The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Isn’t Rexxar half ogre, half orc?

Ogres should be a playable race since Vanilla


He is. Hes a member of the Mok’nathal tribe who are known for having many half-orc-half-ogres among them. Though technically they also have regular Ogres and Orcs as well. Mok’nathal is the clan name though many people use it as the shorthand for the Half-orc half-ogre.



While I’m not against the idea of neutral allied races, I do think that it should only be done when it makes sense. For example I think the Tuskarr would be a great fit as a neutral allied race. After all their are multiple Tuskarr tribes on the Dragon Isles and Northrend. So having two of them decide to join the factions could work, especially if they decide to depict it as a friendly rivalry as they did with the Pandaren.

To be honest I’m really curious on exactly how expanding the Horde Council would work. All we currently know is that of Shadows Rising every playable race was represented on the council. While Scalecommander Cindrethresh leads the Horde Dracthyr, there has been nothing saying that they had joined the council.

There’s the matte of the non playable Horde races, like the Stonemaul and Revantusk. For example how do they feel about new comers like the Vulpera have a seat when they don’t?

I wonder if they could become playable when we return to Northrend for The Last Titan.


As mentioned already, Rexxar is half Ogre, half Orc known as Mok’nathal and my most wanted race since I saw him as Batman in Outland. The Batman joke is that he had a helm that looked like it was from Batman and I’ve never forgotten it. Rexxar is also my favorite character. Just love his new character model. LOVE it.

And yes, Ogres should’ve been playable since vanilla as a core race.

I could’ve swore that Mok’nathal meant half Ogre, half other race like Draenei and such. I can’t remember where I ran across that but I thought that they were a tribe of half Ogres with no distinct other half as in not only half Ogre, half Orc. I was pretty sure there was a half ogre, half Draenei too but maybe I’m mistaken.

EDIT: I’ve had a little time to cool off and if Blizz made Ogres neurtral and available to both factions I’d still probably play them but I would not be happy for reasons stated above. I would just be glad we FINALLY got them and swallow my dislike for the perceived slight.


I couldn’t find anything about it relating to any language even orcish, but I did find that it did start out entirely half-orcs half-ogres. In chronicle this was retconned a bit to say there was orcs, ogres and half breeds in the clan.

So… Kinda yes kinda no?


found a image from hearthstone, granted i know if they can be warriors they can heroic leap but i can’t wrap my head around them doing a backflip as a Demon hunter


Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! :fireworks:

Is it just me or did 2023 seem to slowly move forward until the end, where it just zoomed on by?

Anyway, I decided I’ll do a bigger post for both my megathreads after New Year’s Day. Partly because what I can say would be more fitting looking towards the future than looking al 2023 as a whole, especially since not a whole lot of new Horde Ogre stuff occurred, and partly because of a sinus headache from my sinuses fighting against allergy barbarians thinking my nose is the best place to have an epic party 24/7. Fun times.

What I will say is that I will of course be continuing the playable Horde Ogre support next year and beyond. We’re going to hit our 4 year anniversary in 2024 and I’ve no interest in tossing in the towel any time soon. Even if the next three expansions may have little in the way of Horde Ogre activity, I’ll still be marching in support and reporting anything of interest back in here. I knew making this megathread was more of a marathon than a sprint and honestly, I have fun making posts and having discussions here.

And for my interest in WoW, it has actually been increasing lately. Aside from Dragonflight being much much much better than Shadowlands, my current least favorite expansion, I’ve been liking the cross faction stuff and being able to share things between my Horde and Alliance characters. I can’t begin to say how great it feels to have just one character for each of the main professions and being able to share stuff between all characters. Makes it feel like a big happy family of sorts in a way.

Anyway, as we go into 2024, I’ll just leave some music to party to celebrate the occasion to:

Playable Horde Ogre support continues in 2024 and beyond! Whatever plans y’all have for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe New Year’s Eve and Day. I’ll see all of you in 2024!

-Dream big Ogre fans! Always! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy New Years!


I was going to start the New Year by drawing again but as stated in the San’layn thread I had burned my old art onto a CD/DVD to save it and my new rig doesn’t have a CD/DVD reader. And I let my nephew borrow my old rig cause he burned out his CPU so can’t transfer my art to a USB. :frowning:

Anyway, I was going to try to draw an Ogre Druid. Not sure if I was going to do two heads or not but all my old references are on the CD/DVD so now might have to just wing it. Kind of bummed right now and not feeling like looking for new references or even drawing.

Like always I’ll share my art if I do start on it but I know that my tastes differ from those in this forum so don’t expect anything even remotely close to what you are probably picturing.

:+1: Playable Ogres for the Horde in 2024.


i kind of imagine an ogre hunter cutting down a tree and using the whole tree as an arrow and using some magical dust to make the trees grow back so he has more ammunition, would probably piss off the tree hugging elves which could spark a conflict


Happy New Year Everyone! :fireworks:

2024 has started and despite my sinuses trying to break through my face with whatever I have, I’m going to make a New Year’s post here and in other megathreads I frequent. Granted, I’ll likely do that gradually.

I’ll break some stuff down into a few sections to ramble about them.

Megathread Continuation

As I mentioned before, I’m fully intending to keep at it with the playable Horde Ogre support as best as I can throughout this year and beyond, much to the rejoice of some and chagrin of others. I knew it would be quite the marathon when I started this and I’ve no plans to stop any time soon.

General Megathread Plans

The main thing I can think of for the initial megathread post is adding some jokes/flirts. I haven’t been creative enough to think up any, but hopefully I’ll be able to add that to the main post in the near future.

I’m also debating addressing the possibility of neutral Ogres, much as I strongly believe that Ogres should be a Horde only race. However, given that we’re getting Horde Dwarves and that Ogres would take a lot of work to get up and running with all the bells and whistles that would make people happy, it may be something that we should address. I’m planning on looking at the Ogri’la Ogres in a post for the near future and opening discussions on it. Again, I still would prefer Ogres as Horde only with the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans being part of it at the very least.

And while I see Ogres more as a Core Race than an Allied Race, I may revamp that section a bit since the Allied Race system is being utilized once more. This may be after Earthen become playable, since I’ll be able to see how their unlock criteria is, their banner placements in both the Horde and Alliance embassies, and such to potentially comment on it.

So far, that is all I can think of I’ll be doing with regards to megathread updates. I’ll likely do some general sprucing up as I figure out anything else to add or revamp.

The New Expansions

We got ourselves not just one but three expansion announcements from Blizzcon, and while I don’t really expect much Horde Ogre related from them, I’m still going to be covering them and keeping an eye out for stuff to report back here.

The War Within is set to release later this year. The main thing out of this expansion would be the Allied Race system being utilized. I’ll be looking into how Earthen are unlocked and their banner placements in the Horde and Alliance embassies. It doesn’t sound like the Horde Ogre clans will be involved at all, but we’ll see when the expansion comes out.

Midnight seems to be focused on Elf stuff from the initial sound of it, so I’m not expecting much in the way of Horde Ogre stuff unless they get paired with Alliance High Elves as the “forbidden races.” All I know Elves are serious business, so I’ll try to keep an open mind. Granted, I’m hoping San’layn get some love and become fully playable, but we’ll see what this uniting Elf Tribes feature is when we get more info at a future Blizzcon.

The Last Titan is farthest away with little info other than a return trip to Northrend. While it isn’t impossible to see anything Horde Ogre related here, I don’t know if I can reasonably expect anything here. If anything, I’d think that Tuskarr, Taunka, Frostborn, San’layn, and other denizens of Northrend might have higher priority. Doesn’t stop me from hoping of course.

And of course there will be more expansions after that. It’s likely to still be a marathon when it comes to supporting playable Horde Ogres, but I’m still planning to do that while keeping my eyes peeled for anything to help report back here. In the meantime, I’ll cover each new expansions’ features when they’re officially revealed and give some general thoughts on them.

Our Megathread’s Anniversary

On October 9th, we’ll be hitting our megathread’s 4 year anniversary. I don’t really have any special plans as usual, since I have no idea if I’ll have free time to do much of anything other than the usual post. Still, we’re still going strong and we’ve grown quite a bit since I made this megathread. We Ogre fans are dedicated as we’re in it for the long haul! And speaking of other people…

A Thank You

As usual, I want to thank everyone for their interest and support in here. Whether you come here and post or you just come to see what all we type out, it is greatly appreciated.

Maintaining a megathread isn’t easy and some days it can be a bit hard to get motivated to keep going. Regardless, a lot of you inspire me to keep at it here. Ogres have been a wanted playable Horde race since the Vanilla, and likely even since the beta. I see numerous people mention wanting them on the forums here and elsewhere.

I’m guessing I’m doing something right if I’m potentially inspiring others to want them as well and to give them a place to give support. I’m honestly glad I started up this megathread, though it was a very nervous decision I made at the time, and it’s surprising at times how we’re still going strong here and how passionate a lot of us are for Ogres in the Warcraft universe. And while nothing is guaranteed from what we do in here, I still have a lot of fun posting and talking with others in here.

So I want to again thank everyone here. Y’all are one of the big reasons I keep going. I’m glad people have been enjoying the work we’ve put into this megathread, as it means a lot to me. Thank you!

In Closing

With a new year arriving, I want to see if I can hit the ground running. I look forward to working on my megathreads and also posting in other megathreads. 2024 might be the year of the dragon, but hopefully we’ll have the year of Ogres someday!

I know I’ll keep dreaming of seeing Ogre players running around Orgrimmar as champions of the Horde. Let us hope our dreams become reality someday! Here is to a new year and more playable Horde Ogre support! Cheers! :japanese_ogre:

-Dream big Ogre fans! Always! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Mandatory PLAYABLE OGREZ WHERE message for good luck :


Thank you


That’s a great philosophy to have when it comes to allied races. After all while the Zandalari were an obvious fit with us going to Zandalar and recruiting them in Battle for Azeroth, there was nothing about the premise of the expansion that made it clear that the AU Mag’har were going to be playable.

It all really comes down to Blizzard deciding that a race should be playable and then moving on from there.


I came to say goodbye. I got banned again for a day on a thread about mass flagging/banning, lol. Just annoyed at how ridiculous the forums have become and Ogres getting passed over again. Also, I still do not like how classes/specs feel. They aren’t very much the fantasy type but more like they are just a class with minimal fantasy theme/design which I feel NEEDS to change.

My sub is up in about 20 days, I’m done with the forums after the latest BS and I don’t see myself coming back for anything in the foreseeable future right now. The stone Dwarves are not a playable race I want to play. None of the announced Xpacs even have my interest let alone excite me.

I wanted to share some art in the coming weeks but I do not even feel in the WoW mood after everything that has happened. About to start working on my UE5 game and with the gaming market not doing well and no really good games coming out for a while I figured I switch gears and game less and create more with my art, 3D modeling and game design.

If we don’t see each other again I wish you all the best, may you all live well, love well, have fun and may your dreams of playable Ogres come true.

EDIT: I’d come back for Druids or Paladins for all races.


i wonder if the 10.2.6 patch will be another april fools on ogres but it’ll be a real introduction to a female ogre model but no one will take it seriously until it actually releases like pandaren did


A new year means a new month. And since Ogres are still not on the Horde side of that character creation screen, it’s time for another round of in-game feedback to show our support for playable Horde Ogres!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Another year without playable Horde Ogres is no good. So lets hope that we’ll get some years with them sooner than later!

-Dream big Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Gonna submit with a note about my baby ogre needing to grow up.


Seeing as how the Horde is going to assist the Alliance in taking back Gilneas in the next Dragon Flight patch, coming January 16th, I thought some about Dustwallow Marsh and the whole Onxia’s offspring coming to take over event we’ve talked about some, and I feel that it would be something that Horde and Alliance would get involved with as opposed to just Horde.

Theramore is still in ruins, as there was a questline somewhere that involved you being taken there by a dragon to find some dudes who are up to no good. However, it isn’t impossible that Theramore could get rebuilt in the future, and even then, it’s something that likely would cause Jaina some concern if there was an offspring of Onxia in the area again trying to take over.

Obviously that wouldn’t be in the Alliance’s best interests and with the Horde, they would have territory threatened. Especially if the MU Stonemaul Clan lost their home once again. So in that particular case, I could see them team up and it also being an event where you actually see the MU Stonemaul Clan take their home back for good in-game as opposed to being left wondering what is going on there.

I don’t know if this would be a pre-expansion event or something involving unlocking playable Ogres. The MU Stonemaul Clan is clearly Horde and I don’t see them being neutral. Moreso since they were a big part of Jaina’s father getting knocked silly and killed during Warcraft 3. Maybe it could still unlock Ogres for the Horde and there would be an event for whatever the Alliance would get. Maybe something involving the Furbolgs as I’ve mentioned before.

Anyway, it’s just a thought I had when I was thinking about the whole Gilneas reclamation thing. Seems like events like that in the future will likely be done by both Horde and Alliance, which is great for those who only play one faction and want to get in on the event, so nobody gets left out. It is something to think about with regards to any playable race unlock events that could happen in the future, be it a pre-expansion event or whatnot.

And of course, this could also affect the Dire Maul event idea I’ve also had. I’ll have to think more on that in another post, but I could see the Horde and Alliance working together to take it over and studying it with the two exploration factions from Dragonflight overseeing it.

Speaking of Dragonflight, info on the upcoming patch is here for anyone interested:

Nothing really Horde-Ogre related I saw, but as usual, I’ll keep an eye out just in case.

-Dream big Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That was an interesting moment in the Blue Dragonflight quest chain.

I think a cool idea would be for the Horde to rebuild Stonemaul Village, as the Alliance rebuilds Theramore. This could allow for that faction rivalry to come into play and allow for the village to get an upgrade into Stonemaul Fortress to make it a proper rival to Theramore.

Theramore can have its boats, while Stonemaul Fortress has zeppelins.


Rebuild Theramore could be nice with a new chief because Jaina is now in Kul Tiras. We could get Humans, Dwarves, High Elves and Night Elves in this new city.

But they need to fix Bel’ameth first. Bel’ameth needs to be a decent capital for Night Elves but and for now it doesn’t a decent capital for them. Many things are missing in Bel’ameth. And we need a propor city not a little village for them.

Also the Onyxia’s lair could be used by the Stonemaul with their actual settlement.