The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!


All these threads are unofficial.


I think they meant it as in ā€œwhen is Blizzard going to add Ogres to the ranks of playable characters.ā€.


2 cents worth: I honestly believe the only reason they havenā€™t added them is because there isnā€™t a body 2 (female) version of the ogres in the gameā€¦ or in WC3 for that matter.
But I would like the one or two headed options. (two headed for warlocks, mages, priests, and maybe shamans because they are caster classes, but I think one head should be available for all.) I really only see the options for warrior and rogue as the two melee classes since I donā€™t know about them being monks, hunters, or druidsā€¦ those just donā€™t feel ogre-like.

(I already know priests and shamans are a bit of a stretch but I can actually see their society having a need for them)

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Iā€™d prefer if two and one headed was available for all.

And what do you mean ā€œmaybe shamansā€?

Ogres are very much shaman. lol

Blizzard has made it so that Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Priest, Mage, Monk and Warlock are for all races. They will have all of those.

I donā€™t see any reason they couldnā€™t be a druid really. Just need a teacher.

Blizzard is moving towards your race not having a factor for your class so I wouldnā€™t worry about that too much.

Theyā€™re not a stretch. There are already a lot of Ogre Priests and Shaman.


I was just thinking the two headed ogres were always casters in WC3. (Would you have to have two helmets, one for each, hahaha, probably just copy the helmet onto both heads)

I know blizz has been making most classes for every race but there are still exceptions and they may keep the exception for a new race for a little bit. Who knows?

Agreed on the Priests and Shamans, I would like to see those as options.

I guess the only thing I am not seeing is the druid because they didnā€™t originate from Azeroth, why would the wild gods ever trust them with the teachings? Nor do I see Demon hunters because, obvious. Evokers because, race limited. Monks because I donā€™t see the ogres having the discipline (just donā€™t see it, lol)


Druids have been found on Outland just fine and there is some suggestions that druids of a kind appeared among the Arakkoa and the Saberon. (Though that lore is shaky).

The Wild Gods and Loa are not particular about who they teach so long as they have an interest in protecting the wilds.

Also as of Shadowlands and Dragonflight we know that 1) Wild Gods/Loa are common among other worlds. Draenor for instance had Ruhkmar and Seethe and the Raven Lord probably among some others. An unnamed world had its own who now resides in Ardenwealde, Aliothe. And 2) That the Emerald Dream as we know it is just the area around Azeroth. It continues far beyond touching every world with Natureā€™s cosmic force and wherever it goes Wild Gods/Loa can occur.

There isnā€™t a good reason for Ogres to not be taught, should one or two show an interest, nor is there a good reason they might not be able to link up with their old worlds nature spirits if any should still exist.

But uh yeah. Iā€™m sure Blizz would explain it if they decided to do so.


Many wild gods yes. But not a lot of evidence for the druids on other worlds that I can remember.

For example, I could easily see them just having their troll and/or tauren allies teaching them or something.


Ogre Cheerleader cheering on this thread!


Theres straight up druids among some Broken as early as Zangarmarsh in TBC.


So my b-day is coming up in the near future and because I honestly donā€™t have any special plans for it, I thought Iā€™d go ahead and make a post celebrating it here and in a few race request megathreads I frequent.

Tried to find look up something to post in here to fit the occasion, but couldnā€™t find much. So heres another Ogre dance video:

Maybe someday weā€™ll have an epic Ogre dance party in Orgrimmar if we ever get playable Horde Ogres. Speaking of which, if we do get lucky to get that, Iā€™ll be sure to celebrate my Ogreā€™s birthday in here each year, along with othersā€™ Ogre charactersā€™ birthday as well.

And of course Iā€™m sure you can guess what will be my yearly birthday wish as usual! :lizard: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger2: :polar_bear:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :birthday::japanese_ogre:


all they need is a female model.


questing in the searing gorge rn and lunk is telling me i canā€™t kill things this big meatheaded softie >.<

plus i have a pic of me looking at him with annoyed eyes but blizz being the dingusā€™s they are wonā€™t let me post it

funnily enough i can imagine if they added in a mechanic where if you piss off lunk he suplexs you and you get stuck in a 3 or 4min stun that canā€™t be trinketed


I was doing some stuff in my WoD garrison, and Tormmok, one of the Ogre followers, casually walks up and says something along the lines of me looking like I could use some Ogre power or something on my side.

Quite the understatement of the yearā€¦ ._ .

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So while doing some dungeons and raids to get the Pepe achievement for the whistle toy, I had this interesting shield drop in the Bloodmaul Slag Mines dungeon:

Quite the dinner plate Ogres use, isnā€™t it? I thought Iā€™d link it here in case it interested anyone for potential shield transmog items in the future. Nothing like having a shield that also functions as a dinner plate, as a hungry Ogre is a very dangerous being to be around. :plate_with_cutlery:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I thought those were more shaman type mobs (Shape-shifting isnā€™t the only druid thing, as changing into wolf form is still shape-shifting but I didnā€™t think that they had the versatility of druids)

I will have to check out zangarmarsh again, thanks for the tip!


I believe its remarked as a proto-druid setup like the Gilneanā€™s had prior to the Worgen thing. Early druidism which is often also associated with Shamanism. Also remember that in TBC there was less of a divide between Shaman and Druid.


Aprilā€™s Trading Post items have officially been revealed:

And the monthly reward is this neat duck battle pet:

Nothing really Ogre related that I saw this month. Did see a lot of neat pirate items if anyone was wanting to make an Ogre pirate character someday.

Iā€™m also amused at the idea of an Ogre with one or two heads going underwater while wearing that shark hat, getting their enemy target to laugh until they get close enough to jump out and clobber them when in range. That or running around making shark noises with it on their heads. Either works I guess. :shark:

Iā€™ll keep reporting on each monthā€™s Trading Post items in case there is something of Ogre interest. Still curious about the other Ogre children models also and whether they could be other battle pets or utilized for NPCā€™s and such. Hopefully weā€™ll find out someday!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


not wanting to cast doubt, but how many more years are we gunna have to wait? iā€™m honestly tempted to just change my 5 planned characters into whatever iā€™m able to if i canā€™t have the ogres

I honestly donā€™t know how long it would be until weā€™d actually see playable Horde Ogres. I donā€™t even know if the next few expansions will involve the Horde Ogre clans at all either, unfortunately. It could be awhile if it ever does happen, sadly.

I canā€™t speak for everyone, but despite that, I fully intend to keep at the playable Horde Ogre support going while I keep playing the game. Iā€™m always going to keep my Ogre name and slot reserved in case we become lucky enough to see playable Horde Ogres as a reality.

Is it a guarantee to see playable Horde Ogres? No, but Iā€™m still going to keep hope that Iā€™ll be able to recreate my Ogre character in WoW someday! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: