The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I am currently only one step away from playable Earthen (just need the max level War Within Campaign), and while the campaign has allowed me to see how the Earthen are different from Dwarves, to separate them from the idea of Horde Dwarves due to their culture, and being moved by elements of the story (ex: the side quest with Korgran), they still just lack the spark of excitement that most races give me when they become playable.

Until the Earthen, every playable Horde race had given that spark. Just the stories and characters established for each of them (from the RTS games and the questing in Highmountain, Suramar, all of Zandalar, and outright saving the AU Mag’har) just made me excited when each was revealed or unlocked as a playable race.

Now with how the Earthen unlock just feels like something to do over something I’m looking forward too… it honestly feels weird and increases my desire for the races that I want playable, like Ogres, because I know that the excitement will be there.


Today is the big day, as TWW launches for everyone! :partying_face:

I am unsure what all is going to be available once the expansion opens for everyone. There were several things locked from early access, including the max level campaign questline, which is required to be able to unlock Earthen.

Speaking of, I don’t know if Earthen will be available to unlock when TWW opens up for everyone. When you hit L80 and go back to the Earthen capital city and complete the quest that opens world quests, a splash screen pops up giving suggestions of what all you can do, with unlocking Earthen being part of it. So it’s up in the air if that’ll be available later today or if it and/or the max level campaign gets time-gated as well.

But as soon as Earthen are available to unlock, I’ll take screenshots of the Horde and Alliance embassies to see where the new banner is placed and how much room there is. I just need to finish the max level campaign whenever it is available, I assume do a scenario questline that unlocks them, and I’ll have them.

While I still think Ogres would be treated as a Core race, it’s still good to keep an eye on Allied Races since the system is still being utilized. Either way, there is plenty of room on the Horde side of that character creation screen for Ogres! :japanese_ogre:

Anway, I hope that everyone has a fun time with the new expansion today!

And I’ll still keep an eye out for anything of Ogre interest to report back on! :mag::japanese_ogre:

-TWW releases for everyone today! Hope everyone has fun!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The final chapter of the War Within Campaign will be available on 9/3/24. Which means that players will be able to unlock Earthen. For all my lackluster reaction Earthen, I do like how quick they are unlockable and hope we can see this applied to future playable races, like Ogres.


i wonder with the horde forces coming back with thrall to khaz’algar if it’ll be more than just orcs n trolls n tauren will be among them maybe rexxar maybe some ogres or maybe i’m speculating too much, honestly i’d be surprised to see Garona Halforcen with all this void nonsense going about


Their are various races of the Horde present, with the troops present or with a character helping train the Earthen (ex: Rakera of the Zandalari).

However neither Rexxar or any Ogres are present.


Earthen appear to be unlockable on September 3rd, along with the rest of the max level campaign that is part of the criteria for unlocking them:

I had seen a write up of the Earthen starting questline, which is a bit different than the other Allied Race starting experiences. I’m wanting to see it myself before I type about it, as it seemed like there were some aspects that could work for a Horde Ogre starting experience. Particularly if the multiple clan route was taken.

Yeah, I checked out the capital city, its Horde embassy, and the beach area where the Horde and Alliance landed, including the boats there. It’s all NPC’s, generic and named, that are of playable races I saw. Bit of a shame that the Horde Ogre clans miss out another opportunity to appear and help out but not surprising to be honest.

I need to check out the capital city more, but I’d be surprised if I saw any Horde Ogres there unfortunately.

I think I touched on this before, but I kinda like the Allied Race system in unlocking playable races.

I wouldn’t apply this to all races, of course, and the Allied Race system is far from perfect, but there is something about working to getting a NPC race into your faction and becoming playable I like. It got me to play the game quite a bit and get into a daily routine of doing what was needed to unlock the playable race. It even got me to go back to older expansions and do questlines and rep work just in case that was a factor in the future.

It also feels pretty rewarding at the end of the journey to be able to make your character afterwards. Especially if you get to celebrate with others if it was a race you particularly wanted playable. I still remember the celebrations when Vulpera were made playable and the Vulpera Hype Caravan streaming a launch party in-game. Makes me wish I had a way to gather up Ogre and Saurok fans to do events and stuff like that in-game someday.

Anyway, it’s good to see the Allied Race system still be utilized, since it is a way to get some races playable that may not have gotten a chance otherwise. I do think Ogres would be a Core Race over an Allied Race, given they’re already part of the Horde and would need a lot of work to make playable. Plus it would mean that I could create my Ogre Warrior as soon as they were available.

Although I will admit, I would do a number of tasks like rep grinding and such in-game if it meant I could make my Horde Ogre character finally. < - <;

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Next month’s trading post items have been revealed!

Here is a list of what will be available for tenders next month:

And the monthly reward is this crocolisk mount:

Nothing really Ogre related I saw this month. I think there was some discussion of crocolisk mounts as a possibility for Ogre racial mounts, since the MU and possible AU Stonemaul Clans live in Dustwallow Marsh, though I still heavily lean towards Draenor boars still for their racial mount. Still would be interesting to see how big this mount would be with an Ogre riding it. :crocodile:

Anyway, I’ll keep an eye out for anything Ogre related in future Trading Post items! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So at Universal Studios, they have a giant slice of pizza you can buy called an “ogreroni pizza,” which is suppose to be based on Shrek I think. It comes with “pepperoni, fresh mozzarella basil, pizza sauce on a fluffy and crispy dough.” It can be customizable though.

A couple videos here show off what it looks like, with the first one being without meat:

And the video below should take you to the 8:09 mark to see the regular ogreoni pizza with meat if it doesn’t take you there automatically:

This seems like something you’d see at a Blizzcon if playable Horde Ogres ever got announced. Maybe with some bear claws as a dessert if Furbolg became playable with them. It would make for a fun thing to have for such a theme!

I think if I ever got to go to a theme park, Universal would be my current top choice. There are a lot of places of interest to me there, like Super Nintendo World (the main reason for going) and the Jurassic Park stuff. I think if I ever did, I feel like I’d have to try the ogreoni pizza, since Ogre related stuff is kinda part of my brand nowadays. Would be neat to go there and Blizzcon in the same trip if I could ever afford it. Ah well…

Though maybe I can make ogreroni pizzas at home. Likely less expensive…and not as fattening. :pizza:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Needs to be even taller.

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So with each allied race unlock, the allied races got a presence in the capital(s). Case in point when the Mag’har were first unlocked, they took over the Hall of the Brave, the Zandalari’s unlock added to Zandalari Warlocks with the Darkspear ones, and the Nightborne unlock gave us Nightborne throughout both Orgrimmar and Silvermoon.

Now with the Earthen unlock this week and the knowledge that they will be in both Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff, I got to wondering where other potential allied races, like Ogres, would go. Like would they have a set spot, be sprinkled in the city, would they just be added to Orgrimmar, or two two Horde capitals. I could easily see Ogres either taking a spot in the Valley of Strength or being sprinkled throughout the city. Perhaps we could even get one talking with the Mag’har and Earthen who feel that Orgrimmar needs a proper port or one with the Darkspear, with the added bonus of a nod to how the Stonemaul and Darkspear fought side by side in the final battle against Daelin Proudmoore.

Now when it comes to other capitals, I could Ogres being added to Thunder Bluff as NPCs here and there. Like I can just see an Ogre warrior wanting to challenge the Tauren to a fight. I can’t really picture Ogres being in Silvermoon or the Ruins of Lordaeron, though if the Crushridge are brought in the Horde, I see potential. Perhaps a moment of two veterans from the Civil War in the Plaguelands?


We definitely would see Ogres in some of the capital areas, which should’ve happened already.

I imagine a few hanging around in Orgrimmar somewhere. I did have the idea of there being Dunemaul Ogres working as hired help for various members of the Horde, mostly Goblins, which could help explain what Megs Dreadshredder is doing with them.

I also would imagine some Horde Ogres hanging out at the docks area of Durotar to help as shipwrights. If Orgrimmar ever got a docks area added to it, as hinted in a discussion with an Orc talking to an Earthen, then I can see Horde Ogres being in that area also.

I’m sure we would see some Ogres in places like Thunder Bluff. Not sure what they would be doing there, other than enjoying the sights and maybe helping with some labor though.

Honestly, when it comes to new playable races, I like seeing the new playable race in areas like capital cities. It really adds to the world (of Warcraft!) and can even make for some interesting scenes and flavor text if you can talk to them. I’d be really excited to see what would be done if Horde Ogres ever became playable. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This feels wrong on so many levels, I don’t know where to begin…

Going to be posting this in both my megathreads, since there are some things of interest to both of them. So Earthen were available to unlock, though I think Blizzard temporarily disabled the questline since there were bugs involving the scenario in the last part of the max level campaign. Those who were lucky to start and get through it still got to make Earthen. Hopefully stuff will get fixed and the ability to unlock Earthen will be available for everyone soon.

I did take a screenshot of the Horde and Alliance embassies with the Earthen banner within. I tried to take a good angle as best as I could:

Oddly enough, there was a Night Elf in the Horde embassy. They spoke common to me, which I couldn’t understand, and stared at the Vulpera banner for a bit before leaving. Not sure what to think there. :person_shrugging:

Anyway, there is still plenty of room in both embassies for more Allied Race banners, so that is a good thing. My hope is that they’ll get filled with races we’ve been wanting to see playable for quite some time.

The Earthen unlock doesn’t seem to have its own scenario. After finishing the max level campaign and having done the other side questlines beforehand, I got them unlocked as soon as I finished the max level campaign. This means future Allied Races may not have their own unlock scenario at all in the future. Part of me kinda likes the unlock scenarios, as it makes the feeling of unlocking Allied Races much more exciting, but we’ll see if future Allied Races have their own unlock scenarios or if they just unlock when finishing a campaign questline.

The Earthen also have a short questline when you first create them, which is pretty interesting. I’ll comment more on that when I can, as I currently am fighting a sinus headache. So I’ll comment on that in another post.

Also, other than a quest turn-in soon as Earthen get into Orgrimmar, there haven’t been any comments from NPC’s or anything like them wanting to chop my head off walking around as an Earthen. So I guess the Horde is use to having Horde Dwarves already.

Anyway, I’ll comment more when I can. Hopefully those wanting to make Earthen will get to make them ASAP. I’ll have to level mine so I can get a much more proper attire and such.

Going to take a bit for me to get use to Horde Dwarves. Even if they are robo stone Dwarves. :rock:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


What? A real Night Elf?


Yeah, it was a Night Elf player. I forgot to specify that. Not sure what they were doing there. Guessing they were just bored or something. :person_shrugging:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Oh ok, good to know it was a player. Also Ogres for the Horde please. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


As we get more, I wonder if they’ll just keep adding banners or stream line in some manner. Like say having us ask Ji Firepaw on the unlock requirements for the allied races.

Do you mean you completed the main campaign and just had the Earthen unlocked?Was there at least a quest chain?

I really feel Horde Earthen need more context.


I completed the max level campaign as my last unlock criteria and the achievement just popped up, allowing me to make an Earthen character immediately. There wasn’t a questline I had to do that was Earthen specific in order to unlock them like all the other Allied Races.

So there isn’t really anything showing the Horde and Alliance offering them membership to their respective faction. You just make an Earthen, get plopped into their own starting questline, and then eventually be told “Horde/Alliance have given invitations! Go through this portal and get started!” more or less.

