The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Happy Easter everyone! :rabbit:

I came across this neat video of someone painting a 3d printed Ogre that they made Easter themed:

Hoping the Horde Ogre clans will get to enjoy the holiday someday! :egg::japanese_ogre:

Whatever plans y’all have today, please have a fun, happy, and safe Easter! :rabbit:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I like the idea of Ogres getting the wrong ideas about Easter and ending up painting rocks and gemstones making them into an egg shape and this becoming a big thing that people actually seek out the Ogres eggs because they’re really pretty.


That would be a cool idea and I would definitely see the goblins marketing the whole thing as Ogre gemstones or something.


I couldn’t really think of much for an April Fool’s post this year, so I thought I would look at the two-headed Ogre April Fools joke from years ago again:

As you can see, it’s a joke in of itself and would be a nightmare to design both heads being separate players in many ways. So obviously it would just be a 1 player thing if we got two-head customization options.

And despite this being an April Fool’s joke, I don’t see it being a detriment to or affecting playable Horde Ogre chances at all. It’s just a silly joke not meant to be taken seriously or as an opportunity cost at all.

Another thing to share are the images that came from the web page. These two are from “gameplay” shown:

Kinda helps to imagine playable Ogres a little bit at the very least, even if the emphasis was on the joke.

And we also got this neat artwork from it too:

I imagine that if we got playable Horde Ogres, there would be a lot of amazing artwork to go with it. :smiley:

Thankfully, Ogres haven’t been part of any other April Fool’s Day jokes so far that I remember. I still think there is a decent chance for them to be playable someday, and that this joke from years ago doesn’t hinder those chances at all. Nor do I think this would be implemented if they did become playable. Even if the idea did get implemented for Cho’gall in Heroes of the Storm.

Anyway, happy April Fool’s Day! :partying_face:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I know we’ve killed kor’gall on both the main timeline via rexxar and in WoDs alternate timeline, but what if with some remaining time traveling shenanigans still going on a infinite dragon posing as an ogre rips open a portal in another alternate timeline and deceives him into mustering his stonemaul clan and several other ogre clans to then march through either a portal or straight through a then again re time affixed dark portal

What did I miss?

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My Mage would be an Ogre so fast. I have been wishing for Ogres since Warlords of Draenor. Hopefully, they come in some way shape or form. Such an amazing race.


Arr me hearties! Captain Bagzak here, and I be lookin’ fer some Ogre artifacts. In particular, one I can be putting on the Horde side of me character creation screen! And with it being a new month, you can help find this treasure! Arr!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Let us hope our voyage will yield lots of treasure! Arr! :pirate_flag:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Must scream at Blizzard how much I want Ogres again!


I don’t know if it was mentioned but Season of Discovery added included a friendly Boulderfist Ogre named Skonk, who left the clan to seek out his dream of being a cook.

Now since the lore of SoD was described as “found photograph” narrative, that further contextualizes the characters and places from Classic without altering or reframing things in any dramatic fashion
 I find myself wondering if any other Ogres would be included and if they could reappear in modern WoW.

For example, perhaps Skonk could return to the clan or at least lead a portion of them into a new future
 potentially bringing their might to the Horde.

I also wonder if SoD would include Onyxia’s Lair and potentially give us more details on the Stonemaul trying to take back their home.


I was thinking more on the Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolg pairing and it reminded me of an expansion idea I’ve toyed around with for many years that has the theme of the Horde and Alliance seeking to recruit as many alllies as possible to face a huge threat to the world (of Warcraft!).

This is far from a perfect idea and likely isn’t realistic, given all the playable races involved, but it’s still a fun idea I wanted to try sharing. It’s also not entirely an original idea, since I’ve had some inspiration from various sources.

Anyway, here is the idea I had:

General storyline involving a new evil Mogu Empire

The expansion idea I had involved a new Mogu empire. One individual Mogu part of one of the evil clans, who have their own continent from long ago, has seem the future of a yet-to-occur threat, and given that the Mogu were created by the titans, they feel that they are the true saviors and protectors of the world (of Warcraft!). Through research and plundering, this Mogu clan manages to take over all the other Mogu clans except one (the Rajani) and they then set their sights on conquering the world (of Warcraft!).

Their goal is to subjugate all living beings into indentured servitude, be it through life and death or upgraded versions of flesh shaping to make stronger soldiers for their empire to take on the upcoming threat to the world (of Warcraft!), and they’ve managed to have the resources to do so. They create a flying citadel in an eternal storm cloud and plot out their plans.

The Mogu threat has gotten so bad, that they even have managed to tear a hole into the Shadowlands and have been siphoning souls from there in order to continue increasing their army. They’re also trying to attack areas to take over, as they both want to rule the world (of Warcraft!) and also act as the protectors of Azeroth.

