The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So Blizzard posted some general info on the upcoming WoW 20th anniversary events (Warcraft’s anniversary as a whole will be 30 years) happening in November and December. Info down below:

I didn’t see anything Ogre specific, though some general things could potentially yield Ogre related items perhaps. It’ll be something I’ll keep an eye out and share as we get more information. Would be nice to see some Ogre related stuff, since they are kinda iconic in many ways.

Also, 20 years without playable Horde Ogres is 20 years too long! But it’s still something worth marching for. Let’s hope it won’t take 20 more years to see playable Horde Ogres finally!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Why is Thrall in the center? He wasn’t a main character since BFA.

Imagine if they surprised everyone by giving the Alliance Furbolg and the Horde Ogres in some super secret gift they’ve been working on. lol


That would be really awesome and would really tie into the celebrating Warcraft as a whole for 30 years theme!

…unfortunately, I’d be really surprised if they did something like that. I’m assuming new playable races would be tied into expansions, Allied Races being given during expansions of course, as opposed to being given out for free in events like this. A shame, as that combo would fit really well with the celebration. :sob:

Still gives me hope that we will see playable Alliance Furbolg and Horde Ogres someday! :polar_bear: :japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Stone robot Dwarves being in the Horde is still weird, but they won’t deter me from supporting the Horde Ogre clans becoming playable! And with a new month having started, it’s a great time to let that support shine!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

I feel like it’s going to take a lot of explaining to the Horde Ogre clans in how some of the Earthen are part of the Horde…

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


this might be a big brain fart but since they’re doing a upscaled version of tier 2 what if midnight is not only a revisit of old tier sets but also things they never got to do in tbc? maybe i’m huffing too much hopium expecting ogres in an elf themed xpac


Ogres are, by far, the most wanted race in the Horde side. Then we could find Sethrak. Taunka, Forest Trolls and Saberon are in a good position too. Then we could find Gilgoblin and Mok’Nathal. Saurok are asked too. For the San’layn, I don’t see them so much asked.

In the Alliance side, we can see Broken and Jinyu in the first places. Then we could find the Furbolg.

In the neutral races, Ethereal, Tuskarr and Vrykul are very asked. Mogu and Haranir are wanted too.


Is there a list of what they wanted to do in TBC? I honestly haven’t heard much about it, other than considering Pandaren as an Alliance race instead of Draenei. Curious what Ogre stuff could’ve been considered, though with Blood Elves as the Horde race, I assume it would just be enemy Ogre clan in Outland stuff.

If anything, WoD’s cut content would be the most interesting when it comes to Ogre related things. Granted, I feel the chances of there being friendly Ogres in it would be low, assuming the MU Stonemaul Clan didn’t come with us to AU Draenor of course.

They were one of the top allied race requests during BfA and a number of people still want playable Horde San’layn. I do think the whole Darkfallen customization race skin thing, even if it doesn’t have any San’layn representation, knocked a lot of wind out of those sails unfortunately. I still hope for them as a full playable Horde race and to not be villain batted in either Midnight or The Last Titan, but we’ll see what happens when we get to those expansions.

And Ankoan too! :shark:

I still feel like Sethrak would work best as a neutral race. It would please everyone, seeing as there were a big number of Horde and Alliance Sethrak supporters, and it would fit their storyline very well. :snake:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Ogres feel all but forgotten and abandoned with this expansion. The worthless mechagnomes even have more presence than ogres.

These are dark days indeed my ogre loving friends.

I could see a split with the San’layn. Like one group are apart of the Elven reunification plotlibe in Midnight, while another are apart of one the Scourge Warlords in The Last Titan.

I have to disagree about neutral Sethrak. The Devoted mainly interacted with the Horde, the Faithless hated everyone equally, and them joining the Horde wouod really establish how Zandalar is united under one banner.

To be honest I never could really get behind the whole Alliance Sethrak thing because of how dishonest some of the people were. Like they acted as if the Vulpera would help drive the Devoted to the Alliance, citing Nisha’s vehemence in fighting the Faithless. They completely ignored how she had worked with Vorrik against the Faithless, and didn’t want to acknowledge that both factions first met Vorrik by saving him.

Thankfully it wasn’t alot of the Alliance Sethrak crowd who thought/felt that way, but the whole thing soured me on the idea of Alliance Sethrak.

Where did you see a mechagnome? I haven’t seen any… I don’t think I’ve seen any kind of Gnome NPC.

Edit: I just remembered that their were gnomes present when I rescued the Siegehold prisoners with Gazlowe. I guess Meerah and Savor overshadowed them.


I love that idea. Keeps one group bad while we get to play another group thats trying to rejoin their society.

I think this would depend on how Blizzard brings them in.

The Sethrak were supposed to be a large underground empire. Its entirely plausible we could get them from a group that, like the Nerubians of Ajzkahet, they’re just a far flung colony under the earth. Which would be cool for a neutral Sethrak story as well as being able to flesh them out considerably before we get them much like the Earthen were.

But yeah the current Sethrak would likely be Horde.


That is very true, as well as what additional context is included. Depending on how its presented, I could very well change my mind.


I just met my first Earthen player in-game. They were Horde too, which honestly made me feel weird seeing it. A feeling I know I won’t have when seeing Ogre players.


Getting back to Ogres, I came across a pretty cool art piece of an Ogre Demon Hunter on Art Station by a user named Angga Dwipayana. It was inspired by the Breaker Ritualist Ogre mobs in Highmaul, who use fel attacks, and was done in the style of Hearthstone. I did not see an upload date, but I will link the image below:

Image above was taken from here:

It does certainly help to imagine what Ogre Demon Hunters could look like. I assume eventually, we’ll see other races able to become Demon Hunters, and when that happens, it would open the door for future playable races like Ogres to be able to be that class.

I’ll continue to keep an eye out for Ogre related artwork to share for playable Horde Ogre idea inspiration! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I can’t wait till The Last Titan and Illidan comes back and gives us Demon Hunters for all.


“Named for Stomper Kreeg from Dire Maul, this dire brew causes the player to take on the form of an Ogre for 10 minutes, similar to the original Gordok Ogre Suit introduced in Patch 1.3.0.”

Not a toy but it’s a good start for Ogres to make many pictures of them until we get them as playable race. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


That’s a neat find.

I didn’t consider that. I always figured we get new Demon Hunters with a resurgence or new fel threat.

It truly is.


With the twitch rewards, it’s possible we get toys to become an Ogre. I would like the Corrupted Hippogryph and the Amani Dragonhawk. But as we saw it, we got toys too. So we have a chance to get many other items from TCG as rewards for twitch. Maybe some toys related to Ogres will be the next rewards soon.


That Ogre illusion consumable item would be useful for people if I ever got around to doing that in-game Ogre event idea I’ve talked about a few times. Still can’t say I’ll be able to do it any time soon, unfortunately.

As for Ogre illusion toys, I’m hoping they’ll get on the Trading Post if anything, as my schedule is weird with my constant job hunting. Often times, I don’t really have a lot of time to do anything like Twitch drop rewards.

But really, the best thing to happen would be to put Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’m so tired of people telling me to just use an illusion that works for only a few minutes at a time and breaks in combat…

Just give me my damned Ogres Blizzard.