The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’m referring to the Earthen here.

I think you mean class? I think all races should have all classes myself. There’s no good reason for them to be limited anymore. Ogres included.


I think they’ll have their own starting area. Like we could have the Knights of the Ebon Blade raising them and the first quest will state “Per our agreement” showing that these new Death Knights willing asked to be raised into undeath. We could even have NPCs give out various reasons, like the desire to continue protecting Azeroth.


i’ve a question to ask the forum what if instead of doing it within the next couple of xpacs if we get another remix in terms of xpacs like tbc cata or wod instead of class ensembles or mounts we’d get early access to race unlocks that would likely get implemented in at later points in the games history? it might be grindy it might not be grindy but it’d be a more believable solution as to them popping up in the campaign out of nowhere maybe if we do rep reqs with ogri’la it’d open up doors for them to finally come forward and maybe a year after said remix you’d be able to do a quest to get it normally

As we all know, Communism is when you pay employees living wages and give them access to things like water and medicine. :roll_eyes:

Come on, you’re not for real.


While it would be interesting, I can’t image they would do something like have an event to cover the Mag’har - Lightbound war, and then have playable Ogres there without them already being present in retail.

To be honest, I can’t really image Blizzard doing an early race access with their events.

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fantasy lives from stereotypes. Gallywix was that.

While this could be an interesting, I don’t see how it could work well.

I only see new playable races being added either before an expansion (early access being a pre-order bonus for an expansion), the beginning of an expansion, and during an expansion in the case of Allied Races. I don’t really see how that could fit with something like a Remix event.

Remix seems specifically a “going back in time” event, so there would need to be a lot of storylines of how a new playable race decided to go through with that and then explaining how they’re suddenly part of the Horde and/or the Alliance afterwards. I can only see this working if everyone was of that new race in this event, but I see a number of issues with that line of thinking. Even then, they seem like something that would be addressed in that new playable race’s starting area and questlines.

And if anything, I’d prefer there to be events in Retail that anyone can do and work together that would lead to unlocking a playable race for everyone. I remember in Everquest 2, people had to work together to figure out how to unlock Frogloks as a playable race for everyone on each server. I actually ran the “Free the Frogloks!” forums during that time to report on how to do so. Then we found out the quests to unlock them weren’t implemented for awhile despite being told they were in at launch!..-cough-…where was I? Oh, right!

The idea isn’t a bad one, don’t get me wrong. It would just require a lot of planning and writing to get it to work, and I just see Blizzard opting to do the normal ways of adding new playable races. I don’t really see new playable races being an early access thing within the context of a Remix Expansion and it mostly just being a pre-order bonus for future expansions.

An interesting idea, but a lot of design problems that would need a lot of time to iron out and plan.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


What I would like to see with remix is the release of playable races at the end of these events like:

  • BC: Broken (Alliance) / Ogre (Horde) or Mok’nathal (Horde)
  • WotLK: Frostborn (Alliance) / Taunka (Horde) / Vrykul (Neutral) / Tuskarr (Neutral) / San’layn customizations for Blood Elves
  • Cata: Wildhammer Dwarves (Alliance) / Dragonmaw Orcs (Horde)
  • MoP: Jinyu (Alliance) / Yaungol (Horde) or Saurok (Horde) / Mogu (Neutral)
  • WoD: Arakkoa (Alliance) / Ogre (Horde) or Saberon (Horde)
  • Legion: Vrykul (Neutral)
  • BfA: Ankoan (Alliance) / Gilgoblin (Horde)

Naga as well!


You know when I usually see Jinyu requests, they tend to be paired with the Hozen. I’ve never seen them paired with the Yaungol and Saurok before.

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Remix is reminding people just how annoying Hozen are.

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While they reminded me, they still have their fans.


the hozen only live for 20 years mostly

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I don’t know, I think it reminds me of a time when Blizzard had a sense of humor.

If they made the Hozen today they’d be boring with generic lines which won’t interest or offend anyone.


I love the Hozen. Would absolutely love to see a pairing of the Jinyu and Hozen as AR’s, not terribly different than my interest in the Taunka and Frostborn as a pair. Or Ogres and the Furbolg.


Blizzard could always make up a reason for the larger life span. For example, perhaps magic could be involved or Horde alchemist were able to help expand it or something.


*Does finger math and realises all the Hozen we made friends with are likely dead by now *


I dunno. It been more than 20 years and we’ve seen Riko from MoP in Dragonflight. So maybe it’s just a lie that the Hozen made to fool others into thinking they live that short, like the Jinyu.

On another note, tomorrow is the Xbox Showcase at 10 AM Pacific:

I know with Xbox, you think of console stuff, but they have PC stuff in there also. And with Microsoft officially owning Activision-Blizzard now, there could always be some WoW news.

I saw in another thread that people have gotten emails specifically mentioning Battle Net announcements, so there could be some WoW stuff there. Not that I expect anything big, nice as it would be to see Phil Spencer walk on stage and announce playable Horde Ogres for Retail WoW finally. Might be a bit soon for TWW’s release date also, so no idea what could be shown there if anything WoW related does pop up on there.

If anything of particular WoW interest gets announced, I’ll be sure to help report it, but otherwise, best to temper expectations and keep an open mind as you watch for fun. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know with the 20th Anniversary coming up, a part of me wonders if Blizzard would celebrate 20 years of WoW, and 30 years of Warcraft as a whole, by revealing more of what will arrive in the World Soul Saga. And should such a thing happen, if we would get playable race reveals.

For example them being all “As the War Within unfolds, the mighty Stonemaul renew their bonds with the Horde” and then we end up speculating as to how that would play out. Like if it would be a repeat of the Dark Iron recruitment, in that while they were in the Alliance, they hadn’t official outright joined or if we could see Gazlowe bringing them as extra muscle for an Undermine patch or one of the other Horde characters bringing them as extra reinforcements for the war against the Nerubians.


The only WoW related news from the Xbox Showcase is a release date for TWW, which is August 26th (August 22nd for those with early access). Article here:

A roadmap from the article above:

And the TWW release date trailer:

At whatever point Earthen are available to unlock, I’ll be checking out the Horde and Alliance embassies to see where the banner is placed and how the inside of the buildings look. There will be some more space for future Allied Race banners, which I hope we’ll see filled someday.

While I hope the Horde Ogre clans make an appearance, I don’t really want to get my hopes up. Still, I’ll keep an eye out for anything to help report back here. Even general Ogre activity would be something of interest to discuss, even if that would likely be enemy mooks we need to beat up. Best to keep an open mind of course.

In the meantime, we’ll keep at it with the playable Horde Ogre support! :japanese_ogre:

-78 days (74 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: