The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Yea I want to be an ogre priest so badly.


Question: If I switch this thread to ā€œmutedā€ will it never show up again on the list of topics for me?

Fun fact: the last bonus boss in Dire Maul can switch between Mage, Priest, and I believe Shaman. The basis is there for Ogre priests though!


More or less yes. Any thread you do not want to see can be set to hidden and you shouldnā€™t see anything from it again. (Not sure if that applies to being quoted in it though)

Pretty sure there are a few other Ogre priests around. I canā€™t imagine priest of all things would be denied them.


They typically are shown to be big and dumb in most forms of media, though it can vary. Some, like Everquest, had them as angry Klingons with a bit more emphasis on warmongering, before they got cursed by a god for attempting to invade their plane and becoming big and dumb. They kinda show a bit more of that side in Everquest 2.

Granted, I like the big, dumb, and strong personality of Ogres. Itā€™s one of the biggest (pun not intended but Iā€™ma roll with it) reasons I loved playing my Ogre Berserker in Everquest 1 and 2. Also fun to engage in light RP while talking in broken English.

Iā€™ll be looking at Ogres in MMOā€™s and such more in depth gradually to compare them and get some idea inspiration.

They definitely can be. They are capable of higher intelligence and being very creative. I mean, despite the MU Stonemaul Ogres appearing to be not very bright, they did somehow migrate across the ocean. They also do have some feelings when you see how they want their home back.

Honestly, seeing Ogres becoming playable and having more of a presence in the game would be awesome. You can have some of the smart Ogres around for some quests, maybe some magical related quests, and seeing some of the typically dumb ones would be there for amusing quests or just putting smiles on the faces of players as they pass by the area theyā€™re in.

Loads of possibilities there!

I actually did not know that at all. This is the Ogre in question:'Rush_the_Observer

And he does in fact switch between those three classes. I see no problem with Ogre Priests, myself. It can fit in some ways, especially with Shadow Priests. Really cool to see an example of that in-game. Thank you for sharing!

I think so as well. Iā€™ll have to do some Ogre research to see if I can find them.

Even though I have a list of classes I feel would fit Ogres, Iā€™m not personally against any classes being available for playable Ogres. Iā€™ll happily take them if it means playable Horde Ogres finally!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I did high maul raid few days back. I drooled at Ogre mages. They looked so aesthetically pleasing.

I love how Ogre culture is inspired from Roman Empire.


The Roman theme is really fitting for Ogres, especially when it comes to their arenas and armor designs. If they went with the Roman theme for their heritage armor, there are several Roman gladiators that could help inspire it:

With the AU Stonemaul joining the Horde, they could even teach the MU Stonemaul how to make that type of armor and other types of designs. A lot of possibilities with this line of thinking!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So surprisingly, my Ogor Mawtribes Battletome arrived earlier than I expected. Itā€™s something Iā€™ll be looking at in the near future, as Iā€™m wanting to go through my Seraphon Battletome first.

If youā€™re interested in seeing what all is in this book, and if you happen to need something to listen to for a bit, there is a video I found that shows off the battletome here:

Lore stuff makes up the beginning part of the video before it does a focus on the game mechanics and rules of this army. There is also a lot of neat artwork in here too.

Iā€™ll be looking at it for some playable WoW Ogre inspiration in the near future. As I mentioned, Iā€™ve been wanting to think up ideas like racials to add to the main post, so I figured looking at Ogres from other games and media would be a good start.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So an upcoming MMORPG in the works is Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. One of the playable races in that game happens to be Ogres!

Official Pantheon Ogre Web Page

Also found a video that talks about the Ogresā€™ lore to a relaxing scene of a fireplace:

They seem to strike me as a bit of WoW Orcs mixed with some designs of the Warhammer Ogres. They donā€™t appear to be the ā€œbig dumb and stupidā€ type, but rather seem moreso tribal with maybe a hint or two of Klingon.

I did come across an official wiki that shares some of their racials and available classes here:

They can be Warriors, Dire Lords, Shamans, and Druids. A bit hard to imagine an Ogre hugging trees and loving nature, but Iā€™m sure there is a bit more to it than that.

Of note, they get a chance to resist physical stuns, which is something similar to the Everquest 1 Ogres. They also get a better chance to critical hit (bashing things with big strength can do that) and get a better attack rating with strength.

Stun resistance were something discussed earlier in the megathread. Itā€™s a neat idea, but it seems like it would be a bit overpowering in the game, especially in something like PvP. Honestly, Iā€™m good at coming up with racials for flavor and personality for a race, but not so much for game balancing. Still, itā€™s a thing to consider for playable WoW Ogres potentially.

The game is still being made and hasnā€™t officially released. I havenā€™t come across any character creation videos as a result, but Iā€™ll keep an eye out for any as the game gets closer to coming out.

Still, a new MMORPG coming out with playable Ogres is very interesting. I might have to check that out myself sometimeā€¦unless, you know, we happen to get playable Horde Ogres in WoW. I know Iā€™d rather ā€œbash tingsā€ in Azeroth than have to go elsewhere to do that! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Happy March, everyone! Itā€™s a pretty fun month for me since my birthday happens to be near the end of the month, where Iā€™ll be 35!..boy do I feel old. x- x

While getting playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde would be a neat birthday present, Iā€™ll likely have to save that as a birthday wish. Instead, Iā€™ll have to think of some fun posts and stuff to make during this month. If anyone has any ideas, Iā€™m open to them!

Speaking of fun, I wanted to share a fan website that is WoW Ogre focused. Itā€™s called ā€œOgriā€™la,ā€ which is the same name as the enlightened Ogres in Outland.

Ogriā€™la Fan Website

This website has a lot thought up of for ideas of playable Ogres (including racials) and even a feature to allow you to make your own Ogre!

It actually provides some neat fan made backstory of the Stonemaul Clan becoming playable, being lead by Mugā€™thol. That would be this guy:'thol

If you recall, the Stonemaul Clan was broken into two. The ones we know left the Eastern Kingdoms and landed in Dustwallow Marsh. The other I believe became the Crushridge Clan. Iā€™ll be making a post about that clan and this particular Ogre in the future.

The other neat part about this website is the ability to make your own Ogre (currently male only at the time of this post). You can select your class, with certain classes being only one head while others are only two-heads unless I missed an option somehow, customize your Ogre, and even save them in some fashion!

You may notice there is a class in there that isnā€™t playable in the actual game, called the ā€œMagic Breakerā€ class. Itā€™s possible it relates to this:

I suppose in theory, Ogres could break magic as easily as they break wind.

The website still seems to get updates semi-regularly. Itā€™s good to find others who keep the dream of playable Ogres alive for long periods of time. Iā€™m still hoping to see that dream become a reality someday.

So check it out, see the ideas they came up with, and make an Ogre!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Hey mine too!

Happy kind of near to your birthday!

Ooo. Very neat.


I find this interesting as itā€™s the only (as far as I know) of those NPCs that have a name. The others are always called by what they were in life like Crusader and Warmonger


I found out recently that Tod does have his sinstone in the game:

ā€œImagine the dumbest, yet oddly diabolic, and still utterly wrong deeds.ā€

So pretty much an evil Ogre. May or may not have been part of any clan, and I donā€™t really know his significance in the game in general. He isnā€™t part of any quest and doesnā€™t really do much other than attack you.

Ah well. There are plenty of good Ogres in the living world (of Warcraft!) in the Stonemaul Clans and Dunemaul Clan that hopefully will get the love and respect they deserve by becoming official playable members of the Horde! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Still reading through the entire thread so sorry if this is already brought up
But maybe another part of bringing Rexxar back in BFA and his nice shiny model was to prepare him for the expansion after Shadowlands. While Azerothā€™s leaders and heroes, more specifically the Hordeā€™s ,are away in the Shadowlands, maybe he went out and rallied the Stonemaul and possibly other clans to help keep the Horde safe from threats while itā€™s numbers are finished after the war and itā€™s heroes are away


No worries! Iā€™m always happy to have discussions when it comes to Ogres and Saurok. :smiley:

Having Rexxar rally the Stonemaul Clans to help Orgrimmar or Thunder Bluff out with the Scourge threat on Azeroth, assuming the Stonemaul Clans get overwhelmed and have to run out of Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas, would be a great and neat thing to see. Throw in Megs Dreadshredder with the Dunemaul, and it would be a great way to reintroduce Horde Ogre clans back into the storyline. It also would help show what Rexxar was up to during Shadowlands since he kinda disappeared at the end of BfA.

Granted, itā€™s unclear if weā€™ll go back to Azeroth during the expansion to see how dire things are there. Itā€™s possible everything is assumed and nothing much gets mentioned, unless we go to some specific areas for new world quests in the storyline like in BfA with Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Uldum.

It also doesnā€™t make much sense why the Horde Ogre clans werenā€™t utilized during the big war with the Alliance in BfA, though Iā€™ve grumbled about that quite a bit. The pieces were there to at least see the Horde Ogre clans again, andā€¦nothing. -grumble grumble-

A lot is going to depend on where the story takes us and possibly what the next expansion is. If the Stonemaul Clans get displaced again (this time from the Scourge), then it presents a chance to help them get their home back again for good. Letā€™s hope Blizzard doesnā€™t pull the shade down on yet another window of opportunity for Horde Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I played a bit with the Ogre creator on the Ogriā€™la fan website and made an Ogre Warrior:

When you get an Ogre ready and click ā€œSave My Ogre,ā€ itā€™ll make an image based on your creation which you can save it to your computer or share it on social media.

I went with that name just to emphasis the support for playable Horde Ogres. I do have an actual Ogre name in reserve for if weā€™re lucky enough to see them become playable someday, which is the name of my Ogre character from Everquest 1 and has a lot of meaning to me. Iā€™ll share it if that time comes.

If youā€™re interested in making your own Ogre, check out the Ogre creation here:

Ogriā€™la fan website Ogre creator

Note that at the time of this post, there is no option to make female Ogres.

I may make some more Ogres in the future and share them for fun. Hopefully, weā€™ll be able to do this in the game someday when we can make our Horde Ogre player characters!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I was doing exiles reach quests. That 5 mins of Ogre disguise was a beautiful experience for me :sweat_smile:


Iā€™ve always loved the Ogriā€™la website, I have a ton of respect for whoever is hosting it and keeping it updated. Canā€™t wait to see their reaction if we ever get playable Ogres, all those years of waiting finally paying off.


There are quite a few quests where you become disguised as an Ogre. The Horde Dunemaul quests in Tanaris and a quest in Mount Hyjal are a few I remember.

I imagine if Ogres did become playable, they would turn into the model you turn into for that quest as opposed to staying the same. Sure, it doesnā€™t make a lot of senseā€¦but a lot of things donā€™t when it comes to older content.

Iā€™d look forward to seeing all sorts of reactions of people wanting playable Horde Ogres. Iā€™d hope that Rickflairwoo would come back to the forums to celebrate also. He was a huge supporter of playable Ogres and was an inspiration for me to hop onto here to continue showing support for playable Horde Ogres. Hopefully, that celebration will become a reality someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Only 4-5 years younger than me. Iā€™ll be 40 in December. Ugh, doesnā€™t seem possible.