Meanwhile the Horde and Alliance are having trouble fighting against this threat, but they not only need allies against the Mogu threat, they need to unite as many beings on Azeroth for an upcoming threat that the enemy Mogu see, which the Horde and Alliance don’t learn about until much later in the expansion. Mogu attacks happen everywhere on the planet, and the Horde/Alliance need to lead an attack on a continent that the Mogu Empire have already taken over from long ago, which the original Mogu clan that started the empire took over long ago, and figure out how to get to the floating citadel to take on the leader and end the new Mogu Empire.

Thus why we get a bunch of new playable races for this idea.

Obviously the story itself needs a lot of fleshing out, but it gives a great excuse to have a bunch of playable races and gives a neat theme of uniting denizens of Azeroth for an upcoming threat in the expansion afterwards.

And for new playable races, if it were up to me, I’d do the following with their own storylines (which also need fleshing out) that would tie into the whole Mogu and future threats afterwards:

Ogres (Horde) and Furbolg (Alliance)

The idea I had for this pairing, which I’m still fleshing out on, involves a Satyr trying to make their own army, mostly utilizing demons and other Satyr, to take over Kalimdor. They try to subjugate the Furbolg to attack and keep the Alliance busy while striking a deal with some of Onyxia’s former minions and an offspring of hers to keep the Horde busy in Dustwallow Swamp. The storyline ends with an assault on Dire Maul, with both races officially becoming full members of their respective factions.

Saurok (Horde) and Rajani Mogu (Alliance)

This is one of the biggest combinations, since Pandaria would be one of the continents most affected by the new Mogu Empire. The Rajani Mogu are one of the biggest resistances to the new Mogu Empire while a Saurok tribe has been able to barely fend them off. Both of them would have an artifact that if combined, would give an advantage over the enemy Mogu, but neither side are willing to work with each other given their history. The Horde work with the Saurok while the Alliance work with the Rajani Mogu and help act as mediation, with both joining their respective factions given how dire the situation is and how they also need allies for their survival.

San’layn (Horde) and Broken (Alliance)

This works as a bit of a throwback to BC and with both races having a curse of sorts. The Mogu Empire tries to attack Silvermoon and the Exodar, where each race helps their respective areas. Silvermoon gets hit with Mogu necromancers causing waves of upgraded undead, which the San’layn are instrumental in helping. At the same time, the Mogu attack the Exodar in a similar fashion, which the Broken help lend their aid. Both sides barely repel the attack, and both races join their respective factions afterwards to help against the Mogu threat and to help protect their kin.

Saberon (Horde) and Arakkoa (Alliance)

This combo involves the Botani threat growing in the Barrens. Some Arakkoa have managed to break through AU Draenor with more Saberon, having put aside their differences in a truce to escape the Lightbound, using the Saberon that originally came to Azeorth during BfA as a beacon of sorts for a focal point to escape to that the Arakkoa developed. The Botani threat eventually grows to something that can’t be ignored, which the Horde works with the Saberon and the Alliance works with the Arakkoa to fight against the Botani. Afterwards, the Horde and Alliance mediate between the Saberon and Arakkoa to get them to help work together against the Mogu empire and eventually a future threat when that is learned of, along with learning more about the Lightbound trying to also escape from AU Draenor and getting info for an advantage in case they succeed.

Kelfin (Horde) and Ankoan (Alliance)

This combo comes from an attack on Orgrimmar and Stormwind, where the Kelfin and Ankoan repay the help they got from BfA to help sink Mogu ships. When they realize how serious the situation is and remembering how it’s a similar experience with the Naga, while also remembering that Azshara and her minions are still out there, they join their respective factions to fight against the Mogu Empire and helping to keep an eye out for any threat from Azshara and nagas in general.

Sethrak (Neutral)

This one is neutral because it makes the most sense in making the most people happy. The Mogu Empire attacks the Sethrak in order to gain titan related artifacts they hold and to gain a foothold to lead an attack on the Zandalari from multiple sides as a way to punish them on breaking their alliance with them previously. Horde and Alliance help to fend off the Mogu, while the Sethrak work with both factions to share artifacts and knowledge they have that would help fight against the Mogu Empire.

Again, all of this is far from perfect and definitely needs fleshing out, but the idea of getting a bunch of new playable races in a “uniting of Azeroth” theme for an expansion and then seeing them all assisting in the following expansion sounds like something that would be very exciting and a fun experience all around.

It’s not likely we’d ever see that many playable races, of course, but it’s still a fun thought to think of. Anyway, just wanted to share this for fun. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Why won’t Blizzard just hire you? lol


I rather like this pairing and feel that them joining at the same time helps illustrate how old allies have healed and are now stepping forward and what not.

