The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

do you dream of being an ogre

With it getting closer to the release of Chronicle Volume 4, I got to wondering if the Stonemaul could get any mention and the possibility of anything being seeded. For example, Volume 3 mentioned that the Zandalari were under attack by an old threat, with BFA revealing them as the Blood Trolls and before that we had Volume 1 introducing us to characters we would see Legion like Elisande, Odyn, and Heyla.

Now I can easily see Volume 4 mentioning the Stonemaul in the context of the Horde forces arriving to Pandaria (via Or’Dac) or even as supporters of the Darkspear Rebellion.

Meanwhile one thing I’ve noticed is that even though we had the AU Stonemaul arrive with the AU Mag’har, we haven’t seen them since. So there is a part of me that wonders if Volume 4 would establish that the AU Stonemaul were sent to reinforcement the MU Stonemaul. Perhaps Stonemaul Village was retaken off screen and they are all rebuilding or something?

To be honest I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard had the MU and AU Stonemaul merge and just have one Stonemaul clan going forward. Perhaps they establish that the AU Stonemaul didn’t have a central leadership other than Geya’rah as an Overlord and took the opportunity to align themselves with their Ogre kin, and so joined the MU Stonemaul itself.

So if they go that route, we could get that mention of the Stonemaul rebuilding and a promise to aid the Horde once they’ve established themselves. That way it helps seeds more Ogre content, gives an update on what the Stonemaul have been doing, and opens the door to playable Ogres.


I see both of the Stonemaul Clans being merged also, since it would make things a lot easier.

The way I see it, there is likely some similarities between the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans, so integrating them may not be as difficult as you might think. There is also Feralas, which is getting a lot of activity from different sources according to Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor. So sending the extra AU Stonemaul Clan Ogres that came with us from AU Draenor would make some sense to reinforce that area more. Dustwallow Marsh would likely have needed reinforcing during BfA also, since there would have been some vengeful Alliance presence that’d want to take over the ruins of Theramore, so sending the AU Stonemaul Clan there at the time would have made sense.

It also gives the MU Stonemaul Clan access to AU Draenor themed things, such as mounts, armor and weapon designs, and other various related items. It would be fairly easy to implement that with both Stonemaul Clans making up the playable Horde Ogre faction, maybe with a sprinkle of Dunemaul Clan stuff.

As far as leadership or any notable NPC’s, that would likely come up when we meet with the Stonemaul Clans again. There could be a few named NPC’s added there, one of which could be the representative of the AU Stonemaul Clan. But as it stands right now, we saw a few nameless Ogres standing with the AU Mag’har Clan.

And it would be reasonable to think several AU Stonemaul Clan members came with us. Especially when you consider all the Mag’har Orc NPC’s, the beasts they brought with them, and all the characters players made, there would be much more than shown of who all came with us. Likely, all of Durotar and a few nearby zones would get filled if we were being realistic. Not to mention that bending time that took a lot of effort to go there and back just for a handful of troops to use in a war wouldn’t be efficient when war is really heating up.

So making the playable Horde Ogre faction a combined MU and AU Stonemaul Clan, with the Dunemaul Clan also a part of it if possible, would be the best thing to do in my own personal opinion. Any other clans added would be icing on the cake. :cake:

-58 days (54 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I completely forgot that Belgrom Rockmaul wanted to make his own camp in Feralas. While I’m not sure where it would go, having a place like Camp Rockmaul as a Horde base with orc, ogre, and tauren within would be rather cool.

True. Perhaps we could even have an AU Mok’Morokk that’s more about the clan than his personal power.


You know speaking over Mok’Morokk, do you think he could get a redemption story? Perhaps after being kicked out and roughing it on his own, he’ll come to realize how wrong he was to let the power get to his head.


It’s very possible to redeem him. I mean, several notable WoW characters have gotten redemptions that seemed like they would have been hard to implement, questionable, or seem convoluted in the logic department.

Realistically, would it happen? Really depends how Blizzard would write the MU Stonemaul Clan and their storyline. I could see them just writing Mok’morokk being obsessed with power and playing a role in Dire Maul. Theres also the abandoned idea for Garrosh involving a Mongrel Horde too that could be revisited:

I assume that the MU Stonemaul Clan would be more interested in having Mok’morokk as the custodian of the Ogre latrines for awhile before any redemption arc could be implemented. They are quite sour over how he acted after the clan lost their home and such a fate would have a bit more meaning than just outright killing him.

So not impossible, but a lot really depends on whatever storyline direction Blizzard wants to go. I’m fine with him being redeemed, but who knows what would actually happen. :person_shrugging:

-57 days (53 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is so very, very, true.

True. We could have a figure recruit different groups into their own fighting force and I could see a Ogre clan or two being swayed. In this scenario Mok’Morokk could make a return, either as a member or him warning the Horde about them, showing that he has changed.


Happy Canada Day to our Canadian WoW players! :canada: :maple_leaf:

Tried to find something Ogre related to post here for today, but was unable to find anything unfortunately. However, since fireworks are a pretty big deal this week, you think Ogres would make some epic fireworks? I could see Ogre engineers making some pretty loud and amazing fireworks. :fireworks:

Whatever plans y’all have today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday! :lizard:

-56 days (52 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Damn that’s metal af. I may be one of the weirdos who appreciate WoD as a flawed but enjoyable expansion but honestly I think there was some potential for Garrosh to have made his Mongrel Horde out of all the dirty displaced NPC races we don’t think twice about beating up and looting their corpses (and frankly, their land lol).

They’d really have to do some extra work to make them seem like more of a threat, but I could see them taking a good chunk of southern Kalimdor (parts of the Barrens, Desolace, Silithus if you want the expansion to be about Garry doubling down on Old God stuff, Uldum). But I digress.

The more I look at the height chart for the playable races in WoW, the less I feel like Ogres would be that much of a problem, honestly. If they’re a head taller than Zandalari males and just as wide as Tauren, then that shouldn’t give much trouble navigating the tighter architecture in the world while still making them look imposing. Which for frame of reference would be 2 heads taller than an Orc and 3 heads taller than a human.


For some time Goblins didn’t have a female model but Blizzard fixed that in Cataclysm. We might see the same for Ogres too. Also many clans still live on Azeroth like Crushridge and Gordunni.


Happy Fourth of July! :fireworks:

Tried to take as best of a screenshot I could. The fireworks toy only lasts so long and I had to get into as good of a position I could during that short timeframe, but it seemed to come out decently!

Whatever plans y’all have today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday! :hamburger::japanese_ogre:

-53 days (49 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :hotdog::japanese_ogre:


:fireworks: Happy Fourth of July to you as well :fireworks:


Here are the current known memories that we will experience in the prepatch event and from what it looks like we fight against the Remembered King King Gordok within the Ruins of Stonemaul Village.


Taken from the Wowhead article above:

“Some iconic bosses are featured in the Radiant Echoes event, and one of them is King Gordok, the final boss of Dire Maul! Dire Maul was one of the harder endgame dungeons at the time, and Tribute runs were notorious for giving world buffs and good look. After all, it is good to be the king!”

I guess it is a bit fitting to see the Gordok King memory here, even if you fought him in Dire Maul. I assume several Gordok Kings have come and gone since then.

Still depressing to see the MU Stonemaul Clan home in ruins. I’m assuming story-wise, it is suppose to have been built up, but with the zone being stuck in Cataclysm’s timeline, it’s still in shambles. Likely with some of Onyxia’s minions still squatting on the properly and causing Wreck-It Ralph to think it’s a bit much.

I guess whenever TWW’s prepatch goes live, Brackenwall Village will be the main place to see if anything has changed for the MU Stonemaul Clan NPC’s. I honestly doubt it, but I’ll still visit them and see if anything has changed.

-53 days (49 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It is.

Hopefully there’s something different about it. It would be neat to see AU Stonemaul present or even a hint of something new coming with them. Like say we have Stonemaul builders or new NPCs talking about plans to retake or rebuild Stonemaul Village.


This Ogre is explaining to his son about the Horde and how one day, Ogres will be walking in and out of the city regularly as full members of it. That day may not be today, but you can help to make it a reality and make these Ogres’ dreams come true!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Lets hope that playable Horde Ogres will come sooner than later!

-51 days (47 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Had a video in my Youtube recommendations of a D&D Ogre Warband packaging containing four pre-painted Ogre miniatures, including some female Ogres. This video was uploaded August 3rd, 2022 if anyone has any particular interest in getting these miniatures.

Video starts at the 2:04 mark if it doesn’t take you automatically there:

Even though these are D&D Ogres, it is one of the few instances of showing off female Ogres. Having instances of official female Ogres in any media is pretty important, since they can serve as inspiration for female WoW Ogre designs.

The armored Ogre miniature also looks pretty awesome. I can partly imagine a WoW Ogre wearing something similar, with a Goblin sitting on a chair or something perched on their back. Maybe something the Dunemaul Clan could use with Megs Dreadshredder riding around on a chair or throne. Just a fun thought.

I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything of Ogre interest for playable Horde Ogre inspiration. Especially when it comes to female WoW Ogre inspiration!

-50 days (46 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I just wanna say to all the Ogre fans out there that want them implemented into game, I feel your pain.

You fellas have been asking this of Blizzard for a long time and I’m here to support you guys. There is absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t have been in game by now.

I mean Dracthyr?! Earthen?!

Everytime an expansion passes with these new races NOT being Ogre’s, I ask myself wth is Blizzard thinking?!

Oh well, stay positive and keep asking my fellow Ogre fans, eventually the squeaky wheel will get the grease.


Thanks for the support.

The Dracthyr don’t bother me, though Cindrethresh mistaking playable races for Ogres in the DF intro did feel like a tease. It does also make me wonder if that would be retained for playable Ogres or switched out for a different race. Like say Cindrethresh calling Ogre players an Orc.

On the other hand the Earthen do bother me. We are getting a playable Dwarven variant on the Horde when classics like Ogres and Forest Trolls still remain unplayable. That just boggles the mind…


The first race I would like is Mogu then Forest Trolls and Broken. I would like Mok’nathal, Tuskarr and Vrykul too. But I would really like to see Ogres in the Horde but also as playable race. Same thing for Taunka, Gilgoblins and Dragonmaw Orcs (at least their skin for Orcs) mostly when they already a part of the Horde since a long time now.

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