn’t exactly exciting to me. I’m more interested in seeing what is going on back on Azeroth and helping fend off the undead. If there is any chance of new races from the living world, that would likely be the best chance unless some managed to get to the Shadowlands to help us out there.

As for Chris Metzen, other than voicing Thrall, I believe he left Blizzard some time ago. I don’t know if he has any sway over gameplay decisions, and if he did, I wouldn’t know if Ogres would be a priority for him. I don’t know what his current thoughts are on playable Ogres and I’d rather not pester him or anyone at Blizzard specifically about races I want playable. I’m more of the type to try to show support through general means.

As much as I do want playable Horde Ogres, I’d be surprised to see them become playing during this expansion. As I mentioned before, if we see anything Horde-Ogre related, either we’ll see Stonemaul Ogre spirits somewhere in the Shadowlands or if we go back to Azeroth, they might be helping the Horde fend off undead.

However, if anything of interest does get announced at Blizzconline, I’ll be sure to report in here. I’m sure a few of the race megathreads will have some general Blizzconline discussions as well. :smiley:

Regardless of what happens, I’ll keep hoping for my usual most wanted playable races. Hopefully, Horde Ogres will appear again sooner than later and help the Horde out.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Just wanted to state my ongoing support for the Ogres to be playable!


Wowhead has listed a schedule for WoW related segments at Blizzconline (all listed times I believe are in Pacific Standard Time):

I did notice a QnA section, though I don’t know where they’ll take questions. I recall them taking them from reddit and not the official forums, so we’ll see what happens. Even if they do take questions from here, I suspect me attempting to ask anything Horde-Ogre related would likely get passed over.

As I stated before, I’d be surprised to see anything Horde-Ogre related, but if I see anything of note, I’ll be sure to report any findings here.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’ve been thinking about potential Horde Ogre questions for that upcoming QnA at Blizzconline, assuming they take questions from the forums. At the moment, I was thinking of doing a variant on the last question I asked. This is what I have come up with:

“Since it has been awhile since we heard from the Horde Ogre clans (MU Stonemaul, AU Stonemaul, and Dunemaul), can we get an update on how they are doing and what they are up to?”

Not that I expect the question to get answered, of course, but it’s worth a try. Obviously, I can’t ask when Ogres will be playable and such, as that would get completely ignored for sure. Still, I would like to know what the Horde Ogres have been up to since they missed out on many world-ending events and a big war with the Alliance.

I’ll ponder on potential Ogre and also Saurok questions more, but if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to post. Also feel free to ask your own questions when questions are being taken for the QnA.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Hopefully we get at least a small update type explanation on what’s going on with those Ogres right now. It would be nice!


An update would be welcomed, even if it would just involve the Stonemaul Clan. It has been awhile since we actually saw them, so seeing what they’ve been up to would be great.

I’m honestly thinking that they did take back their home at some point. If the Stonemaul were able to send units to Feralas, an emissary to Pandaria, and were among the Horde army attacking Theramore before it got mana-bombed, I don’t see why they wouldn’t have been able to take back their home by now, since they would be a bit busy trying to get it back to spare troops and such. Let alone why the Horde wouldn’t have assisted them taking their home back in some fashion.

Still, I imagine a fun event going on where you fight to take back their home (again). Give a valid reason for them to have lost their home (again) and I’ll be there to help them get it back!..and also get them on the Horde side of that character creation screen, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Bumpity bump. Bumping this thread because Blizzcon is coming and I am hoping that Ogres gets announced.

As Andy from shawshank said Hope is a good thing, one of the best things :sunglasses:


Anytime we usually get an expansion announcement, I always hope we’ll finally get playable Horde Ogres. It has been far too long since they did anything with the Horde Ogre clans, and they would’ve been a big help in several expansions. I will admit there will be a part of me that does hope for them between expansions as well, though I try to temper my expectations.

Still, we have 6 days until Blizzconline, and I’m hoping we utilize some Horde Ogre power to take on the Jailer and his mooks!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I want to be Dag. Please let me play an ogre rogue someday lol.


Ogres have been asked for quite a bit by Horde. I think they’d be really neat if they were added, and I don’t agree with the misconception about ‘lack of intelligence’, especially for 2-headed ogres. They can be extremely dangerous, and we’ve seen they can get along with other races. Hopefully there will be some good news for ogre fans soon.