The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

You know this would be a good group. Neutral Mogu, Horde Forest Trolls, and Alliance Broken.

I honestly wonder if all three of them would be skins. The Taunka mainly differ in the male face model, the Dragonmaw are orcs, and while the Gilgoblins should be a playable race on their own… I’m reminded that the Man’ari, literal demons, became a Draenei skin.

I really wish that Blizzard would explain their philosophy on customization skins.

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unleash the ogre


Dracthyr don’t bother me at all. Blizzard has stated they wanted to make a playable dragon race for quite some time, and it’s a fairly unique race that does add something new to the game.

Earthen…my opinions haven’t changed very much on them. In my own personal opinion, if they were going to add in a neutral race that could fit in TWW’s storyline, I feel like Sethrak would’ve made one of the better choices and likely would’ve been a lot more popular while being a better long-term business decision. Then again, if it was always a business decision when it came to picking new playable races, we might’ve seen that “forbidden” Alliance race that shall not be named playable already. :person_shrugging:

Anyway, I try not to view new playable races as opportunity costs. It’s a rabbit hole that just becomes a void of frustration. Thus why I just keep marching on and keeping at it. Yes, it can be frustrating to see Horde Ogres get passed over a lot, but I still think that if they got considered for playable status at least twice and allegedly a time or two afterwards, I feel like there is still a chance.

As for my own personal wishlist of races I want to see playable, it would be Saurok, Ogres, San’layn, and Saberon on the Horde and Furbolg on the Alliance. There are other races I’d like to see playable, though I try to focus on the ones I really want. But other playable races would be icing on the cake for me, provided it wasn’t on the same tier as Earthen.

Dragonmaw Orcs I can see being a skin for regular Orcs.

Taunka I’m not really sure. I’d prefer them as their own race, since I don’t know how Blizzard would implement the Taunka heads onto male Taurens and getting every helm graphic to be able to tell whether your Tauren character has a Tauren or Taunka customization to know where to put the graphic. And then female Taunka would get the short end of the stick with just a body hair color, as well as Taunka then being called Tauren. May as well make them a full new race, which they may have new models in The Last Titan with our return to Northrend, so it’d be a good time to implement a playable model at the same time.

Gilgoblins (Kelfin) need to be their own race. As I’ve said before in the Kelfin megathreads, I don’t want to see a race that lives in the deep ocean all of their life to suddenly be able to drown in a puddle. Plus they make a great pairing with Ankoan. But I’ve harped on that subject so much, it’s yet another thesis paper I could type.

Anyway, it would be nice to see every member of the Horde and Alliance playable in some fashion, as there are some glaring omissions. Ogres of course are one of those on the Horde side, and they would help make the Horde feel much more complete, along with other races like Forest Trolls and such. :smiley:

-49 days (45 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I agree with this.

I agree with this too.

I should have been a thing for a long time now.

Yes, give us Taunka, Ogres, Mok’nathal, Forest Trolls, Dragonmaw Orcs (skin for Orcs), Grimtotem (skin for Tauren), (Leper Gnomes?), San’layn, Hozen and Gilgoblins as playable race for the Horde :dracthyr_love_animated:

Yes, give us Broken, Frost Dwarves (skin for Dwarves), Furbolg and Jinyu/Ankoan as playable race for the Alliance :dracthyr_yay_animated:


The Gilgoblins need to be separate.
Culturally they could not be more different from the Goblins.
Not to mention you could probably arguing them being Sea Druids via Graal.


So people have already received their copies of Chronicle Volume 4 and from what they are saying it’s just a general overview with clarifying text to make certain story elements smoother, like Sylvanas.

From what I’ve heard there’s nothing seeded for the future within the book. Thus no hints of the Stonemaul and their plans for the future. Hoping that I’ve heard wrong and we can get some kind of tease.


Don’t forget them needing good aquatic themed racials! (shouldn’t be considered a faction balance issue if we get jinyu/ankoan for the alliance, too).


I’m not surprised. If I recall correctly, it is suppose to go over the following expansions: Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands. The MU Stonemaul Clan and the Dunemaul Clan haven’t really done much since Cataclysm, other than the Brackenwall emissary that acts as a daily quest jobber for the Alliance. Would’ve been nice if they at least made an appearance in BfA, but I’ve harped on that subject way too much and will likely continue to do so.

As for the AU Stonemaul Clan, it would’ve been nice to see at least a mention of them coming with the AU Mag’har Orcs. I’m going to guess there isn’t any and of course worry that Blizzard just forgot about them. Ah well, at least we’re acting as reminders of them so they won’t be forgotten.

I’m still interested in getting that WoW diary of development notes of Vanilla being launched. I’m still curious if there may be any mention of playable Horde Ogres being a consideration within it. Not expecting much, but still worth a look whenever I can pick up a copy.

Also with regards to Kelfin and the Unshackled, I still think they’re very much deserving to officially join the Horde and have Kelfin being playable as their own race. If anything, they can help Ogres as shipwrights, so it’d be a great combo of playable Horde races to me! :ship:

-48 days (44 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I don’t know if anything heard, but there’s a theory that Shamans could be getting a tank spec in retail. I have to say, I’ve never played a tank before, I’m more of a DPS player, but a Shaman Ogre Tank just sounds something that would be fun to play.


I haven’t heard anything of any existing classes getting new specs outside of SoD servers. However, it is a neat idea, as I could convert some characters I have multiple of the same class and spec into having one of these new specs.

Shaman tank sounds fairly interesting, and I could definitely see Ogre Shamans being pretty fun tanks and possibly popular, along with Ogre Warriors in general. I would be curious to see how Shaman tanks would function also.

If I see any official news of classes getting new specs, I’ll be sure to help report it! :smiley:

-46 days (42 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The third of the ogre children has been datamined (Parrlok), so he should be coming to the Trading Post in the near-ish future:


Give me my Ogre Warlock I’d race change right now. Been dying for these guys since BC they are such a core race in the game been in Warcraft forever. I hope the day comes, instead we get 3rd round of dwarves & potentially another elf cept it’s got fangs.


would be huge or regular sized

I think they could introduce ogres they only need to be a head taller than tauren and they can give Ogres a Gluttony buff the increases their size by 5% and armor by 2% and Versatility by 1% each time they eat after being well fed to up to 5 times and lasts 1hr. So to get around small doors all they need to do remove the buff causing a burp or vomit effect and they shrink and hitbox will fit thru doors regardless of ogre being slightly taller then Tauren allowing for some door frame clipping.

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I’m guessing this is what Parrlok looks like since it is what Wowhead is showing despite there being no screenshots.

I figured the third Ogre child was going to be on the Trading Post, though I wonder with an updated Horde Ogre clan area if we could see these children there in the area in a bigger size. Would be fairly easy to convert them to a NPC model, though I imagine female Ogre children would need to also be added.

This accounts for the three Ogre children we’ve seen before, unless there happens to be more that gets added. I’ll keep an eye on each month’s Trading Post to see when Parrlok gets added and will make getting him a top priority! :smiley:

-45 days (41 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That would be rather neat. Having a reclaimed Stonemaul Village and seeing a new generation of Stonemaul running about.


Have a few elder Ogres sitting in front of a campfire and telling Ogre children stories from their clan’s history. Especially if it involves beating up evil dragons and their minions! :smiley:

-44 days (40 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Came across a female Ogre miniature, coming from D&D:

I also saw a video of this Ogre miniature, which I think comes from D&D and/or Pathfinder:

You think maybe a racial for Ogres could be a boulder toss? It could take a few seconds to pick up, aim, and then throw, which could do some damage and knock down enemies in the area. Not sure how viable it’d be as a racial, but it is a fun thought!

I’ve been looking around at Ogre miniatures lately and I will show off any of interest I find. Especially when it comes to female Ogres, since we could use some inspiration for female WoW Ogre designs!

-43 days (39 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


20yrs later and we finally get to see ogre kids but no ogre mama


Imo the best racials are the ones which are unique but extremely situational. Like the big wind-up punch thing for Kul Tirans is such a blast to use in PvP when it actually connects and sends someone flying off the map Smash Bros. style. I’d totally be down for a boulder toss like how you described