The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

That’s rather interesting.

To be honest, not knowing anything about it has made me rather excited.


I’d really enjoy playing a Ogre. Heck I’d go from short man to BIG MAN in no time!


Found a neat video that shows someone making a diorama for an Ogre miniature they had:

Makes me wish I was that skilled. I’d love to be able to make some WoW related dioramas.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Just played as Cho with my brother being Gall in HoTS.

Really really wish we could play ogres in WoW.


I forgot that Cho’gall allowed for two people to play as one in HoTS.

Now that I think about it, its been a long while since I’ve played it.


y’know i think when most people say ogres are too big they use an absurdly large ingame model as comparison like the highmaul turncoat in vol’mar or some of the gordunni ogres in feralas which are literally the size of the humans 2nd story buildings ingame or the boss models from the gruuls lair fight plus the ones in blades edge mountain, npc models tend to be bigger than the average player model depending on the use and area, although the one in vol’mar is actually half of the size the player model can be using the ogre suit from arathi highlands and giant potion or the vrykul horn

kinda like how there are different sizes of drakonid based on the npc and where its used


although most would probably use the ogre lord as a comparison but that model alone the size itself couldn’t even fit into stormwind keep, high king maulgar has to be atleast building sized in terms of boss model sizes


Why just the Stonemaul? Why not going back to the whole thing like it was pre second war? All Orcs, trolls, goblins and ogres should be a part of the same faction.

well its one of 3 clans that are united under the horde at the moment we don’t know if more will rejoin under the new horde leadership or not because other factions and clans of ogres still oppose the horde


We do want more Ogres in the Horde. However as the Stonemaul are the prominent Ogre clan in the Horde (the Dunemaul and AU Stonemaul having a lesser presence), its more likely for them to be the playable Ogre group. Like how Dwarves are from the Bronzebeard or trolls from the Darkspear.


Crushridge? Bladespire? Gordok?

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the crushridge were the ones who separated from the stonemaul and the ones who’re primarily manipulated by sylvanas to fight one of the nathrezim, i can’t remember the exact name of the ogre but after he broke free of her control he renamed his clan and took alterac, my bad its mug’thol after he donned the crown of will it allowed him to regain his mind and break free of her control


the gordok or as its put the gordunni are probably all that remains of whatever the last bits of the original gorian empire was, its a clan based on strength whoever kills the leader gets to lead


I would always be fine with more Ogre clans joining the Horde.


While there are several clans that would work well as a group of Horde Ogre clans, I don’t see every Ogre clan ever being united and joining the Horde for many reasons. Both for storylines and also for gameplay reasons. Especially since some of them have done things against the Horde, like the Dustbelcher Clan betraying their agreement.

The only way I can see every Ogre clan being part of any playable Ogre faction is if the Ogri’la Ogres were the playable Ogre faction. I can imagine some Ogres either leaving their clans or just going on a journey of self-enlightenment and for a greater good. Of course, this means setting aside any feelings for the Horde or even the Alliance if Ogri’la Ogres were to be neutral.

Otherwise, for Horde Ogres, we focus on a few clans already part of the Horde (MU Stonemaul Clan, AU Stonemaul Clan, Dunemaul Clan) or have some reasonable arguments of possibly joining up with the Horde Ogre clans (Gordunni Clan, Crushridge Clan, and possibly a few others I’ve forgotten). But if Blizzard went the multiple clan route for playable Horde Ogres, the more the merrier in my opinion, which is great for roleplayers to have more options.

Speaking of the Ogri’la Ogres, I’m still planning on a post looking at them as a possible playable neutral faction. Granted, I still would much prefer Ogres as a Horde race with the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans at the very least part of it, but it’s something worth discussing.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The speed at which I would switch half my characters to Ogres would cause a tremor in space-time continuum. They are my #1 requested playable race!


In that scenario, I could see the starting area having different Ogre banners to represent the other clans within the Ogre union. After all if playable goblins went from potential Trade Prince to adventurer, then playable Ogres can easily go from ambassador or being among the ambassador party to adventurer.


for me its only 4 toons to swap and 1 to create from scratch, mage dk shaman hunter and then warrior is made from scratch


Happy Valentine’s Day! Or if you’re single like me, happy Singles Awareness Day!

I attempted to try and find something Ogre related for the holiday, and aside from a bunch of Shrek stuff…I couldn’t really find anything, unfortunately. So I’ll just leave a little joke:

-Do Ogres get crushes on others?

-Only if they find the right sized boulder and have good aim!

Whatever plans y’all have today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday! :heart: :japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy valentine’s Day, ogre lovers!

Thanks to Bagzak for suggesting this, it was too fun an idea to pass up. :grin: