The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So another question I’ve asked before but felt like enough time has passed to ask it again for discussion: Assuming Blizzard went with the multiple Ogre clan route for playable Horde Ogres, what clan would you want your Ogre or Ogres to be from?

For my Ogre character, I’m wanting him to be from the MU Stonemaul Clan.

The MU Stonemaul Clan has been the most important of the Horde Ogre clans and the most important. It works with the idea of my Ogre character becoming a member of the Horde and wanting to prove the strength of his clan while trying to get full membership. He does this by doing various jobs the Horde needs, usually bashing enemies upside the head and earning shinies for doing so. Not to mention wanting to hunt the remaining minions of Onyxia and making sure her offspring have all been vanquished after what she did to the MU Stonemaul Clan.

So what clan would y’all want your Ogres to be from? :smiley:

-63 days (59 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So… my mage would be from my Orc clan cause hes being raised by them.

My Monk Ogre I think I’d have be the Stonemaul clan. Scratch that just got an idea in my head hes a Crushridge Ogre who while up on the mountain had a vision of enlightenment and thats what pushed him to move towards monk and trying to find peace through his sumo inspired fighting concepts. This also allows him to have separated due to his story if the crushridge aren’t actually an option.

My DeathKnight/Necromancer Ogre Doesn’t remember his clan but I think I’d have it in the back of my mind that they were once part of the Bloodmaul but were later a part of the Twilights Hammer Clan when the Horde went to Azeroth.

My priest will be a member of the Alternate Draenor Stonemaul who studied with the Lightbound before they began forcing it on others.


Stonemaul all the way.


Awhile ago, Blizzard announced a presentation at Gamescom, which takes place August 21st through August 25th:

If you don’t know what Gamescom is, it’s pretty much E3 but taking place in Europe.

Not entirely sure what will be announced there that would be WoW related. TWW comes out for everyone on August 26th (August 23rd for those with early access), so I assume it is mostly to create hype around it. Maybe some things about other versions of WoW, like SoD or Cataclysm Classic could be shown also.

Not expecting a whole lot out of it, but if anything of particular interest does come from it, I’ll be sure to help report it here. Once TWW does come out, I’ll be curious how long it’ll be before we start getting Midnight announcements. Both it and The Last Titan will have some interesting potential in general.

But until then, we’ll need some time to enjoy TWW. :smiley:

-62 days (58 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Good question.

Probably Stonemaul, for some obvious reasons. It might depend on the options though. If there was something Gorian I’d be tempted. I really like how Warlords of Draenor fleshed out the ogres.

Then again, maybe I’d do Crushridge. I recently realized I still have the Crushridge marching song from the RPG books in my macros, which I made probably back in 2004 or 2005.


I did not know this was a thing. Can you share it?


So I don’t know if this was brought up before or not, but this fellow on the Twitter has created an updated Stormwind and Orgrimmar, for post DF. https:// x. com/DamontEvermore/status/1798820792605852124

The Stormwind part doesn’t matter, but in the Orgrimmar part there is an area in the new “Gar’Goron Harbor,” which is the Mag’har area. They are mostly made up of the remnants of the Gorian Empire that banded with the Mag’har vs the Lightsworn. They have, however, in this fan update, gained a place as sailors, navigators and mages in the horde. The new NPC they made also was mentioned to be working towards uniting the Ogres under one banner to become a full members of the Horde.

There’s also an area where the Gronn that were brought along have been given caves, and they have set up shop as well, being friendly if not clumsy around the smaller city.

I figured that might be an interesting take, as they consolidate lost knowledge of the Gorian Empire while bringing the Stonemaul and other ogre clans together under one banner.


Here you go:

Obviously it doesn’t paint them in a positive light, but they are aggressive to both factions right now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks for sharing and now I’m just picturing a Stonemaul Ogre looking to their Horde allies and being all stuff like that was why the clan split.


Do yall really think there is hope anymore?

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Of course.

Be rather easy for blizzard to do.


I feel think ogres are “inevitable”. What makes me nervous is that inevitable could still mean “in another 10 years” or “intended but never finished because the game was put on life support” just like I was told Blackthorne was inevitable for Heroes of the Storm. XP

Warcraft ogres are still fairly iconic. Hearthstone seems to love them and even Warcraft Rumble has used them in fun ways.

We know they’ve been considered as a playable race multiple times. The reasons given for them being passed on were relatively minor and clearly not permanent.

Chris Metzen has expressed a desire for playable ogres in the past and he’s back at the company. I have no idea how much influence he’d actually have on that decision, but it means there’s at least some support in a high position.

I’d just like them a bit sooner than later. I think after literally waiting 20 years for them it’s not that I’m just being impatient. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


would these be mini ogres or giant ogres

Early game (non-Exile’s Reach) ogres are definitely a playable size. Their size increased over time like many other mobs do in higher level areas. I was going to post a pic of me standing next to a Splinter Fist ogre. Maybe Bagzak can post some size comparisons.

I think some playable races are taller than Splinter Fist ogres now, so there’s definitely room for playable ogres to be the right size and still big, just not “colossal high level mob” size (any more than Grand Commander Ruusk is a normal blood elf size). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Holy crap this is awesome! Stuff like this and Arthur Lorenz who made the heritage class armor concepts give me some hope that there’s still some passion in the community, I really hope Blizzard adopt at least some of these ideas

I agree with your post that it feels like it’ll be added in one day inevitably; Blizzard is really running dry milking the old pre-WoW lore for anything new they can add in and playable Ogres would be one of the last things they can do to give some meaningful nod to the old Warcraft roots. But I also agree that it could be a very long wait considering the next three expansions announced have absolutely nothing to do with Ogres or Draenor.

But then again we got mechagnomes in BfA and that came completely out of left field so you never know!


wonder what the ogres would look like in the BFA season 1 plate sets


July 2024’s Trading Post items have been officially announced:

The reward for doing all tasks is this neat baby Naga battle pet:

Nothing Ogre related that I saw this month. Although, a lot of stuff in here would go really well with Kelfin and Ankoan/Jinyu characters if they ever became playable.

We still have at least one more Ogre child battle pet that was found, so I’ll definitely be keeping my eye out for that and anything else Ogre related in future Trading Posts! :moneybag:

If I felt that it was hopeless, I wouldn’t be on here doing what I do.

I’d like think that playable Horde Ogres are still on the table, given that they were considered for playable race status several times. It’s why I’ll keep marching in support for them being a playable Horde race as best as I can. :smiley:

You mean a player character next to each type of Ogre NPC model? I know there are Classic, Draenor, and Exile’s reach models, though there are various sizes of each type.

I’m not sure if that means anything, however. At one point, Jaina use to tower over everyone in Vanilla and looked like about four or so Gnomes high (and looking like she could eat four or so Gnomes for that matter). And Ogres of various model types all have various sizes from really big to a few small ones, usually among the Venture Company mob groups.

I’ve taken some size comparisons with the WoD Ogre model in this megathread, both with and without using Elixir of Giant’s Growth. The size wasn’t that bad for playable race size. I’m sure whatever model was created and used for playable Horde Ogres would need to have developers play around with the size to have it work and also be Ogre-like size you’d expect. And yes, NPC Ogres would likely tower over playable Ogres, but at least we’d have some size increasing items if you really wanted to be gargantuan.

I’ll have to think some more about size and maybe play around with Glyph of Disguise again. Unfortunately, I don’t really know how to compare Exile’s Reach Ogre models, though they were a bit big, so I don’t know if they particularly matter. It’s a reason I usually use WoD Ogre models when taking screenshots.

But definitely something to consider doing for future posts! :smiley:

-59 days (55 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


No, there isn’t.

I don’t want to be gloomy, but its not going to happen unless the team of elf-sucker devs leave, or give space to people who actually like the good old warcraft.

I was fool to think Metzen coming back would mean something, but this “world soul saga” will be another slugfest focusing on titans and elves.

But well, at least we got confirmation the next two expansions after TWW ogres are not happening.

Yes. The possibility is there and Metzen has expressed an interest in playable Ogres in tge past. We know they were considered for Vanilla and Cataclysm, and I think they might have been considered at other points.

When it comes to new playable races, I’ve noticed that they don’t always fit the theme of an expansion. For example, the AU Mag’har were not expected in BFA.

So we could get Ogres whenever, it just depends on Blizzard going about it.


Metzen has gone on record in saying he had wanted to see Naga and Ogres playable someday, and at the time of this post, he is in a lead story position. So I do think chances have gone up to see playable Horde Ogres someday.

Now, does this mean it is a guarantee? No. Blizzard had some planning already with the next three expansions, and even then, we don’t know how much power Metzen actually has. Then of course a lot depends on budgeting and resource management, so I wouldn’t say that it definitely means playable Horde Ogres someday and to party hard and celebrate.

Still, I do think it ups the chances of seeing playable Horde Ogres someday. As such, I still think it’s important to keep showing support for playable Horde Ogres and other races we want to see playable. It’ll likely still be quite a bit of a wait if it ever did happen, but we Ogre fans are the patient and determined, albeit frustrated type since a lot of us have been at it since the game launched.

Don’t see why we should stop any time soon. :smiley:

-59 days (55 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: