The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It was in the behind the scenes interview for BC. He said that he would like goblin, ogres, and naga to be playable. He never outright mentioned any factions, just his wish to make them all playable someday.


I hope this means good news for playable ogres, ogre fans <3 Dream big!


Dropping this screenshot here from 1 of the WCII cinematics incase anyone over at Blizzard forgot about Ogres.

Of course, I heard the news around GD. Metzen wanted Ogres as a playable race, so here’s to hoping. :pray:


What cha gonna do BROTHER when the power of OGREMANIA runs wild on you!?


a neat but probably spoken upon idea, what if the 2 headed option for ogres led to the first ever dual class setup on one character. For instance lets say if the right head is a warrior the left head is a priest, and if we had the racial like i mentioned earlier you could carry a goblin holy pally on ur shoulder to DS both you and the gobbo and have broken dps and survivability

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Metzen wanted Ogres as playable race. Metzen is back. So we will have Ogres as playable race. The Gorian empire will rise again.


I find that happening to be very unlikely, especially because letting one character be two classes or a bastard hybrid of two is just kind of out there.


Be that as it may, I would strongly suggest tempering expectations.

Does it increase the chances of playable Horde Ogres? I’d say so. Is it a guarantee to see playable Ogres finally happening? Unfortunately, I’d have to say no.

It’s hard to know what Blizzard’s plans are, let alone what sot of power or sway Metzen would have in this new position. We likely won’t see the effects of it until an expansion or two has come and gone, given that there have been plans and such for the next few expansions already. Sure, some details can change, but the big picture likely wouldn’t change.

However, it is a good sign for it, assuming Blizzard can be convinced to spend the resources in making playable Horde Ogres. Maybe Metzen could help with that, assuming that he has an interest in seeing Ogres playable someday, but who knows? He likely has his hands full in this new position with whatever Blizzard’s current plans are and I’d prefer to not pester him about it.

Really, all we can do is keep at doing what we’re doing and keep an open mind. There have been some signs that Blizzard is listening to some feedback, so maybe we’ll be lucky and have ours considered.

On the bright side, I’d say our chances have gone up. Maybe not much higher, but still higher than before. :smiley:

—36 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I could see the Mok’nathal as Option for Orcs or just for Maghar and we get like Pale, Yellow, Orange, and etc skin tunes options with the Giant Option Feature as well.

October’s Trading Post items have been officially revealed:

And the reward for doing enough tasks is this broom mount:

Nothing Ogre related that I saw for this month. Still wondering about the other Ogre children models and if they could pop up on the Trading Post someday.

The only real item I can comment on is that the Helm of the Fierce, which could look really good on Ogres of a plate armor class. Something about the horns on the helmet would look really well on Ogres.

Seems to be all I can comment on at present. I was thinking of getting that Imp in a Ball toy as one of my purchases to ask it some questions. Depending on its answers, I’ll either keep it safe as an advisor or proceed to drop-kick it into the nearest lava pit. Guess we’ll see what happens when I can ask it questions.

I’ll continue to report on the Trading Post each month in case we see anything Ogre related again.

—35 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Datamining suggests that preordering the heroic version of 11.0 will give an Algarian Stormrider mount, which is a another sign that Blizzcon will have a new expansion announcement.


Weaklings? They’re huge - you’re a vulpera. An ohre would literally pick its teath with those tiny bones

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Id love to see this, Tormmok was my absolutely homie back in the day

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would he be his own character? or would he be an ogre version of our old high overlord saurfang?

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I could see the Stonemaul Ogres, the Dunemaul Ogres and the Ogres from Draeneor (WoD) being united in the Horde to build a new Goria in the Dustwallow Marsh.


October is a spooky month in general, but you know what is really scary? Going many years and expansions without playable Horde Ogres! :scream:

However! You can help to fix this nightmare with another round of in-game playable race suggestions for the races you want to see playable!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Let us hope we see Ogres adventure across the world (of Warcraft!) as champions of the Horde someday!

—32 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


In my opinion a new Goria would best be in Dire Maul provided that the ogres refurbish the city to look like an ogre city and not a Hightborne one. I think it’d be cool if they get one half of the city while the Shen’dralar keep the other half.

I also would like for ogres to have a really close relationship with orcs similar to how Darkspear do. There are certainly differences between orcs and ogres, and their shared history isn’t great for the most part, but they’re both warrior races from Draenor and have been in the Horde together basically since it’s foundation. This could lead to them having a prominent presence in Orgrimmar and it acting as a sort of secondary capital.


As a big fan of the Shen’dralar I kinda hope the Shen’dralar kinda just… let it go?

I feel like as they’re so few in number and their people have reintegrated into the Night Elves they need to place their focus there and establish themselves not in the ruins of their past but the hope for their future with the rest of the Night Elves.

Let the Ogres have Dire Maul and make it into a shining example of Ogre ingenuity and strength.

This would be wonderful.


Shen’dralar in Amirdrassil, if it’s in the Dream or in the Dragon Isles, will be really bad. I can’t see them living like that.

What do you mean?