The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I wonder who would lead it since Jaina does lead Kul’Tiras now.

Expanding Stonemaul could be cool. We could even get an area for the gauntlet that Rexxar ran or the arena where Rexxar fought Kor’gall. And even if they don’t, hopefully we would get more Horde friendly Ogre bases. Like the Dunemaul camp becoming a proper friendly town or one the Korkron encampments in the Northern Barrens getting converted.

I would just love that.

Very much this!

Give the Taunka some love.

I’m always open to more troll tribes joining the Horde.

You know I never really thought where the Kelfin would have set up shop. Though I would like aa updated Orgrimmar, with a proper harbor within the city, and the Unshackled could set up shop there. Just image it, you have the warships, with Kelfin, Murlocs, and Sea Giants patrolling the area from the land and water.

Considering it would be two different clans, I would prefer each clan had their own capital over sharing one.


I see the Rajani and Gurthan neutral with the goal to protect the Vale of Eternal Blossoms with the Alliance and the Horde but also with the Shado-Pan against the Mantid, the other Mogu clans and the Yaungol.

Now Earthen will share the same capital for the Alliance and the Horde, I think it could be a good choice but also with the Shrine of Seven Stars (Alliance) and the Shrine of Two Moons (Horde), neutral seems to be the best option. Also Rajani for the Alliance and Gurthan for the Horde because these two clans have more affinities with one side (Rajani for their titan legacy and the other titan-forged races in the Alliance and the Gurthan for the fighting races in the Horde). Shao-Pan will keep the Vale of Eternal Blossoms a neutral place even if we get a new war between the two factions.


If Ogres became a playable Horde race in BfA, this is a bit of a taste of what it could have looked like. It’s really a shame that the Horde Ogre clans were MIA in general while a new Horde Ogre clan just disappeared into fat air. A huge disappointment all around.

However! There is always a chance in future expansions that we could see playable Horde Ogres, and you can help the chances of this happening!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

As I said before and I’ll keep saying it: It ain’t over until it’s Ogre! :smiley:

-21 days (17 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is an interesting idea.

It truly was… and seeing that inspires me to take my future playable Ogre through BFA. With the added bonus of having Saurfang and his revolutionaries leaving Dustwallow Marsh with the Stonemaul by their side. Even if I go elsewhere, like Legion, I might just do the War Campaign again just to fix that travesty.


do u want to be a tiny ogre or a giant one

So October 9th, which is 64 days away, will be our megathread’s 4th anniversary.

I don’t really have any particular plans other than the usual speech post. As much as I’d love to do an in-game Ogre event, I can’t guarantee that I’d be free to do something on that day. Especially since I’ve been busy trying to determine what direction to take my career and find employment. Fun times, really.

But if anyone has any particular ideas for things to do on our megathread’s anniversary date, I’m open to suggestions. At a point where I can reliably set aside time to plan and prepare in-game events, I would love to do something in-game. Especially that “March of the Horde Ogre clans” idea I’ve long since thought of doing in Orgrimmar. Dunno how interested people would be in an in-game Ogre event, but it’s still a fun thought.

Such are the trials of trying to be a responsible adult…sigh…anyway, just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. :smiley:

Giant. I want to be a big, angry Ogre that smashes and bashes his enemies! :axe::japanese_ogre:

-20 days (16 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Had a random thought and now I’m wondering something…

From an Ogre standpoint what is a more likely name for an upgraded Stonemaul Village, Stonemaul Fortress or Stonemaul Citadel?


Stonemaul Mound?


Give us them sweet sweet ogres.


I truly struggle to understand why one of the original Horde races still isn’t playable, yet we’ve seen the likes of Night Elf variations, female humans for the Dracthyr, and even Dwarves becoming available.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d actually welcome the idea of making all races neutral, accessible to both factions. It would grant players an incredible amount of freedom.

But I just can’t fathom why Blizzard prefers to churn out countless copy & paste clones instead of listening to the long-standing wishes of the player base.

One can only hope that, someday, the Ogres will finally claim their rightful place among our ranks.


how big would they be

HUGE I hope.


like inches bigger or feet bigger?

I want Ogres, I want unique customization with them to be lore accurate, so if you are melee(Warrior/Rogue/Monk/etc) you are a normal single headed ogre, but if your magic user you are a two headed ogre

Ogres have been in the game since the start and the stonemaul in particular were allies to the horde on numerous occasions, don’t worry we got them neutral goblins, but still not big chungus ogres


Funny how Azeroth remembers King Gordok, but blizzard forget to add ogres playable every expansion :slight_smile:


As a guardian to an Ogre child, I decided that it would be important to educate him on his heritage and history of his clan. And I know the best way to do it!

That little tyke is going to grow up to be such a fierce Ogre! I bet the Mandalorian doesn’t do anything like this at all! :smiley:

Don’t worry! I was right there with him and several other responsible adventurers! Onyxia was lucky that he didn’t decide to go punch that dragon in the face! :fist:

And of course I took him to where the MU Stonemaul Clan home was:

Not really sure how to explain why the home is still in ruins, but at least he got to see a good battle! :crossed_swords:

-16 days (12 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Perhaps internal clan issues? Such as leadership.

We know Tharg was the candidate but was hindered by his injuries. What if passed and the Stonemaul just can’t decide who should lead. Shame or the belief its an internal matter could have prevented them from speaking about to the rest of the Horde. Hence why Rexxar and Zekhan weren’t informed when they visited.

The arrival of the AU Stonemaul could have things worse. Like they are sent to join with the MU clan, and either get drawn in or thrown their own leadership opinions around.

Perhaps solving the leadership could be apart of the Stonemaul recruitment chain.


If there were significant issues within the MU Stonemaul Clan and it was preventing their home from being rebuilt, it’s hard for me to see the clan be able to send and keep units in Feralas.

Assuming their home was still in ruins, I can’t see them wanting to send units away. I know Garrosh was warchief, with all the tact and diplomacy of flatulence in an elevator, but I feel like the MU Stonemaul Clan would take some sort of exception if the Horde ordered them to Feralas and to forget about their home for years. So I do think storyline-wise, the MU Stonemaul Clan would have regrouped and built their home. Not to mention that the MU Stonemaul Clan members in Feralas are pretty happy and proud to be doing work for the Horde, which may not have happened if they were forced to go to Feralas.

As for leadership, I’m assuming the simplest solution is to just have Tharg as leader of it, given power by some version of Ogre democracy. It’s fairly easy to implement in a storyline as well. And if Tharg is too old and has too many injuries, than Crol’ka works well as a leader also for a younger Ogre who actually loves their clan.

As for the AU Stonemaul Clan, I imagine either the survivors that came with us didn’t have a leader, or if they do have one, it becomes a situation like the three Dwarf clans, only with the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans along with the Dunemaul Clan. Just with multiple leaders with a designated representative of the decisions of all three clans. It also works as a checks and balance thing where if one clan leader gets too ambitious, the other two clans can knock some sense into them.

Yes folks, only in the Stonemaul Ogre megathread will you see people analyze and discuss Ogre democracy. They may like to smash and bash baddies as a favorite pastime, but they take their politics seriously!

-15 days (11 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Since the quests to over throw Mok’Morokk remained with the Cataclysm update to Dustwallow…. it does raises questions of the order of events.

Perhaps the story we have is, that after Onyxia and her brood destroyed Stonemaul Village, the remaining Stonemaul fled to Brackenwall, where there are those who wish to stay away from the dragons like Mok’Morokk and others who seek to reclaim their home, like Draz’Zilb. However for the most part the Stonemaul take the time to recover, with the likes of Brogg leaving to fight against Onyxia and her brood, until the around the time of the Cataclysm.

Orhan Ogreblade calls upon the Stonemaul to aid the Horde in Feralas, with Mok’Morokk sending members of the clan to help her. Perhaps he even sends those who question his authority, to help further tighten control and prevent an overthrow. Draz’Zilb, in return sees that Mok’Morokk has to go asap, and then Feralas and Dustwallow Cata questing happening, with Mok’Morokk being overthrown and what not.

Draz’Zilb hints that Tharg could emerge as their new Chieftain, but is hindered by injuries and old age. So it’s possible that whoever ascended to leadership, Tharg or otherwise, had to solidify their rule before they could even plan a reclamation. As their doing this, the Horde - Alliance war reaches Pandaria and Or’Dac is sent as an emissary to aid the Horde.

The last known information we have is that, per Exploring Kalimdor, the Stonemaul are doing well. So for all we know the village was reclaimed and them becoming playable will have us see the restored village. With the core race route they could start off in a reclaimed Stonemaul, while the allied race route will just send us to the reclaimed village.


This is not the thread for it, per se, but if we ever get Centaurs or Dryads, they should totally be able to equip four boots whilst ogres get two helms
(something something doubled equipment gets nerfed something)