The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So a proper Orgrimmar harbor is being teased by an Earthen. Have to admit I always expected any tease on that front to include Ogres in some way, considering their history.


Really wish theyā€™d use the Ogres shipwright backstory againā€¦ -_-


At the very least a proper Orgrimmar harbor should include Ogre Juggernauts.


Iā€™ve always wanted to see them bring in an Ogre to look at the newer ā€œcarrierā€ ships they had and just be likeā€¦ ā€œwe can do betterā€.

Combine it with a juggernaut look and feel but with a landing strip and plane docks.

Move it away from ā€œIron Hordeā€ and more into the Horde of Azeroth that way while calling back to WCII.


Taken from Redshirtguyā€™s X post link above, this is the main text talking about a port:

Ignoring the weird sight of seeing Horde Dwarves, I honestly donā€™t know if this is just flavor text or something we could see in the future as an addition to Orgrimmar. There is a port, but it is some distance away, so seeing a port in Orgrimmar itself would be very interesting.

An expanded port would hopefully mean a chance of seeing the Horde Ogre clans there. I would think all three of them would have some shipwright skills, at least the two Stonemaul Clans, so it would make some sense to see them there helping. Maybe Megs Dreadshredder could have the Dunemaul Clan there also to help manage it and earn some brownie points.

It also would be a great place for the Unshackled to hang out and help out also. Theyā€™re still on the beach of Durotar and having them help with boat repairs and defending the port with underwater patrols would help ease the worry of attacks from things like Azsharaā€™s forces, krackens, and rambunctious teens sneaking in to have summer pool parties. Maybe an underwater cove in the area would be a great racial hub for playable Kelfin to start in, since itā€™d be right near or even within Orgrimmar. :japanese_goblin::trident:

Itā€™s something to keep an eye on in the future. If Orgrimmar ever gets a port within the city, Iā€™ll be hoping for the best to see some Horde Ogres and the Unshackled there!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Which is why Iā€™m hoping we get other NPCs commenting on it. Like expressing their confusion or having those Dwarf vs Earthen comments Iā€™ve seen on the forums.


As promised, Marrlok was the first purchase I made on the Trading Post.

Iā€™ll definitely be training him with Garrlok. Hopefully that third Ogre child will appear in the near future, as I will definitely be making getting them a top priority when available.

Iā€™ll take more screenshots later when Iā€™m able to and when inspiration strikes me. That said, who needs Baby Yoda when you can have two or three Ogre children that can punch things? :facepunch:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I donā€™t need. I just need that Ogre Legion.


The more I think about playable ogreā€™s, the more my mind drifts to heroes of the storm.
If they ever do get implemented I would love a passive that allows two ogres to basically player mount inside each other.
Complete with name hybridisation.

You would have to disable this in battle grounds, arenas, mythics, and raids of course, but I just love the idea of a genuine roleplaying racial

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I was watching the latest Madseasonshow video on Vanilla WoW secrets #2, and he mentioned a book called the ā€œWoW Diaryā€ written by John Staats, who was one of the original people who worked on WoW in its inception and was a level designer.

I found the book on Amazon US, said to be a second edition, and I have the link to it with its description below, with the link hopefully working:

Amazon US web page for WoW Diary Book

"The World of Warcraft Diary offers a rare, unfiltered look inside the gaming industry. It was written by the gameā€™s first level designer, John Staats, from notes he took during WoWā€™s creation. The WoW Diary explains why developers do things and debunks popular myths about the games industry. In great detail he covers the what it took to finish the project; the surprises, the arguments, the mistakes, and Blizzardā€™s formula for success. The author includes anecdotes about the industry, the company, the dev team; how they worked together, and the philosophy behind their decisions.

The WoW Diary is a story made from notes taken during the dev teamā€™s four-year journey. It is a timeline of Vanilla WoWā€™s development cycle, a time-capsule with an exhausting amount of details that also looks at the anatomy of computer game studio. In order to illustrate how all the parts of computer game company work together, he interviewed everyone from the companyā€™s founders to his former teammates; and the supporting departments who helped make WoW a reality."

Part of me wonders if there would be any mention of Ogres being considered as a playable Horde race during Vanilla in this book. It could be an interesting read to see if any such mention would be, though it would add to the frustration of Ogres being considered and given the short end of the stick.

Of course, John Staats is the person weā€™ve talked about before with the quote about not adding Ogres because of not knowing how to design them with female players in mind. You can find more info on that in this post:

So Iā€™m not sure if that would be mentioned at all in the book or not or if that quote would be expanded upon. Still, it might be worth a gander to report back on perhaps.

The book is currently scheduled to come out on June 25th of this year. Iā€™ll add it to my wishlist for now and see if I can pick it up someday and report any Ogre mentions in it, for better or worse.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


A new month and still dreaming big! Time to send another round of in-game support for playable Horde Ogres and other races we want to see playable!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If youā€™re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Never forget the Horde Ogre clans! They deserve full membership and full playable Horde race status! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know with the rumors weā€™ll be visiting the Undermine, a part of me hopes that Gazlowe will decide they need extra muscle, and arrive with, at the very least, Stonemaul Ogres and set the stage for them becoming playable.


