The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

This is the best thread I’ve ever seen. WE WILL FIGHT UNTIL WE GET OUR OGRES!!!


Man I’d be able to move past a lot of the decisions they made to make the Horde soft in recent years if they added Ogres.


Next month’s trading post rewards have been revealed:

And the reward for completing the monthly task bar is this neat little battle pet:

Nothing really Ogre related I saw. However, I did imagine the sky captain transmog set on a two-headed Ogre and was amused at the idea. Nothing like looking dapper when you go to clobber your enemies!

I’ll continue to look at each month’s Trading Post items in case there are any items that do pop up on there. Remember, we still have a couple of other Ogre child models and there could be some of the WoW TCG Ogre items that could pop up on there someday. Hopefully. :crossed_fingers:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


There’s smashing your enemies, and then there’s smashing them with style.


Since Alliance already got a cartoonishly fat female model, I propose Ogre females are closer in physique to Orcs. We don’t need nor do we want another “Rubenesque” model.

But IF they do go that route and make them comically obese like the Kul Tirans, then really lean into it and make it grotesque. More chins than Chinatown, something to make undead Abominations look like runway models.

It’d be nice if it could look as close as possible to the fan art of the female ogre that was linked by Mianyaue if not i’m willing to accept something thats pleasing for everyone. P.S no more woke stuff plz i just want what made Warcraft, Warcraft


Personally, I want female ogers to have a very similar build to male ogres, too many WoW races have sexes that don’t look like the same species.

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hopefully its not like vulpera where they almost look identical

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I think they may have settled on a female ogre design now, since Hearthstone has two from last year.

Look up “Candleraiser” and “Ogre-Gang Ace”.



Will see if this works since linking images from wiki’s can be a bit wonky.


Ogre-Gang Ace image is linked in the previous post above.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Id honestly like to know whos silly enough to make a burger with a piece of bone still sticking out of the meat

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what would be the ogre mount???

Crocolisk or Boar.


I think the Blackrock Executioner would look great wielded by an ogre. I’ve been collecting cosmetics (including mounts) I think would pair well with an ogre since Warlords of Draenor, because I thought we might be getting them soon at the time, and it’s just become a habit.


I have to admit that I haven’t given my own Ogre transmog set much thought. I generally wait until I can apply a set (armor set or custom) on to one of my characters before deciding to use it.

Though I have to admit that I’m currently thinking of using the Ensemble: Fel-Automaton Exoplate for an Ogre warrior.


I actually don’t have a specific set in mind, partially because I still haven’t settled on a class I want to play. I’m trying to put that off at least until we finally get a class list (if there are even class limitations by then).

After Warlords of Draenor, I started considering an ogre mage, but I’ve realized I don’t enjoy playing casters as much. If I can, I might seriously just play paladin again.

If I have enough clubs and barbarian transmog options, though, it won’t really matter. I’ll be able to do it on any class I pick. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


would the ogres be giant sized or dwarf sized

So March is my birthday month and I’m sure y’all know what will be part of my yearly birthday wish. It did get me to imagine that if playable Horde Ogres ever became a reality, having a big ole Ogre launch party when they ever became playable as a celebration of our Ogre characters’ birthdays in a way would be a lot of fun. Of course, y’all can help make that a reality someday!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Gotta admit. Seeing playable Horde Ogres announced would be quite the epic birthday present! :birthday::japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy Birthday month and I’ll do my part for playable Ogres.