The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So I played around with Warcraft 1 and 2 and I couldn’t continue on with 1. The whole road pathing thing, the inability to actually form a group, and the way the game was held in a small screen in the middle of my monitor, all in all made it a turn off.

However Warcraft 2 was much more enjoyable with the two or three missions I played, no force road building, I could form groups of units like my grunt army or Zul’jin and the Forest Trolls in the Free Zul’jin mission. I will say that I did forget that during War2, we could only train one unit at a time.

All in all just messing around with the old RTS games made me rather appreciate how the RTS set up evolved from War 1 to War3.

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No DRM, good price for games, you own the game you buy and many other advantages. GOG is the best market to buy our games.

Next month’s Trading Post items have been announced:

The item you earn from doing enough tasks is this transmog set:

Also, there will be 500 bonus tenders to earn next month:

Nothing Ogre related that I saw, so there is still the mystery of the other Ogre child models that were found. Not sure if they’ll be on the Trading Post someday or elsewhere, but we’ll keep an eye out for them.

Also, speaking of February and the whole romance theme, I really need to think up some Ogre flirts and also jokes. Maybe imagining an Ogre dressed up in that Love Witch attire will inspire me. Or maybe dressed as Cupid would be better. Not entirely sure…

Anyway, I’ll continue to report on each month’s Trading Post items just in case something Ogre related pops up. Honestly, there are a few Ogre related toys from the old card game and possibly other areas I wouldn’t mind popping up on there, like the Ogre pinata toy and some of the Ogre illusion toys. I’ll need to look at the post I did of Ogre toys again to see what all is there.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I thought of a few.

  • Me smash you, you smash me.
  • One or two, I got the heads for this.
  • I love gnomes… they go so far at football night.
  • You think Tauren rouges are sneaky, yet you can’t even find Dagg, Hi Dagg!

I wonder how realistically long we’re all gunna have to wait for races that have been long requested by the playerbase granted i realize its blizzards IP and they can do with it whatever they want but id just like an actual dev confirmation on whether or not they’re gunna be legitimately playable and not one of the one off that got off topic tangents that git stuff added in at random by saying it purely out of the blue, it’d just be nice to know for once instead of being strung along to an announcement for a race that not everyone wants not saying not everyone wants stone dwarves but theres several other options that would’ve gotten a better reception

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From a business point of view, it would be better for Blizzard to not say anything on whether a NPC race we come across will become playable or not.

You never know if they may consider them playable in the future, which is always a possibility, so keeping things open would be good. A good example is when we deal with Queen Azshara again, it’d be a great time to have Horde Kelfin and Alliance Ankoan become playable, since their stories heavily involve her.

Not only would saying a race would never be playable close off those future possibilities, it would also really disappoint people (I know I’d be really tempted to quit if Blizzard said Ogres and Saurok would never be playable) and be viewed negatively. Especially if it is a race people want playable, and given this is a business, it’d be better to keep people interested and the option open as opposed to shutting that idea down and doubling down on that statement. Could you imagine the kerfuffle that would’ve gone down if Blizzard stated Wildhammer Dwarves would never be playable in any form and then we got Earthen afterwards? It would be quite the PR headache.

It’s really hard to know what to expect when it comes to future playable races. I do think there are chances a lot of requested NPC races could become playable, otherwise I wouldn’t be on here doing what I do. Yes, seeing a lot of playable race requests get pushed aside in favor for something out of nowhere and looking fairly lazy like Neutral Earthen is disappointing, but I still see new playable races in the future. Now, if they all become something along the same tier as Earthen and the problems with them, that might be a cause for concern.

Something I will say about WoW is that it seems like one of the last few MMO’s that have new playable races as a feature. It’s a huge plus for that and it also opens more revenue possibilities with things like race chances and level boosts. So hopefully we would continue to see new playable races. Preferably ones people want to play as, since while there is a lot of room on that character creation screen, it isn’t an infinite amount of space.

All in all, in my own personal opinion, it’s better to leave the option open on whether a race will become playable or not in the future than to just shoot it down. You never know if we may get to a point in the game where said race makes sense to become playable. Hopefully Horde Ogres get that opportunity someday!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Do you think the business point of view would prevent them from explaining their logic on making the likes of Darkfallen and Man’ari customization races over playable races in their own right?

In thinking about it, I could see people taking whatever they say and twist things to say Blizzard declared that certain races will never be playable, by just applying the logic on different races.

I honestly don’t know if Blizzard would ever explain how they picked what would be Customization Races and what would be Core/Allied Races. Especially when we get Earthen, which just complicates matters even further.

Even if they did offer an explanation, I can’t imagine it going over well. The whole Customization Race thing just seems like a way to implement those races while cutting costs and resources used. And of course the way they did it, it cut all those Customization Races’ identities and many other things I’ve complained about for quite some time. It’s a really big disappointment all around.

It all makes me wish there was a sub race system that could’ve been implemented instead. But on the bright side, Ogres and a few other races I want playable should be full races as opposed to being slapped onto another existing race.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think they don’t really know themself. Of course beware with customization races because now Wildhammer are mixed with Ironforged Dwarves when they make the npc (I think they make their npc with a software to generate them randomly) and it’s not nice to see this.

Subrace system could be a good system but only if each subrace get its own voices, its own racials, its own customizations and its own starting area (without quests) like Aerie Peak for Wildhammer. Except “core races with starting area and quests in the area”, every race should begin to level 10.


That would have been cool.

You know I can easily see how it could have worked, with someone picking on an Orc on the character creation screen and then getting the option to be a regular green orc, a Mag’har, or even a Fel Orc.

That’s a comfort I also have with customization races being a thing.


We got three Horde Ogre clans just waiting to get in on the action, and all they get is to sit there and be bored and sad. But you can help get these Ogres have a chance of being something much more!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Never forget the Horde Ogre clans! Let them smash stuff for the Horde!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Just because im big doesn’t mean im stupid or dumb said by some random ogre maybe


imagine if you were a baby ogre

Then you wouldn’t be very big.

heres my ogre hunter gorrog standing next to rexxar, although when i get the option to actually make him into an ogre he’ll be red skinned and wearing this

minus the cowl he’ll have one eye and it’ll be yellow


Hes going to look glorious!


That looks badass and I see it being better on an Ogre.


Something I need to do is to farm plate armor transmogs. Plate classes have been one of my least played classes, and it might be a good idea to get a bunch in the hopes I get to make my Ogre Warrior and other future plate wearing characters in the future. Though I am happy to be able to get transmogs of any time on any character in the future, I could get a head start on it.

Also need to think about the type of weapons my Ogre Warrior would use. Guess I need to gather a bunch of 2-hander transmogs for him to dual wield as a Fury Warrior someday!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


holly longdale just liked my annoying playable ogre ranting on twitter lol.

sorry if the link is bad. i am old and dumb.
not sure how to screenshot rofl


The mysterious patch 10.2.6 is planned to come out sometime in March:

As you may know, this is the patch on the roadmap that just has that pirate-looking banner, leading to a lot of speculation. I’m honestly not sure what all to expect, other than something pirate related.

I’m not really expecting a lot with regards to Ogres. If anything, maybe there would be enemy Ogre pirates or something. But maybe we could be lucky and see the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans lead naval battles against any enemy pirates or something. Who knows? I’m not expecting a big patch, so expectations should be tempered.

Although, since this patch takes place in my birthday month, maybe we’ll get lucky. Getting playable Horde Ogres would be an epic birthday gift… :pirate_flag: :japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: