The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

they’d be able to cast while riding on ogre back :open_mouth: so mobile casting


kinda like this in a way


although question being would a clothie get motion sick from a ogre warrior chargin and heroic leapin everywhere?


Being able to equip two helms should be a racial ability.


could always incorporate the tech they have with the separate shoulders instead of making 2 different helm slots


maybe the racial could be a mix of mini bloodlust and the ability for a player or smaller race player able to jump on ur back and cast for the duration


Happy Winter Veil Eve everyone! Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe holiday! Now if you’ll excuse me…

I’ve got some Winter Veil cheer to spread throughout the game! Including the Horde Ogre clans! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy Winter Veil Day! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


:christmas_tree: Happy Winter Veil Day! :christmas_tree:


Happy Winter’s Veil!

Can’t wait to see ogres available so I can make my several planned ogres.


how many different eye colors have ogres been seen with? i’ve seen most of em and i think they’re as common as the orcs eye colors


Looks like this Ogre child had a fun Winter Veil Day. Hopefully other Horde Ogres will be able to join in on the festivities someday! :snowman_with_snow:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I can’t wait for the day a grown version of my Ogre child gets to join the Horde as a powerful Mage.


we might get to see garrlok grow up but hopefully they don’t turn him into a garrosh 2.0


I saw someone suggesting all AR’s would be neutral going forward and while I hate that idea, I thought about what I’d make if they were.

And I’d still make my ogre mage and ogre monk for Horde.

But I might make an ogre druid for Alliance. I’m my stories my night elf druid took over a clan of ogres somewhere on Outland and brought them back to his island home off the coast of Kalimdor. He taught them how to be Druids (alongside some Arrakoa and Sporelings) and they’ve been reinforcing his Sentinel contingent since.


Before I begin this post, I wanted to mention that I am in the process of making a year end and beginning year post for both my megathreads. I’ll see if I can get the former up tomorrow and the latter on or shortly after New Year’s. If not, I’ll make a combined post.

While it wouldn’t be 100% guaranteed to see all Allied or Core races neutral going forward, it also wouldn’t surprise me.

Neutral races cuts a lot of the work load out, since you’d only need to design one race. And certainly some races would be best as a neutral race (Sethrak, Tuskarr, Ethereals, etc). However, it does a number on faction identity if all new playable races going forward are neutral. You can still have Alliance and Horde work together, in which all the cross faction features have really renewed my interest in the game to be honest, but still have Alliance and Horde with their own identities. It’s something that I feel is still important to Warcraft as a brand.

When it comes to Ogres, given all the work that would need to be put in to make them playable with two head customization and such and that whatever Alliance would get would be very overshadowed, I could see them being a neutral race. However, that would likely mean a new Ogre clan would be made and the Horde Ogre clans would get shoved off to the side in that case, and given the importance of the MU Stonemaul Clan and how the AU Stonemaul Clan would bring in Draenor stuff, it would be fairly disappointing to me. And while Ogres really are a Horde race, it seems like that stuff is getting tossed out the window with rock Dwarves on the Horde, with the question of Earthen on the Horde Council, being a thing.

Then there is the seemingly quicker pace that expansions are going to get put out. And sure, there are multiple teams at Blizzard who are working on future expansions as we move them into being the current one, but it’s hard to know how flexible that is with resources, budget, and the like. So that also can affect playable races being neutral in the future.

Still, I wouldn’t say that all new playable races, Allied or Core, going forward would be neutral for sure, but it seems like that is a higher chance than before. I’m all for neutral races when it makes sense, but I do feel that some races should only be on one faction for various reasons.

Since there is a chance of playable neutral Ogres, it might be time to open discussions on the Ogri’la Ogres, who would really be the poster boy of neutral Ogres if ever there was one. Of course, that doesn’t really give Draenor themes with them at present and the AU Stonemaul Clan is still in limbo, so that would need to be discussed as well. Something for a future post as I think more on it, though I still strongly feel that Ogres should be a Horde-only race.

And if we get playable neutral Ogres, at least we’d have playable Ogres. And of course I’d go Horde, as I always to for neutral races for at least the first character I create. But we’ll see what happens and we’ll have some discussions on the possibilities.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I hope not tbh. Ogres are Horde only and Blizz not giving them to us for over 19 years only to turn around and give them to the Alliance too would make me rage quit forever. I am not even joking.

Not to mention that if a vampire race is added it HAS to go to Horde because Alliance has werewolves. That is something else that would probably make me rage quit. Vampires and werewolves need to stay separate OR they NEED to give Horde werewolves also. No wiggle room. It is either werewolves and vampires for BOTH Horde and Alliance or vampires ONLY for Horde.

If Blizz does either of the two things mentioned above they are getting a HUGE F-bomb riddled forum post that they can ban me for life since I’ll have quit for life anyways. WoW is holding on by a thread for me personally and this would most definitely be the last straw. I am so salty at Rock Dwarves instead of Ogres. :salt: :mount_fuji:

Ways they can avoid the above scenarios is to not introduce them. I will only play about 2 months every 2-3 years in that scenario but at least I am still playing from time to time. Not that one player playing or not playing even means anything to them.

Another way around this without introducing the two above is to add races that are not considered faction specific like Murlocs, Gnolls, Furbolg, Sethrak, etc. that can be added to both sides.

I know I’m the negative in this thread a lot but Ogres for Horde is a line Blizz better not cross. Horde only! Blizz has gotten under my skin by not giving us Ogres for 19 years so this has been stewing a LONG time.

:+1: Playable Ogres for Horde
:neutral_face: Ogres never introduced as playable
:rage: :stop_sign: Playable Ogres for Alliance

EDIT: I crossed out Furbolgs because I was told they are more Alliance than Horde. So just a correction.


Eh, they’re more fraction specific than any of those.

The Stillpine even are straight up Alliance.

With the old alliance with the Night Elves, the Blackwood and Gnarlpine and possibly the Thistlefur tribes all being canonically Alliance as well and the Horde’s generally poor treatment of the Furbolg (in Ashenvale mostly) I don’t think they really fit the Horde.


That’s fine. They can stay Alliance since you know more about them than I do. Only really wanted Murlocs and Gnolls out of the neutral races but I find it hard to believe either of those would join either faction.

In WotLK I wanted Wolvar for Horde and Gorlocs for Alliance, lol. Wolvar are still one of my favorite neutral or non faction races.

To each their own.


Murlocs, Gnolls and Sethrak would be amazingly easy factions to do as Neutral. (Though I suppose similar vein with Furbolg the Sethrak are more poised to go Horde. Eh.)

This would be an interesting group of races for Neutral I think. And I could see them going more to one side than the other.

Slinking back towards Ogres though, I really hope they’re a Horde only race. Would feel really odd to me for them to be an Alliance race.