The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It just adds background stuff.

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Cataclysm Classicā€™s pre-patch is coming on April 30th, with the whole thing being released on May 20th:

As you may know, Cataclysm is when the MU Stonemaul Clan got a bit fleshed out while the Dunemaul Clan joined the Horde. So itā€™ll be a neat thing to see two of the Horde Ogre clans get to have a spot in the spotlight, including all the loose ends involving them!

I donā€™t really expect there to be anything new. Weā€™ve gone over Cataclysmā€™s Horde Ogre stuff in here many times, and I donā€™t really expect there to be anything new in Cataclysm Classic specifically. It wasnā€™t like Vanilla, where I played it to see what was originally there for the MU Stonemaul Clan before things changed for Cataclysm. Retail has also been keeping me busy enough, so I havenā€™t really had time to play any other version of WoW. But Iā€™ll keep an eye out if there is anything to report.

Iā€™m also reminded of how Ogres were considered as a playable Horde race during Cataclysm. A shame that never happened, but I still keep hope for that happening sometime in the future! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Two headed ogre mage yes please.


New event is a Mists remix and the characters we create for it, will be swapped over to retail after the event concludes. Which is rather nice and Iā€™m thinking of creating a Darkspear for the event, not sure on the class yetā€¦ perhaps an Enhancement Shaman.


Looks like Garrlok may be getting a brother, Marrlok, who also appears to be tied to the Trading Post.


I will play it just for the Kaelā€™thas mogs, the Horde saber mounts and seeing Cho praising the past of my race.

Very interesting find! That would leave just one mystery of the third Ogre child model, which could very well just end up as a battle pet on the Trading Post as well. Iā€™ll definitely be getting him whenever he is available.

Itā€™s an interesting thing to see, although for my initial thoughts on the Remix mode in generalā€¦Iā€™m very mixed. Iā€™ll need to see what itā€™ll end up being, but there is a part of me that isnā€™t particularly keen on separate timed modes with FOMO attached, as well as demanding that I invest a lot of time to get the rewards and such. Something like Plunderstorm is different enough to be understandable, but I think for this remix mode, I wouldā€™ve rather have events in Retail WoW instead that anyone could join in and do and could potentially be evergreen content. I think Iā€™ll need to play this mode myself to have a better opinion, so Iā€™ll hold off judgement for now.

There is also some confusion regarding new character slots for WoW Retail, since there was text originally mentioning that we would get more character slots:

This was soon edited out of the text:

Iā€™m honestly hoping we get more character slots for Retail WoW since I barely have any free slots and I donā€™t want to delete any characters. Also for this mode, Iā€™d want to keep any characters I play and Iā€™d hate to be locked out of this mode because Iā€™m right at the character cap. Hopefully weā€™ll get some clarification soon.

I donā€™t really expect a lot of changes to MoP in this, unless we get some events or so similar to Season of Discovery. I assume the MU Stonemaul Ogre emissary will just be doing the same quest jobber role for Alliance characters also. But if anything of interest appears, Iā€™ll be sure to help report it.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Looks at my Magā€™har orc who adopted the last ogre child he came across.

looks at the potentially new baby ogre.

Hes gonna have two children. :stuck_out_tongue:


It looks like weā€™ll potentially have up to 3 Ogre children to take care of in the future and raiseā€¦

Mandalorian eat your heart out! :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™ve also been supporting the idea of the 3 WoW TCG Ogre toys to get on the Trading Post. It would be pretty neat to see a small Ogre themed section on there, including those toys and the second Ogre child. Really hoping Iā€™ll have enough tender to get them all if they do that, of course. < - <

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Wowhead posted an article on datamined Trading Post rewards, which includes showing off the new Ogre battle pet, Marrlok:

And from the link above from a few posts ago, there is some Summer themed flavor text about Marrlok, so we could be getting him in a few months:

ā€œAncient Gorian blood runs through Marrlokā€™s veins. As far as anyone knows, his desire to rest for long stretches of time on a sunny beach keeps his imperial ambitions in check.ā€

Iā€™ll be making getting him a top priority when available. And also the third Ogre child battle pet whenever theyā€™re available too! :smiley:

There are a lot of neat items in general shown in the article. Iā€™m hoping to be able to have enough tenders to get all the ones I am interest in. :moneybag:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


we must liberate the ogre children from these evil trading post overlords it explains where all the ogres have gone theyā€™re being sold into slavery


Kinda feel like in terms of whats been asked for over the years of all the different race options blizzard has been a real terrible troll of a DM (Dungeon Master) to all the players asking for requested races that have been made fun of, been made the usual guy to kill in a quest or just an overall joke that really isnt funny anymore the game has strayed so far from what made warcraft, warcraft and im not talking about the games sub numbers dying after wotlk im talking about the fact we as a group of players cant even play as most of the original warcraft 1 through 3 units and every other year we get a carbon copy of an already existing race with a literal identical skeletal rig it just furiates me if we dont get ogres before or by the the end of the last titan which is 13.0 years from now im just gunna substitute with what i cant have and just make brand new characters from the ones i already have

the horde needs meat, and ogreā€™s brings the meat to the horde!


Honestly wonder if blizzard even reads forums like these

They got the idea to add lots of ducks somewhere. :slightly_smiling_face:


Now Iā€™m just thinking of duck people.

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They do. Or at least they say they get reports on threads and whatā€™s going on.


I have seen some feedback/requests that originated on these forums, outside of the Community Council I mean, that eventually did make its way into the game. Ducks in the game is one of the biggest examples I can remember.

So it is possible that feedback from race request megathreads could be reaching the Blizzard devs. Of course, reading the feedback and actually agreeing with and implementing them are two different things. And to be completely fair, adding in new playable races, even something like Highmountain Tauren and Lightforged Draenei, take a lot of work and resources to implement. Let alone the current plans that Blizzard does have with expansions that can be well in advance, which can be a bit of a double edged sword at times.

But as I said, Iā€™m not stopping any time soon, and if I felt it was pointless being here, I wouldnā€™t have been maintaining this megathread for close to 4 years. Falling into despair is no fun, but I do acknowledge that what we do here is not a guarantee of seeing what we want. Still, it is something, and I feel like that is better than just silently hoping. And frankly, someone needs to keep the reminder that the Horde Ogre clans exists.

As long as I keep playing WoW, Iā€™ll help keep the dream alive. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The War Within Alpha is here and information is already leaking.

Nothing about Ogres, though.


So there is a prepatch event for TWW that involves fighting memories of old bosses, one of which being Onyxia in Dustwallow Marsh:

Apparently Dustwallow Marsh will have Kalimdor memories of various sorts, so aside from Onyxia, I donā€™t know if any of them will be related to Dustwallow Marsh specifically.

I doubt there will be much to this event with regards to the MU Stonemaul Clan. Dustwallow Marsh will likely still be stuck in Cataclysm era and would just have a spot where the Onyxia memory will spawn for us to beat up and whatever other tasks are involved in this event.

Still, something I figured I would note. Iā€™ll likely check it out whenever it is live, but as I said, I donā€™t expect much at all. Hopefully this will act as a memory for people to be reminded of the MU Stonemaul Clan being part of the Horde along with the other two Horde Ogre clans.

Also, a lot of TWW news is gradually being announced since yesterday still. Iā€™ll keep an eye out for anything of any interest to report.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: