The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Happy birthday month!

Be real fun to have a party one day when ogres are playable. Would love that.


if you currently have your character ingame as a currently active race what is it rn before you ascend into your proper ogre body?


Mine is an orc mage right now.

Will be an ogre mage later.

Havenā€™t made the others recently though I did have em before.


mine are currently as follows the dk is currently an orc
the hunter is currently zandalari
the shaman is currently zandalari
the mage is currently magā€™har orc
the warlock is current magā€™har orc
the warrior i have the name saved but i havenā€™t made him as iā€™m waiting to lvl the toon from scratch after i have my orc troll and ogre legion my last toon of my whole roster will be my goblin tinker


Happy Birthday!

I actually donā€™t have a character meant to be an ogre yet. I kinda want to level one from the beginning. I do have a few characters I pretend to be an ogre as, for screenshots or events, though.

Theyā€™re usually an orc, but I used a Kul Tiran for awhile with a hairstyle to imitate an ogre horn. That was before I had Kovork Kostume and was doing something where I wanted a body type that looked close.


came in to support the thread apparently I already had from years agoā€¦



I think a Draenor boar is the most likely since that is the one mount weā€™ve seen Ogres ride. Just have the AU Stonemaul Clan join up with the MU Stonemaul Clan in order to explain why they have AU Draenor boars. I mean, the Magā€™har brought a lot of beasts with them on short notice, so I donā€™t see why the AU Stonemaul Clan couldnā€™t have as well.

What Iā€™m currently doing with the downtime between expansions is working on Tradeskills. Now that you can trade between Horde and Alliance characters, Iā€™ve been picking one character to be a dedicated tradeskill character for each main tradeskill while having everyone else be gatherers. Unless I need more than one character with the same main tradeskill for some reason, in which Iā€™ll figure that out if and when Iā€™d ever get there.

In relation to Ogres, Iā€™m planning on working on Blacksmithing at some point that along with farming dungeons and such, Iā€™ll be working on getting a bunch of plate and weapon transmogs to have available if I ever get to make my Ogre Warrior someday. I know there will be heritage armor, but Iā€™d want a good selection that I can play around with on my actual Ogre before I can settle on a design.

Funnily enough, I had originally planned on making my Ogre character my Horde blacksmith when I first started playing the game, so I held off on itā€¦and still waiting for playable Horde Ogres. If they happen to come out in the near future, Iā€™d switch, but otherwise, Iā€™d have someone else as my blacksmith character.

Iā€™m very behind in plate transmogs since I havenā€™t played a lot of plate classes. Hoping to work on adding more to my collection someday for future plate wearing characters I hope to make someday!

Iā€™ve told this story before in here, but Iā€™ll type it out again.

When I first started playing WoW shortly after BC came out, being new to Warcraft in general, it seemed like Ogres would be an inevitable playable Horde race to me. So I made an Orc Warrior character on my home server, same server as this character, with the name for now.

I initially thought Iā€™d reserve the name and I would reroll or race change the character whenever Ogres became playable, so I did play the character. Didnā€™t really feel right as the name was a name I used for my Ogre Berserker character in Everquest 1 and 2, who was one of my favorite characters to use.

Fast forward to WoD, and I decided that I would just strip the character of everything and delete them while making a L1 character to reserve my name, ready to be immediately changed into an Ogre Warrior someday when they were available!..and kept waitingā€¦and waitingā€¦still waitingā€¦andā€¦sighā€¦

Some time ago, I looked at the character restoration feature for my server and saw my old Orc Warrior. Since I had more character slots, I decided Iā€™d restore him, and because he had been deleted for many expansions, the game let me rename him since I had an alt with the name I used previously.

Since I rerolled my Orc Mage into a Tauren Mage and needed an Orc character, in case there were toys and such to earn, I restored him, gave him a new name, used my level boost from preordering TWW on him, and he is happily back in my army of characters again, this time for good.

And a separate Orc Warrior is stilling on my character selection screen, ready and hoping to be rerolled into my Ogre Fury Warrior someday. That Ogre character of mine from Everquest was very important to me, so Iā€™ll always keep a slot reserved in case we get lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres someday!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I REALLY want hot oger females tbh

would you be a big or tiny ogre

Wowhead posted an article mentioning the possibility of Warcraft Rumble coming to PC:

I honestly would be happy if it came to the PC. I donā€™t have a smart phone (insert Blizzcon joke here) and the tablet I have could not run it well at all. I was barely able to get to where I could get the WoW reward from it, so being able to play it on PC until I get a device to play it would be great for me.

As for Ogres, I know there is an Ogre Mage in the Horde unit. I also know there was at least one other Ogre unit that I think was a warrior, though I donā€™t know if theyā€™re in the game yet or what faction theyā€™re apart of. I assume theyā€™d also be Horde, unless they put him in the Blackrock faction for some reason. Hopefully theyā€™re another Horde unit though. Iā€™ll try to see if I can find more info on any Ogre units in the game since it has been awhile since I last looked.

Whenever I can start playing Warcraft Rumble, Iā€™ll be sure to report on any Ogre findings in there. Especially Horde Ogre stuff, which is of pretty great importance even if Warcraft Rumble is in its own universe. Still great to see that Horde Ogres arenā€™t completely forgotten, though they do need a lot more love.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I would like to see Ogre females in the game now we got the updated models from WoD. Ogres deserve to get a female model like Tuskarr got. Also Broken/Krokul females when?


Also it would be great to finally get some Ogres in Orgrimmar. I mean, they are a part of the Horde so it would be great to get some of them in Orgrimmar because we litteraly have Ogres in the New Horde since Vanilla.


It really would.

As a matter of fact, I think it would be neat if we got ambassadors of the non playable groups in the factions at the embassies. So we could get the Stonemaul, Revantusk, Taunka, Hozen, etcā€¦ all in all within the Orgrimmar Embassy.


between the 2 who would you say has more power an ogre mage because of the indirect connection to grond via their natural gift of magic? or

the ogre warlocks that were trained before the 1st 3 wars of warcrafts history?

I honestly donā€™t think one is inherently stronger than the other, it depends on the Ogre, and if one of them has a secret skill.

For example per Chronicle Volume 2, when Choā€™gall and Imperator Marā€™gok clashed, it was Choā€™gallā€™s mastery of both fel and the void that gave him the edge he needed to win.


Agree. Since Tuskarr finally got the Female Model why not Ogres as well.


The fact we have female Nathrezim and not female Ogres is honestly weird to me.


Itā€™s so silly anyway, because Hearthstone came out on PC at the same time, and thatā€™s the only place Iā€™ve ever played that. Thereā€™s no reason not to have PC ports of these things as long as itā€™s clear that theyā€™re not meant to be full budget titles.

Last I played Rumble (burned out real fast), the Ogre Mage was the only ogre unit for players. Ogres show up in a few missions as bosses and there is a Dire Maul ā€œdungeonā€ though, and someone certainly had fun making the ogre characters. They have a lot of personality.

Itā€™s nice having the Ogre Mage be a Horde unit though. Itā€™s the first clear Horde ogre representation in a long time even if itā€™s not World of Warcraft.

Obviously my dream is still to get playable ogres, full stop, but it would be nice to see things like Horde ogre representation and female ogres even if they werenā€™t playable. It just seems like such a weird oversight. The Hearthstone and Rumble teams seem to have fun with ogres, but World of Warcraft avoids them so much. I mean, this many years out Iā€™d be frustrated if we got more attention to ogres like female models without them being playable (just like Warlords of Draenorā€™s models seemed like it might have been setting up for them becoming playable, only for it to not happen again), but either way it should happen. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No voice in our heads but the Maw
We relish the sound of its call
Weā€™ll plunder and feast on any man, any beast
Doesnā€™t matter, weā€™ll snack on them all

The stragglers we didnā€™t consume
Are chucked in our sacrifice stew
They scream, and they run
But thatā€™s part of the fun
'Cuz the Ogres are coming to get ya!

Oh, Ogres, Ogres, chomping on meats!
Filling our guts with our struggling treats!
Tearing, chewing, we kill for the Maw!
The power and grubā€™s what weā€™re doing it for!
Crunching and biting we kill for the Maw!
The power and grubā€™s what weā€™re doing it for!

Iā€™d have to find some like-minded players, but I think some warhammer ogre influence for rp would be fun.


Why just limit yourself to only Stonemaul when we have so many clans to chose from here? There was a time apart from diehard Gronn worshippers when the whole Ogre race followed the Horde to Azeroth.

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