The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

With the remix coming to a close, I was mapping out my plans for my Darkspear shaman. One of the first things I plan on doing is getting him to exalted and then doing the Darkspear Heritage armor. Which actually made me realize that for all my issues with Exploring Kalimdor, I do like how it confirmed that Mok’Morokk was booted from the clan.

For those who don’t know, as apart Darkspear Heritage we kill Mai’Zoth, who was a kill quest target in both Vanilla and Cataclysm.


If the MU Stonemaul Clan’s home was the starting area for new Horde Ogre players, I’d hope that the world (of Warcraft!) would be open for you to go to anywhere you feel like as opposed to being locked in a beginning scenario you’d have to go through in order to be free, like with Goblins and Worgen.

In which case, Dustwallow Marsh would need a revamp to accommodate for a new leveling area. I assume Alliance could still level in the area if a new Theramore was built. I’m not really sure of what the storyline could be unless more of Onyxia’s minions were up to no good and trying to reclaim the area or if there could be a Naga attack, which would be a really good reason for the Horde to work with the Alliance in maintaining a port there.

Definitely some possibilities there. :smiley:

-13 days (9 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Likewise. I hope that regardless of how its done, all Horde races are able to visit a rebuilt Stonemaul Village when ever they want.

Perhaps the Grimtotem in the area seek to expand and we get a Stonemaul vs Grimtotem war.


Well, Magatha is out there somewhere and likely up to know good, but if we deal with her again, I assume it would be in a questline to unlock Grimtotem as a Customization Race for Tauren. After all, there are Grimtotem who joined the Horde in Cataclysm after the shenanigans Magatha pulled.

I don’t know if they’d want to expand territory in an area where the Horde and Alliance would have a fairly strong presence after losing most of their tribe. Moreso with the MU and possibly AU Stonemaul Clans patrolling the area. But who knows? :person_shrugging:

In the case of Dustwallow Marsh, I’m sure the Horde Ogre clans would be happy to defend against enemy Grimtotem, so maybe in such a case, we could see that in an updated Dustwallow Marsh. If only the old world (of Warcraft!) would see some in-game updates…

-12 days (8 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Most certainly and having her show up in Dustwallow, would just be a little building moment for her. Like how Cho’gall showed up in the Feralas questing.

I thought we already could actually make playable Tauren with the Grimtotem look.

It’s a shame that they haven’t been included in-game yet. Perhaps when Magatha is reincluded in the story we might get Grimtotem vs Grimtotem.

Lore wise Dustwallow currently just has a Horde presence and numbers are whatever Blizzard makes them. Though perhaps the hostile Grimtotem in the area could be reinforced by Magatha arriving with more Grimtotem for unknown purposes.

Perhaps there is a hidden artifact within Onyxia’s lair and should Stonemaul Village rebuilt, then she needs her Grimtotem forces to keep the Stonemaul distracted, while she acquires it.

I can easily see that quest chain. We start off with our young brave Ogres, doing standard quests, testing our strength, rebuilding supplies, and then suddenly we kill a Grimtotem spy, bring the information to the rest of the Stonemaul, and it just building from there. Fighting Grimtotem, seeing a massive Grimtotem army, realizing that Magatha herself is in the area for unknown reasons, and then that final quest chain where we defend Stonemaul from a Grimtotem attack. For bonus points we could receive Horde reinforcements.

Anyways we repel the attack and as most celebrate the victory, we receive word that Magatha and a detachment of Grimtotem had made their way to Onyxia’s lair. We give chase and either discover Magatha as she claims the artifact and leaves, or that Magatha had already left, leaving it a question on what she sought within the lair.


do you want tiny ogres or giant ones

As I was leveling my Tauren Paladin in Mulgore, I noticed that the Grimtotem in the area have their own unique face/body paint. So while we can have the fur, we don’t have their their paint style. So that is something that should be added for Tauren players. Perhaps if the Horde Grimtotem get their own reputation bar, that could be a reward for hitting exalted.

Oh speaking of Mulgore, for anyone who likes to come in and try to rain on our Ogre desires because “Ogres are too big,” the Ogres I fought in Mulgore were Tauren PC height.

Meanwhile I was able to level from 12 to 45 within three hours from just doing the event. Though the gear can be difficult, this is where heirlooms really come to help.


We’re now 1 week away until TWW releases for those with early access! Wowhead has an article with a couple of things to note:

From the article, Blizzard has shared a launch timetable for both early access and regular expansion owners for when TWW goes live:

And we also have a small roadmap of the expansion’s launch here:

I’m guessing that Earthen will be available to unlock when TWW is available. I haven’t seen anything to indicate otherwise, but that is just me assuming, so I don’t know 100%.

Speaking of, if you’re interested in making an Earthen, here is a reminder of their current unlock criteria and other general info about them:

And this video shows all the customization options for male and female Earthen that was taken a few months ago during the alpha, so please bear in mind that Earthen can’t be DK’s as originally planned:

I mentioned having some plans for TWW before, which isn’t a whole lot, but I thought I would go over them.

First of all, when Earthen are officially available, I’ll be taking screenshots of the Horde and Alliance embassy to see where their banner is placed. There likely will be plenty more room for other banners, but it is worth a look.

Second, I do plan on making an Earthen…even if I’m far from thrilled with them, mostly because I try to have at least one character of every playable race since there are often times questlines and such unique to those races. I’ll also be looking at their Allied Race starting questline, which is a bit more elaborate than other Allied Races, and seeing if there is anything else of note.

Third, I’ll just keep a general eye out for anything Ogre related in TWW to report back on. I honestly don’t expect anything, but maybe we’ll be lucky and see something from the Horde Ogre clans. Would be nice to see them again in-game…

Anyway, I hope the expansion launch goes smoothly for everyone and y’all have fun ASAP! :smiley:

-11 days (7 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I haven’t heard anything that said it changed, so as far as I know we should be able unlock playable Earthen with the launch of TWW.

Speaking of playable races, do you guys think they will mention or hint at any at Gamescon?


It might be a bit early to announce any other playable races, which I assume would be of the Allied Race variety. The only reason I could think of doing so would be to try to get people more hyped for TWW, given that Earthen announcement got all the joy and excitement of a prostate exam for most players.

And if I were to guess, if we got any other Allied Race in TWW, the Harronir/Haranir/whatever the spelling is would be one of the more likely candidates. Still keeping an open mind, seeing as Tuskarr were seemingly hinted to become a playable race in DF…only to not become one. Not entirely against the Harronir/Haranir becoming playable, as they’re much more interesting than the Earthen, but when it comes to playable races, I’d much prefer to see existing races people have been wanting to become playable more. Just my own personal preference, of course.

I’m not really sure what all WoW could be shown off at Gamescom. It takes place August 21st and goes through August 25th, and TWW launches on the 22nd for those with early access. As such, it’s hard for me to imagine what could get announced there for Retail WoW, other than just showing a general “AVAILABLE REAL SOON! PRE-ORDER/ORDER NOW!” montage. Maybe we’d see MoP Classic or something with SoD as well. Who knows? Especially with no Blizzcon of any sort this year.

Best to temper expectations, but I’ll keep an eye out to see what gets shown and possibly announced for Retail WoW and help report it. Don’t expect much to be honest, but we’ll see what happens when it happens.

-9 days (5 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That was my thought process on it. The lackluster reaction to a selling point of TWW could have made them decide to unreveal their hand on other new playable races sooner than expected.


On the subject of Gamescom, the official X (formerly Twitter) account for Xbox has detailed their livestream plans:

August 22nd is when the livestream will have a WoW: TWW specific segment, which is also the day that early access launches for the expansion.

I’m going to guess that being part of this big livestream presentation with a lot of other games being showcased, it’ll just be a release trailer trying to hype up the next expansion and to get those without early access to preorder the expansion still. It’s hard for me to imagine there being much else, though to be fair, the expansion is launching that day for early access, so I can’t really imagine what all could get announced alongside it.

If there is anything else of particular importance announced that day, I’ll be sure to post about it.

-8 days (4 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I was thinking some about dedicated tradeskill characters and wondered if Ogres could get a racial that gives a bonus to any particular tradeskills like blacksmithing.

We know that Ogres are into blacksmithing, since some questing in Dustwallow Marsh leads us to talk to one of them. And while every race has those really into blacksmithing, I also thought about how Ogres have their own designs of several times of armor, and given how they’re be all about the “smashin’ and bashin’” of enemies, it might make sense how they might have a particular interest in it to make some creative weapons.

I know some other races get a small bonus to blacksmithing, Lightforged Draenei come to mind, but it doesn’t mean other races couldn’t. And with Ogres, it kinda makes a bit of sense that they could have a special interest in the profession.

Regardless, if we ever got playable Horde Ogres, I’m still thinking of making my Ogre Warrior character my dedicated blacksmith. When I make a dedicated tradeskill character, they’re characters I like to play and with the tradeskill fitting of their class. I know that I would want to play my Ogre Fury Warrior a lot, and given how I always wanted to make him my blacksmith since I first started playing the game, it makes some sense to do that. Hopefully I’ll be able to make him someday…

And on that note, for anyone interested in making Ogre characters, would you have any of them learn any particular tradeskill? Or just have them utilize gathering professions?

-7 days (3 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Blacksmithing would also work for their shipwright background I think.


So I’ve been thinking of what mounts new playable races could get and I know we’ve discussed it here before, but I had a wild idea I wanted to share.

You know how we have Gronnling mounts? Could you image the terror an enemy must feel to see an Ogre riding a Gronnling into battle against them?

I can and it would be something different.


I always pictured them with riding Boars but I could definitely see Gronnlings. :smiley:


That and possibly engineering. Of course, I don’t expect it on the level of Goblins, but I can imagine Ogres wanting to make big cannons with loud BOOM capabilities going on!

I seem to recall some Gronnlings possibly enslaving Ogres, so it would be a neat form of revenge to see Ogres do that.

Though I see Draenor boars as the Ogre racial mount, it’s still a neat idea. I’m sure there are several mounts that would be fun to ride around on as an Ogre. :smiley:

-6 days (2 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what color would they be and would they be mini or giant

I’ve been thinking about it and I think if they announce anything new it would more miner stuff. Like when the Dracthyr open up to other classes.


Tomorrow I can officially say happy Launch day. I hope you all keep your fingers crossed for playable ogres somewhere down the line.