The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

A few hours ago our friend Red Shirt Guy tweeted a tasty nugget of chin scratching regarding the possibility of playable ogres, given the new moonkins in 10.2. It’s certainly an interesting point.


I can’t see the Shen’dralar live in Amirdrassil if this tree is in the Dream or in the Dragon Isles.

Good news. Now we need to get this new skeleton on Ogres and an Ogre female model so we could say: Ogres are coming guys!!


I am crossing all my own fingers, and those of several strangers.


The moonkin form is important to note here for sure. After all, they do share skeletons and animations with male Ogre NPC models…at least, current models. Can’t say that it’ll be the same for any future models, such as if they make Ogres playable, but still very much something of interest.

Honestly, there has been a lot of buzz about Ogres in general on the internet lately that seems to be growing for various reasons. Blizzcon approaching fast is likely helping with that as well, and it’s really cool to see people potentially excited for that possibility.

Whether or not you agree that a lot of people would play Ogres, you can’t deny that seeing playable Horde Ogres, complete with two-head customization options and female Ogres appearing for the first time in-game, would be huge marketing news. Something that would be a slam dunk of a popular announcement at a return of an in-person Blizzcon.

That being said, while my fingers are always crossed for playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde being announced, I’m going to try and keep an open mind so as to not get potentially disappointed. Darned if it isn’t hard to do that however.

I’m not kidding when I say that getting Ogres and Saurok as playable Horde races is on the level of getting one of my most wanted characters playable in Smash Bros. Thus the excitement of either possibly happening is a bit hard to control at times when I start seeing discussions of them online so close to Blizzcon.

That said, I still heavily recommend tempering expectations. If it happens, then awesome, I’ll get to work on helping to report on info of it and revamp the main post of the megathread. If not, then we continue to march on in support.

We’ll see what happens when it happens I guess. Hoping for the best as usual, though I haven’t really seen anything other than speculation talk to make me feel like it’s a huge possibility currently. Who knows though? :man_shrugging:

As for Dire Maul, I think it’s good to take a look at it again since it has been awhile and it, along with the MU Stonemaul Clan home, are the two biggest important parts to the MU Stonemaul Clan’s story. I’ll be thinking on it and looking some stuff up for another post.

Also, it is 1 week until this megathread’s 3 year anniversary! Huzzah! :fireworks:

—32 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Just wanted to share that wowpedia has chosen to separate itself from FANDOM and move to, which is run by former Gamepedia staff. A vote is currently underway on whether to keep the wowpedia name or create a new one. Currently at the time of this post, their are 6 votes for a new name to help differentiate the new from the old.

Just wanted to share since links to wowpedia articles have been shared within this forum. Currently their are two possible names for the new site Warcraft Wiki (7 votes at the time of this post) and Warcraftpedia (1 vote at the time of this post).


I’m assuming that the pages on there for anything Horde Ogre related will be mostly the same stuff just copied and pasted onto the new website.

Still, whenever their new website gets created, I’ll check out the Horde Ogre related pages and see if anything difference gets posted there. Not that I expect new info of course, but more curious how they’ll appear, even if it could just be the same as it currently is.

—30 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It will. Though any new Ogre information will be on the new site, which I will share when its been declared.


I’ve never liked Ogres. I say no.

Never understand people who bother to comment no, in a thread dedicated to the thing simply because they just don’t like the thing.

Its like… that doesn’t add anything to the thread. At least if you had some sort of reason beyond “I just don’t like them” it would hold a bit of valid criticisms level of conversations or something.


Ogre’s for Horde and Tuskarr’s for Alliance!

Make it happen Blizz!


Because we can. My opinion is as valid as your’s. I don’t need to defend my position beyond the surface level. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

Maybe I’ve just never liked ogres and I think they would detract from my experience playing the game?

On the topic of Tuskarr Alliance, I noticed that my Man’ari has the Iskaara reputation on the reputation panel despite not yet meeting them with that character. I think it’s just a bug though.

Only two days until this megathread’s 3 year anniversary! Huzzah! :partying_face:

I came across an interesting art piece on DeviantArt which looks kinda like an Ogre Demon Hunter. It was created by KamuiHAX and uploaded to the website on September 25th, 2016.

“Daily Sketch #17” by KamuiHAX on DeviantArt

It really looks like an Ogre Demon Hunter doesn’t it? It could also be a Felbreaker from WoD. Tried to find an image of that, and couldn’t.

Anyway, it’s possible that Demon Hunters will open up to more races someday, possibly all races depending on how Dracthyr are handled, so to have an example of what an Ogre Demon Hunter could look like is pretty awesome to find.

As usual, I’ll keep an eye out for Ogre related art pieces to share for playable Horde Ogre idea inspiration!

—27 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Sometimes the hand of fate must be smashed!


I speak in my Broken thread we could get Krokul instead of Broken as we got the Mag’har from Draenor (WoD) and not the Mag’har from Outland. So we could get the Ogres from Draenor (WoD) and not the Ogres of our timeline. I suspect with the come back of Metzen for Warcraft, we could get these Ogres when Yrel and her Lightbound will come on Azeroth with other species from Draenor (WoD) to fight us.


Alternatively we could get the Ogri’la from Outland and since we haven’t really seen them since the end of BC they could potentially bring in other Ogre clans on Draenor.

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Before I begin, tomorrow is this megathread’s 3 year anniversary. Huzzah! :partying_face:

I don’t really see the Ogri’la Ogres becoming the playable Ogre faction, whether it is Horde only or Neutral (I only see Ogres as a playable Horde race, myself). They seem more interested in pursuing their own goals while helping to protect the world (of Warcraft!), and I doubt they would have much interest in joining a faction that could wind up having yet another huge war kerfuffle thing. I really only see them as a NPC faction at best, myself.

I still stand by my opinion that the MU Stonemaul Clan with the AU Stonemaul Clan merging with them as the playable Horde Ogre faction is the best thing to do (with other Ogre Clans such as the Dunemaul Clan as icing on the cake). You get the best of both worlds (of Warcraft!) with the big and dumb Azeroth Ogres and the savage and cunning AU Draenor Ogres, complete with WoD designs, mounts, etc.

Not to mention that the MU Stonemaul Clan was one of the founding members of the Horde in Warcraft 3. They would really play into the AU Stonemaul’s Clan storyline very well that I don’t see why both wouldn’t get involved should we eventually deal with the Lightbound in the future.

I don’t see why we would only get one or the other. They both complement each other and would have importance in different ways. Just how I honestly feel is all. :smiley:

—26 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


will they be horde or alliance and will th0ey be gigantic ???

well mine, the one i’ll be making as a warrior will be 10’2 in my own canon. and of course they’d be horde i don’t understand where your coming from that’d they’d be anything other than

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