The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I feel like remaking an Ogre empire, regardless of what clans involved, would lead to way too much ambition that would cause the empire to go into business for themselves. I mean, most empires aren’t there to appease others and do charity work. They want power and territory and such.

Thus why I don’t see any Horde Ogre clans looking into that. If anything, maybe Ogre democracy gets invented and the Horde Ogre clans function in that way with a checks and balances system to make sure there isn’t another corrupted Ogre chieftain song and dance again.

I seem to recall Dire Maul having some significance in the lore to the Night Elves and Nightborne, so I would imagine they would want to have some form of ownership to it as opposed to other beings mucking it up and such. Not to mention that it has magical properties that the Blood Elves would want to study.

If anything nowadays, I imagine Dire Maul being a joint ownership with the Horde and Alliance with Horde Ogre clans acting as guards, possibly with the Gordunni following whoever becomes the new Gordok King, along with representatives of the Night Elves and Nightborne and possibly members of the Dragonflight Expedition team working on studying it after armed members of the Horde and Alliance clean it out.

Theres quite a bit of potential to what could be done with Dire Maul. And it’s pretty cool to seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan at least have a pretty big part to it and can be the perfect bow in tying up loose ends regarding the Horde Ogre clans in general.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I mean the Nightbourne are part of the Horde, Horde Aligned Ogres taking it over means they could probably just walk in and study it.


how badly do you want to be an ogre

kind of an off topic question but if a mok’nathal is half orc and half ogre but has a lil bit of draenei in em to where their eyes shine just like theirs do how much of a % is that? kinda like how garona has Draenei glowy eyes

would you prefer that to an orc??

i want orcs trolls and ogres mok’nathal too so i can dish out true horde dominance anything less would be giving into the furries and knife ears


would you rather have Orcs or orges? What if they unleashed a new Bunny race - would that be better than ogres???

anymore lip out of you knife ear and we’ll maroon what remains of you race on bel’ameth and burn it to the ground and make sure you all burn with it this time

(Female Ogre - by CanalBrushRush)


she seems like shes having fun during brewfest or in some tavern


so would dating a 2head ogre woman be like dealing with 2 separate personalities or would it be like mar’gok and they could speak in unison?


So another title in the Exploring Azeroth series has been announced:

As you can tell from the title, this will involve Thalyssra and Lor’themar going on a honey moon visiting the Broken Isles, Kul Tiras, Zandalar, and the Dragon Isles.

Of those areas, the only Ogre related thing I can think of would be the Ogres selling stuff at the Zandalari capital. I doubt they’ll get much of a mention, unless the love birds decide to get a couple of hats.

While I’m definitely not expecting a lot, especially since Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor barely had anything Horde Ogre related much to my chagrin, I’ll get it at some point to see what all is in there. I’m guessing any future titles in the series will involve the new expansion areas or possibly exploration outside of Azeroth, like Outlands.

Exploring Azeroth: Islands and Isles is currently scheduled to come out Oct. 1st, 2024, so we’ll see what all it brings if anything then.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Commenting to show my support, lets make this happen, long overdue. The smaller Ogre models in the game are not too big, and even if they do still encounter issues fitting through doorways just give them a racial Crouch ability.

No need to redesign all the mogs in game to fit, they already have more than evokers, lets just pull the trigger. No Female models expect for that 1 (you know the 1) no problem, since Blizz already went in the body type 1 and Body type 2 direction this is a golden opportunity for them to signal their virtues and just let ogres be too ugly to tell therefore who knows and or it doesn’t matter which they choose. Lets pull the trigger on this.


with honest respect i disagree because female ogres have been mentioned in the lore shown in some artwork even though we’ve never got an ingame model i’m more willing to accept an actual female counterpart over some woke agenda project

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I agree with, I wasn’t aware of too much actual lore for them but I’ll take your word for it. In that case I’d actually like to see them put in the effort to swap out a few NPCs and actually get some she ogres in the game so it’s not some big shocker when they’re playable and there can be no more excuses.

This might just be the modders doing but it proves the WoD ogre model is capable of wearing gear


how much bigger would the ogres be than all other races

That’s a fantastic find.


I wonder if WoD was around the time Blizzard started putting NPC races where the PC races are stored so they could more easily add armor graphics and such to them. That could explain why the WoD Ogre models could wear various armors.

In any case, it’s interesting to see that as it’s about the closest we could see playable Ogres. I’m still wondering if they could take the WoD Ogre skeleton, work with the model, add in missing animations, and utilize them for playable Ogre models. Maybe the female Ogres could also utilize that as well for rigging at the very least. It’s all just me wondering, since I’m sure it’s a lot more complicated than that.

Also makes me wonder if the two-head Ogre WoD models, which I’m assuming exists, could also wear armor. Would be interesting to see armor graphics on that model. Would help to imagine two-head customization options for playable Ogres.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


mini ogre or giant