It does feel like something is missing, since neither the Horde or Alliance offered membership in the campaign questline that I noticed. It was mostly just training the Earthen that were already active at best. To be honest, it feels like something is missing to properly explain Earthen joining either faction. Especially with the Horde, since I don’t know how the members of the Horde really feel about a race that really looks like a member of the opposite faction suddenly walking around Horde territory.

It just makes it feel even more weird. :person_shrugging:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is odd.

I do know on the character selection screen, it lists all the requirements for an allied race, and last step for the Earthen is to visit the faction embassies.

When you visited the embassy did you do it as your main or the Earthen? I’m just curious if there is a quest to explain it that Earthen can’t take.

Now since there were bugs that Blizzard fixed… I kind of wonder if the Earthen unlocking before the standard allied race recruitment was done in error, which has since been fixed.

Though if its working as intended, I feel Blizzard dropped the ball with the lack of context. And if this is their plan going forward, then how it works would depend on the race and the context we have.

Take the Ogres. If we just have them show up with someone saying that the Stonemaul have been called to action, then it easily establishes Ogre players as answering that call once we unlock them.

Perhaps the Horde Council issued an announcement beforehand? Though it is a missed opportunity for NPC dialogue.


I never got any follow up quests on this character when I unlocked Earthen. You only are required to go to the embassy on your Earthen character after completing their intro questline.

The only thing I saw regarding getting Horde membership was this quest you get as a Horde Earthen:

“For the first time in our history, the outside world is ours to explore and experience. An off-island faction known as the Horde came to the aid of our kin. Spiritual and mighty, the honorable Horde has opened their hand to our people. Will you be among the first to go where no earthen has ever gone? To walk their lands, hear their songs and learn from their people? If that path calls to you, then I hope you’ll return to share those experiences and show the earthen what the world has to offer.”

This takes you to the embassy, where you get this as the turn-in dialogue with the undead NPC:

"What’s this then? An… Earthen? I heard we might be seeing some of your people here.

Well, make yourself at home if you can.

We have plenty of rocks in this sweltering place, so I guess if that’s your thing…you’ll do just fine.

Just…don’t eat the rocks. Do you even eat rocks?

Either way, welcome to Orgrimmar."

And that is pretty much all I really saw regarding Earthen joining both factions.

I’m guessing an unlock scenario was omitted to save on resources, which if it was shown in the campaign, I could see that serving its purpose. At least being awakened, from the intro questline of making an Earthen, I could see Earthen having an interest in either faction. But as I said, I haven’t seen anything of the Horde or Alliance deciding to offer membership beforehand.

It’s always possible I could have missed something, but as it stands currently, it just feels a bit off.

“Attention members of the Horde! We now have new members here with the Earthen officially joining our faction! Note that despite looking like Dwarves, they totally aren’t, so please show respect even if you have a bad history with Dwarves and do not attempt to lob their heads off. And could someone please deliver more issues to the Stonemaul Clan please? I can still hear their sobbing from here. Thank you, and for the Horde!”

Sigh… -o -

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


After completing the campaign, Earthen immediately unlocked. So it wasn’t an error, it’s working as intended.

I’ve done every quest in the campaign, listened to the “Stay awhile and listens” and I feel the same. They just really dropped the ball on here, because we have no context to the Earthen other than an offscreen invitation. Even if Blizzard didn’t want to do a recruitment scenario or quest chain, they could have easily made it flow better with one more quest.

At the end of the TWW Campaign the Council Of Dornogal thanks us for aid. That would have been the perfect time for one of the Council members give a quest explaining how they sending Olbarig and Harmot to serve as their ambassadors to the Horde, and ask us to help introduce them to the city. As we do so, we discover that other Earthen want to come to Orgrimmar too, because they want to join the Horde in gratitude for our aid.

At the very least could have even had Earthen within the faction embassies in Dornogal to show that the factions were interesting in recruiting, so the invitation just didn’t feel sudden or random.

They are small things, but would have helped make it flow smoother, and made me see how the Earthen could join up, over it just feeling rather random like it does.