The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I had a random thought, we know that the Horde Council is willing to expand it’s numbers as they did to include Mayla and Kiro after it was formed. But do you think that it would become apart of the plot for a new playable race?

Like say Tharg or whoever leads the Stonemaul agrees to allow for their Ogre champions to be apart of the Horde vanguard as adventures are on the condition that he gets a seat on the council.


which one of these do you think is Garrloks mom?

i am down with the thicknesss


y’know i’m surprised tharg never pulled a mankrik on onyxias brood


It was said that Tharg was hindered by his injuries and age, so that could prevented him from going on a crusade against the Onyxia’s brood. Though I admit that would have been rather cool to see.


During that time period, Mok’morokk had an iron fist over the MU Stonemaul Clan and commanded that members just sit there doing nothing.

Even though we beat him up something fierce, it’s possible that in the storyline, he actually could fight worth something, and to either fight him and lose or go against his wishes could’ve involved a strict reprimand or even being outlawed. Not exactly a fun thing to have happen during the whole situation.

Whether Tharg was capable or not despite his wounds isn’t known, but in another timeline where Mok’morokk wasn’t being a butt and would lead the clan against Onxyia’s minions, I suspect many of the Ogres would’ve gone all Mankrik on them. Likely with some big casualties unless the Horde stormed the dragonkin alongside them, seeing as the MU Stonemaul Clan did get run off from their home before.

So maybe the whole thing was difficult for the MU Stonemaul Clan to do by themselves. Especially during the time period Onyxia was still alive and could just arrived there and cause the biggest BBQ ever in the whole swamp in retaliation. Not saying this excuses Mok’morokk of course, but it’s still some things to think about.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I was rereading the allied race quests and noticed that current Horde and Alliance tended to be apart of the process. For example we had Baine reaching out to Mayla and Lor’themar inviting Thalyssra to meet him in Silvermoon, while Rokhan had a place on honor in Talanji’s entourage during her trial to be Queen. And I couldn’t help but wonder if that trend could continue with future allied races going forward.

Now if that trends continues I could easily see the Rokhan and Rexxar involved in a Stonemaul recruitment quest chain. At the very least it would feel criminal to not include Rexxar in the matter.


Maybe the Dark Talon leader as well, to try and smooth over the whole Animosity between them and the Dragons.


Rexxar should absolutely be involved if the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans were to be part of the playable Horde Ogre faction. It would be a glaring hole in their story in general not to have him there to at least give his blessings to them.

A lot is going to be dependent on the circumstances that would allow them to become full members for if the Horde reaches out to the Horde Ogre clans or if something comes up, we help out, and either side seeks for their full membership to the Horde. Maybe there is something that the Horde Ogre Clans become a huge help with that the Horde offer them full membership afterwards, for example.

And yeah, there is going to be some sort of explanation given to the MU Stonemaul Clan that the Dracthyr are good dragons and allies aren’t to be beaten up. Not impossible, of course, and I’m sure it could easily be smoothed over. I mean, my Horde Dracthyr are treated just fine by them, so hopefully they understand and it isn’t just the area being stuck in Cataclysm’s timeline affecting that.

Also, I’m still thinking over the whole Horde Ogre and Alliance Furbolg pairing some to see if I can come up with at least an outline of such an scenario. Not sure when I’ll have one, but I am pondering more on it just for fun.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


the racial idea i mentioned before about being able to carry an ally during the duration lets give an example and say it lasts 12 seconds but during those 12 seconds you can’t cast or do anything besides be engulfed in a primal rage as you pound the ground and rush towards the enemy while whomever is riding ogreback is laying down death n destruction you are completely immune to roots and slows during this rampage but can still be killed the final slam towards the ground resulting in a 4sec stun to anyone within a 8yd range if you attempt to break the stun in 3 secs it’ll result in a 2sec fear , 4min cd but thats just speculative opinion


In an interesting bit of news today, Warcraft 1, 2, and Diablo 1 are now available for purchase on Battle Net:

Now, this is dealing with the old Horde, but it’s still a reminder of how Ogres and Forest Trolls were once apart of it. Of course, the current Horde is much different from the old Horde, but it is still a big slice of nostalgia for a lot of people who were with Warcraft since its early days.

I’m not sure if the MU Stonemaul Clan, likely as alleged members of another Ogre clan at the time, was part of it before breaking off and fighting for the current Horde or not. However, they are quite the missing piece of what could make the current Horde feel whole again if they and the AU Stonemaul Clan along with Forest Trolls (Team Revantusk here!) and Dragonmaw Orcs became playable Horde races, with other future playable races as icing on the cake of course.

I think sometime when I get some spare money, I’ll get all three of those games and play through them. I never did back in the day, and having an army with Ogres in them sounds as enticing as always. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is a surprise.

I got the GoG version but I might grab these just to have them in one app.




I’m gonna go buy those like…right now. I started with Orcs and Humans… I miss it so much.


That is rather interesting news. I’ve been about of the Warcraft franchise since Warcraft 2. It’s been a long time since I’ve played it and I never played Warcraft 1. I’ll have to check those out.

The Stonemaul were among the Ogre clans within the Horde. When Rexxar asks Kor’gall to aid the Horde, Kor’gall said: “Stupid halfbreed! We ogres split from Horde long ago. They weak–soft. We no owe them nothing! Long as I rule, Stonemauls no help no orcs!”

Which of course prompted Rexxar to challenge him for leadership and the rest was history.

I’m all for playable Ogres being able to hail from any Ogre clan within the Horde and playable orcs should get the Dragonmaw skin. Meanwhile I’m Team Revantusk too, though I won’t say no to the Horde gaining more Forest Troll tribes… as long as the Revantusk remains the dominant tribe within the Horde.


Edit: Posting when half asleep is not the smartest of ideas. Fixed my post below.

That makes for an interesting link to the Old Horde. I am curious what Ogre clans were part of the old Horde and which ones were never part of it. I’m unsure if there were any notable Ogre clans back then, as opposed to something like Forest Trolls in the old Horde which consisted of only the Amani if I understand correctly.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I have to admit that I just assumed all the Ogre clans on Azeroth were apart of the Old Horde. However it’s also possible that there were clans that entered Azeroth before Draenor shattered into Outland, like the Lost Ones and Broken seen in the Blasted Lands and the Swamp of Sorrows in, without being apart of the Horde.

There were not any notable Ogre clans back then. While the Boulderfist clan were the first to be recruited into the Horde it wasn’t until BC, that we learned that they were the clan Krol led.

Meanwhile when it came to the Forest Trolls, the Tides of Darkness game just treated them as Forest Trolls with the novel confirming that the Amani were first to work with the Horde, with the only other tribe being mentioned being the Witherbark. Though it was made clear that other tribes were recruited.


Now that I think about it, it wasn’t until War3 that we actually got a named Ogre clan with the Stonemaul. The other Ogre clans were introduced in WoW or WoW related media (ex: the Mahrook clan, introduced as a dead clan in Traveler) and then back pedaled into, as seen with Krol being the former leader of the Boulderfist.

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Better to buy them on GOG :dracthyr_nod:


No DRM. 10chars

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