I rather like the idea of the Skumblade tribe joining the Horde. Though I am conflicted on the Rajani joining the Alliance
 I’m not against Mogu being on the Alliance, I just prefer that the Rajani remain as a neutral group.

The fact that the Broken haven’t been made playable yet, bothers me, much like how it bothers me that Ogres are not playable
 and that we are getting Earthen before Ogres or Forest Trolls

Anyways when it comes to the San’layn, I would be very surprised if they did become playable. After all the San’layn are essentially Darkfallen which became a customization option. Granted Blizzard could always make them playable
 but I think it’s more likely for a different race to be paired with the Broken. I could see Ogres being their pairing or even Forest Trolls, if say we get the two of them in Midnight.

If people want to play Saberon, more power to them, I’m not against it at all
 just not really interested in playing one. Now when it comes to the Arakkoa, I am all for them being playable.

Though with the High and Cursed Arakkoa we saw in WoD, I rather like the idea of having the Order of the Awakened being that neutral group where they’ve come together and members unwilling to let go, siding with the factions. For example, say we get a group of Cursed Arakkoa joining the Horde, while a group of High Arakkoa align with the Alliance.

That really feels like a missed opportunity in BfA. They could have easily joined after we beat Azshara and her being taken by N’Zoth, as a sign of them acknowledging our aid and returning the favor to help us against N’Zoth.

I would honestly prefer that the Sethrak as a Horde race, over a neutral one. The Zandalari, Vulpera, and Sethrak standing united as one would be grand to see. Furthermore I never really got the calls for Alliance Sethrak. The Vulpera and Devoted worked together against the Faithless and the Faithless hate everyone.


So Rajani as neutral race with the Gurthan. Give me Mogu please :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:


Oh I’m far from perfect. Ideas like the one above, while fun to think about, would require a lot of resources and a hefty budget. I’d be very surprised if we ever got more than 2 new races in an expansion again.

Still, it’s a really neat idea that I may toy with more in the future just for fun. :smiley:

All San’layn are Darkfallen while all Darkfallen aren’t San’layn. And San’layn haven’t officially been part of the playable faction of Darkfallen.

Besides, given all the vampiric features, they would be different enough to be able to become a full new race complete with vampiric racials. They could also just be a Customization Race with a storyline, but I feel like it would just be a disservice to just staple them onto Blood Elves. Moreso given how Customization Races in general have been treated.

Very much so, given that missed opportunities is the main theme of BfA as a whole. We just up and left the Unshackled and Ankoan without much of a goodbye. Makes me wonder if we could’ve gotten another pair of Allied Races if the end of BfA wasn’t rushed. Sigh

Anyway, the list wasn’t perfect, but I tried to think of some good pairings that could also fit the storyline of a new Mogu Empire. Honestly, almost all of those races have had hardships, including losing their own homes, and to see this empire trying to subjugate everyone, through life and death even, kinda fits a reason why they would want to join a faction and fight to not lose their home again and to keep their freedom. The idea is something I’ll be tinkering with in the future.

I’m also thinking a lot more on the Furbolg/Ogre scenarios. I was thinking of typing up in general text as opposed to writing scripts, but I think it could be a good combo that could tie in very well to each other. Especially with it ending at Dire Maul. :polar_bear: :japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’s been almost 20 years. Come on. It’s not like someone decided they wanted ogres last night. Two decades of people asking.


Very true and it still gets me how they hyped up the Man’ari as WoW’s first playable demons and then the game just treats them as Draenei.


At least we got them. I don’t understand why we got Farraki and Dark Trolls and still no Dragonmaw Orc, Frostborn Dwarf, Fel Orc, Felblood Elf and Forest Troll skins (for Forest Troll if we don’t get them in Midnight).

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Speaking of them, its weird that they didnt appear in Legion. And at the very least they could be a demon hunter skin.

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Does SoD do much with lore? I’ve seen a few small tidbits, like a Night Elf NPC that is against the Night Elves joining the Alliance, but it doesn’t seem like a whole lot is done in general. Which, I suppose makes some sense given they’d want to have Retail have the bulk of lore expanding and such.

I don’t know if anything special would be done with Onyxia. I assume that Dustwallow Marsh is the same as Vanilla Classic (please correct me if I am wrong), so I don’t know if anything else would be done with it in the future. And seeing as the cap from Vanilla is almost reached if it hasn’t gotten there already, I would guess Ragnaros would get some sort of special treatment as opposed to other raid targets.

It is something to keep an eye on, of course. I just don’t know how far SoD goes with story stuff given the nature of the server. I’ve toyed a tiny bit with SoD, but I find that Retail takes enough of my time, so I haven’t really touched it or WotLK Classic at all.

It does sound like an eye should be kept on SoD, just in case we see anything of interest there. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: