The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’m of the opinion that San’layn would make the perfect Horde counterpart for the Broken, as they mirror each other very well:

-Both are afflicted with something that changed them from who they use to be in a pretty dramatic fashion.

-Both were outcasts and both could work on forming relations with their friends and family.

-It would be a neat throwback to BC, since they are variants of Blood Elves and Draenei.

-Both would have different ways of combating void related powers, if I understand correctly.

I still think Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolg are also a really great pairing, with both being able to have storylines that can involve each other. I still need to sit down and type up a scenario that shows that off…sigh…

There are other pairs I’ve mentioned before, especially with that for-fun expansion idea I posted about. I might go over them again in the future, as I have quite a bit to say about each pairing. :smiley:

-29 days (25 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


They would and you made good points. However since the Darkfallen became a skin, I’m not sure if Blizzard would make the San’layn, an undead elf group, their own playable race. It’s the same belief that I have with the High Elf requests as both Void and Blood Elves can customize themselves as High Elves.


if they bring ogres would you guys make one?? and would it be giant ogres or mini ogres

So tomorrow is when Radiant Echoes, the prepatch event for TWW, should launch…assuming the servers don’t explode again like last week.

I was trying to think if there were any places in Dustwallow Marsh to check out other than Brackenwall Village. I’m assuming that the MU Stonemaul Clan home is unfortunately still in shambles, seeing as we fight the Gordok memory echo thingus there, so I doubt much has changed with it. I also assume the zone will be the same regardless if the event is currently going on there or not.

OF course, I’m really not expecting a whole lot. If anything, I fully expect to see the area stuck in Cataclysm’s timeline still, complete with Mok’morokk just standing there as if nothing had happened before while the other MU Stonemaul Clan members just stand there still lamenting losing their home…sigh…

Soon as servers are up and stable, I’ll be sure to check around Dustwallow Marsh and report any findings…or more likely, lack thereof. Remember to temper expectations if you decide to check it out yourself.

And regardless of what is or isn’t there, we still march on. Huzzah! :smiley:

-28 days (24 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Next month’s Trading Post items have been revealed:

And the monthly reward for doing enough tasks is this:

Nothing Ogre related I saw. Also no third Ogre child battle pet unfortunately, but he should be coming soon I would imagine. I’m definitely making getting him a toy priority when he is available.

I’ll continue to report on each month’s Trading Post. Looking forward to adding the third Ogre child to my Ogre family! :smiley:

-27 days (23 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



Yep. Dustwallow Marsh appears unchanged for the TWW prepatch event. So Mok’morokk is still there, Tharg hasn’t been made leader, the MU Stonemaul Clan home is in ruins, every Ogre is lamenting their home and are upset with the situation, the AU Stonemaul Clan and Dunemaul Clan are still MIA, and Ogres still aren’t on the Horde side of that character creation screen. Bit of a shame that nothing really got updated, but it wasn’t really unexpected.

I’ll keep an eye out to see if there is anything of particular note to report back or if I overlooked something. Really hope to bring the Horde Ogre clans out of the timelines they’re stuck in and bring them to the present. The Bronze Dragonflight certainly owe me a big favor and could help with that…

-27 days (23 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know, it’s kind of weird that phasing wasn’t used to phase at the very least Mok’morokk being kicked out, with the Cata revamp.

That is sadly true.

Though something I find curious is that Dustwallow was the picked for the event. Random choice? The perfect spot for an Onyxia echo to fight? Or a subtle sign that Dustwallow is being looked for reasons?

It’s likely the second, but I can’t help but find it curious.


Much as I’d like to think that Dustwallow Marsh would get some significance in the future, I’m guessing it is nothing more than just being an ideal place to put an iconic raid boss. It’s why she is with Ragnaros and the Lich King as the big bosses.

And I’m assuming that in storyline, the MU Stonemaul home has been reclaimed by now. Granted, it’s still frustrating to see that the area isn’t updated at all, which I know would take some resources to revamp sections of the area that would last just for the event.

We’d likely only see such a thing if either there was a much more involved event in the area, like the two areas we went in BfA’s patch, or if there was an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp someday. Still disappointing though, as we’ve long since been waiting for an update on the Horde Ogre clans in-game and somewhat in general.

Also, I’ve only been able to do the Dustwallow Event a couple of times, but I never saw the King Gordok memory boss up at all. None of the memory events in the second stage I’ve seen involved him, and I don’t know if bosses like him spawn after the big boss is downed with the lingering memories. Not that it means a lot, since this is a Gordunni Ogre and would just act like the original fight against him, but I wanted to see him at least once.

I’ll see if I can catch him during the event just for fun. :crown:

-26 days (22 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think that will come over time. For example, Quel’thalas is getting an update with Midnight. Though I admit that there’s apart of me that wonders if after the World Soul Saga is concluded, with the The Last Titan, that the next expansion after would be an old world update.

They are suppose to random, right? So it might just be a better of RNG and as the event just started, we should be able to see the King show up before the event ends.


Just wanted to let you know, that I did have King Gordok spawn for me, so it is an option.

It actually happened on my Dracthyr and it felt weird. I was a draconic being killing an ogre in the ruins of a destroyed ogre village.


I’ve been able to see the Remembered King Gordok fight, with it being a much bigger chance of being available with the recent and very welcomed change to the prepatch event.

There isn’t a lot to it. I don’t think he says anything, though I’ve only been able to get to him when engaged, but I assume if there were any lines in greeting or otherwise, it would be of the “ME SMASH! YOU DIE!” variety. Not that I was expecting any meaningful philosophical discussion with him, of course.

It’s still depressing to see the MU Stonemaul Clan home still in ruins though. And I doubt there is much meaning to King Gordok being there, seeing as Hogger is in Searing Gorge for some reason. Just random memories in random places, aside from “Lets put an Ogre fight in this Ogre area!” of course.

Oh well. I pretty much didn’t expect much. I still hope we’ll be able to see an updated Dustwallow Marsh someday, as it’d be interesting to see what the MU Stonemaul Clan home looks like when not in ruins. It would still make for a great starting area for Ogre player newbies too! :smiley:

-24 days (20 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know in thinking of how I want Stonemaul Village reclaimed and upgraded, I can’t help but wonder how Blizzard would go about it. Would it be an upgraded version of Stonemaul Hold in Feralas? A Gorian style upgrade? A Stonemaul Fortress that would resemble Frostwall (our Garrison on AU Draenor) or the Northrend Horde bases?

I think a Gorian style upgrade would be the most fitting, as it would be distinctly Ogre and show us that the MU and AU Stonemaul are together. Plus it could be a sign of the Stonemaul seeking to move forward and reclaim the power their people had in the past, under more noble roots under the crimson banner of the Horde.


It’s a good question, since the MU Stonemaul Clan home ruins is pretty big in the area. I think it was roughly the same size in Vanilla.

If Ogres were considered for playable status since Vanilla, part of me wonders if it could have been a capital city at some point. Having all that space out in the open while having underground dens could’ve worked for that if Blizzard kept up with the capital city idea.

Nowadays in a realistic fashion, I’m assuming it would act as a racial hub for new Ogre players. Likely nowhere near as grand as capital city, but still workable as such. And even as a Core Race, Ogres could just start there and immediately start questing. This assumes the old world (of Warcraft!) gets completely revamped at some point.

I suppose just a few zones of interest could be revamped (Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Tanaris for Horde Ogre stuff and zones related to whatever the Alliance would get) in such a case, though with Chromie Time, I don’t know the design philosophy Blizzard has with new leveling areas when they can just funnel you to different leveling spots that people might just do regardless.

I do think with the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans joining together idea, that having a mixture of Azeroth and AU Draenor Ogre designs would be great to see. It lets people design and RP their Ogre how they see fit as well. So we could see buildings with both designs, along with armor and weapon designs. And also AU Draenor beasts the AU Stonemaul Clan took with them to Azeroth.

If we ever get playable Horde Ogres and assuming it involves at least the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans (as it should), we’ll definitely check out their starting areas and report on what is done with it. I’m sure the MU Stonemaul Clan home would get a revamp of some sort, unless it gets perpetually taken over again.

Maybe by then I’d have the ability to record videos and go over it. Otherwise, I’d just do the usual screenshot post. :camera:

-23 days (19 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


could also take advantage of the roads the alliance made through dustwallow reinforce em and clear the arcane/mana radiation from where theramore used to be and go from there link the roads up to each of the ogre settlements within dustwallow while taking and reforming that port city into a slice of land for the horde


It really would and we could get amusing dialogue as the Ogres debate on which design is better. For bonus points an Orc could be all “needs more spikes” and then the Ogres bond as they disagree with said orc.

Turning Theramore into a Horde port city would be something… Perhaps pragmatism drives the Horde to claim it? I could see it as a majority Horde Council vote.

Though I have to admit that if the Horde claims the Ruins of Theramore, a part of can see it happening with Jaina’s blessing if it becomes the new home of the Stonemaul clan. Sort of like her reflecting on how Theramore was a home for those displaced and without a home and how it serves that function even now with the Stonemaul claiming.

We did help the Alliance reclaim Gilneas and before that they helped the Horde reclaim the Ruins of Lordaeron. So its not completely out of the realms of possibility.


I’ve been thinking about that and I think that it was and that things changed, even before it came to them not becoming playable. After all from my understanding of things, the final playable Horde race for vanilla was either going to be Darkspear Trolls or the Stonemaul Ogres. Thus with the Gnomes, being homeless and sharing a starting zone, I could see the Stonemaul being there mirrors in that regard over the Darkspear. Starting in Durotar, having Ogre encampments, while the Darkspear would retain their presence, just not being playable.

I’m very unsure as to how that would have actually changed Dustwallow. Like would Mok’Morokk even be their leader? Would Rexxar still be in charge? The idea honestly lead me down a rabbit whole of questions, especially when we get to Cataclysm and how logic would dictate we would have gotten a Retaking of Stonemaul in place of the Retaking of the Echo Isles. How would Stonemaul being reclaimed change Dustwallow? Converted to a low level zone? If so, what happens to Theramore? If not, would playable Ogres have a phased Dustwallow as their starting zone? Would the updated Dustwallow have a Stonemaul - Theramore rivalry?

So many questions, the downfall of the “What ifs.”


I like that, hadn’t thought of it that way. Very poetic.


Regarding Theramore, I don’t really see the Horde taking control of that area any time soon.

If the whole faction war kerfuffle was still going on, then I could see that happening for very practical reasons. However, with the whole armistice thing and everyone being all honky dory with each other, I imagine the Alliance would be rather miffed to see the Horde take over the ruins of Theramore without telling them. Especially since there continues to be Theramore reclaimers who would have their jimmies ruffled even more.

Nowadays, I don’t know what realistically would happen with the ruins of Theramore other than the Alliance taking it over again. I do think having a Horde port in the zone makes a lot of sense, especially with the MU Stonemaul Clan working as shipwrights. Maybe a joint port city could work with the Horde and Alliance would happen as a diplomatic gesture. Unless the neutral Goblins in the area decide to build one, likely away from the ruins of Theramore.

I’m sure there are several ways you could go about doing something with Theramore, but I don’t see the Horde taking it over unless they purchase it from the Alliance, which I don’t see happening. I do see ports there if the zone ever gets revamped, which would be very interesting.

I suppose as a gesture of good will, the Horde could help rebuild Theramore. I could see the MU Stonemaul Clan (and AU if they’re joined up with the MU clan) assisting with that. Come to think of it, it would be interesting to see how to explain the armistice to the MU Stonemaul Clan. Might take a bit of explaining…

Assuming Vanilla had four Horde races, it depends on if the Trolls or Tauren would get left out at launch.

I could see the MU Stonemaul Clan being displaced and things being even more dire in Dustwallow Marsh, which causes the Ogres to flee to Thunder Bluff, available regardless if Tauren were playable or not, or to Durotar since Thrall would likely be more welcoming and accommodating them given their role in WC3. Thus Ogres being the “displaced” list.

Trolls could either still be displaced or not. And come Cataclysm, I could see “The Battle for Dustwallow Marsh” come into play as a pre-expansion event with the Ogres, then becoming a smallish city during Cataclysm. If Trolls weren’t playable still, there could still be events with them that leads them into becoming playable then.

It’s interesting to think about and I know it could have gone many ways. A lot assumes that for the most part, expansions happen as is still with some differences like playable races. I know I can go on a lot more with this speculation, and maybe I will when I have more time. Though I still hope we’re in the timeline where we get playable Horde Ogres someday.

Also, I know it’s the beginning of the month, but I haven’t had the time to do my usual monthly posts of sending in-game feedback yet. Should be able to do that for the megathreads I frequent a lot soon, though. :smiley:

-22 days (18 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That’s a pretty interesting idea… Even if it’s not done in a rebuilt Theramore, it could be done elsewhere. Perhaps the Dragonscale Expedition establishes a home base somewhere…

You know since we’ve had this joint retaking ventures with the Ruins of Lordaeron and Gilneas, perhaps we could have both happening at the same time. Like both ruins are claimed by the same force, so the factions decide it would be better to work together, each having a focus on their ruin, while working to ensure said enemy can’t take flak their efforts. Alternatively they focus on reclaiming one ruin, before moving on to the next.

Then we get a rebuilt Stonemaul Village and a rebuilt Theramore.


I would like so much rebuild Theramore but also give more lands for the Stonemaul Village (they could get two villages and rebuild the old one).

But also:

  • Night Elves come back in Kalimdor, they rebuild Auberdine in a big city/village and they rebuild Lor’Danel in a medium settlement too for Darkshore. I would like a rework of Hyjal to be the (new) capital of the Night Elves with many Night Elf buildings and a new temple of the moon. Hyjal could become the new Darnassus and Night Elves will be back in their old (and true) capital
  • Rework of Zul’aman to become the new capital of the Forest Troll tribes with ambassadors for each tribe and to be the starting area of the Forest Troll race
  • Undercity get a rework and have HD assets and this “new” Undercity ready to welcome the Forsaken in their “new rebuild” capital
  • A new capital for the Taunka somewhere in the Dragonblight
  • Dalaran rebuild as the new Dalaran in the Hillsbrad Foothills (Dalaran Crater?)
  • Shimmer Ridge becomes a Horde territory and the Ice Trolls become a part of the Horde
  • Thunder Ridge becomes the capital for the Gilgoblin and the Unshackled to become a part of the Horde
  • Rebuild Theramore
  • Give more lands for the Stonemaul Village (two villages with the old one)
  • Mogu’shan Palace becomes the new capital of the Mogu (Rajani and Gurthan) and they become allies with the Alliance and the Horde (so a neutral race :dracthyr_love_animated:)