Just wanted to share my Dustwallow revamp idea here since it involves the Stonemaul.

Text for those that donā€™t want to follow the link below.

For Dustwallow Marsh, I would have Stonemaul Village reclaimed and converted into Stonemaul Fortress. Brackenwall Village remains as a Stonemaul/Horde outpost, while Horde Grimtotem loyalists arrive and seek to sway the Grimtotem in the region away from Magatha. One camp will join the Horde, the other will remain loyal to Magatha.

The Ruins of Theramore are claimed by rogue wizards, while Alcaz Island is claimed by the Alliance to keep an eye on the region.

Horde storyline is centered around the Stonemaul reinforcing their holdings and the Grimtotem civil war. Alliance storyline is centered around trying to figure what is going on in Theramore, while securing their holdings, and spying on the Stonemaul.


Blizzard has posted an article on the Earthen, including their unlock criteria and other various info about them:

Of particular interest is that for some reason, Death Knight isnā€™t checked on the list of available classes. This is a bit weird, given that they were originally announced to be able to be Death Knights.

Not sure if this is a mistake or if Blizzard changed their minds. I know that some changes would need to be made to the Pandaren/Allied Race DK starting area, so maybe Earthen DKā€™s were pushed back until they can make such changes.

Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll still be able to see Death Knights for new playable races in the future. Especially since Iā€™m wanting one of my Saurok characters, if they ever become playable, to be a Death Knight in the future. And I know a lot of people have wanted Death Knights of some races they want playable also, so itā€™d be disappointing to never see that class available to future playable races.

As far as Iā€™m aware, there is still a way for new DKā€™s to get risen, and if anything, Iā€™m sure something could be written to allow future playable races to become DKā€™s still. Especially since Blizzard is moving to all playable races eventually being almost all classes, so itā€™d be a bit frustrating to see DKā€™s not available as a result.

Iā€™ll keep an eye on it and see if anything changes or if there is any official comment on it.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think they felt that Earthen DKs didnā€™t make sense with how they established that the Earthen never left Khaz Algar and so wouldnā€™t have been apart of Arthasā€™ or Bolvarā€™s created Death Knights. Plus from my understanding of it, the playable Earthen are newly formed and Death Knights came into being during the Second War.

However I could easily see Death Knights being added later on. Like we had it seeded with an Earthen asking to be resurrected should they fall so that they can continue to help their people. Or even with a new starting zone, where a new generation is being raised for one reason or another.


We are still waiting Blizzard. Add some extra clans while we are at it. Make Ogres great again.

I miss Gallywix man. Why did they decide that now a communist leads the Goblins? Makes no sense really.

I see that option being added in the future also. Iā€™m going to guess that the revamp to the Pandaren/Allied Race DK starting area would require a bit of work, since Blizzard would have to make the lore for it (which isnā€™t impossible at all to write something) and change a lot of current NPCā€™s while adding in new NPCā€™s of future playable races. So it likely was pushed back to save some time and focus on TWW stuff.

Whenever it does get added, I can see it being easy afterwards to add in any other future playable race. I assume Dracthyr Death Knights, when more classes are open to them, would start there also. This is likely another reason Earthen Death Knights got pushed back since they would also need work.

I am hoping that new DK races will be added when ready as opposed to pulling a Shadowlands and having them and other future playable race DKā€™s having early access as a pre-order bonus. In my own personal opinion, it was really disappointing to see something as a pre-order incentive that shouldā€™ve just been added for everyone in the first place. It also felt like there shouldā€™ve been at least one more pair of Allied Races at the end of BfA that couldā€™ve worked for early access as a pre-order incentive, but I digress.

So yes, I still think Death Knights will be an option for future playable races and hope that will be the case. And for the MU Stonemaul Clan at least, it makes a lot of sense given they could fit in both DK starting areas. Not that I expect them to get added to the original DK starting area, of course as that would require much more work than the Pandaren/Allied Race DK starting area.

Iā€™ll keep an eye out for anything to report on future playable races and DKā€™s, since itā€™s a pretty important class option.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Gallywix was the dumbest leader theyā€™ve ever had. Made no sense that anyone would follow him, or that Thrall would put him in charge.

Gazlowe is a much better choice.

And hes not communist omg. rofl.

Iā€™m guessing its just going to be added later and its just that they donā€™t see the lore for it yet.

Lets all be honest they shot themselves in the foot when they made the ā€œnewā€ death knight start for ARā€™s being tied to something they KNEW was about to be taken off the board. lol

I agree. Ogres will no doubt have Death Knights. Theyā€™ve been around easily accessible for both types of Death Knight we have.


He is what every Goblin wants to be. Filthy rich, fat and ruthless.

he is a communist and Horde traitor.


I just want my two headed ogre mage man.

They should have every class apart from DH and Paladin.

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