The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I managed to play a bit with the Ogre illusion you can get with Volunteer Guard Day. I did it on this character, and unfortunately with the old Ogre model, there is no attack animation with bows. I mostly just stood there staring at invader mobs as arrows shot out of my belly button.

Here is what all I took:

Standing outside Grommash Hold.


Sitting on the Warchief’s throne. Not like anyone is using it, currently.

Staring longingly at the Horde embassy. Hope to put a MU Stonemaul Banner in there someday…

The buff lasts outside cities and lasts through death, so you could run around most areas with the Ogre guard illusion on.

Maybe next year, we could plan an Ogre Protect Orgrimmar event around this. Since invader mobs spawn, we couldn’t do much in capital cities without being interrupted, but it could be fun for at least awhile. I’ll try to remember it for next year to see if I can do something with it then.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: