The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Only the ones made just for ogre models. Imagine seeing normal gear set on a Ogre model. Would look worst than the Kul Tirans. Everything would be stretch out and low res.

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how tall would they be and what color

Have any of you seen some of the new datamined boomkin animations? Because it pretty much shares a rig with the ogre and the dance looks a bit new


I don’t see nothing appealing about playing one of most dumbest and ugliest race in the game. Some people do, but some people also have terrible taste in everything. This is one of them.

Vrykul would be better for the Horde than the Ogres. Also, Vrykul women would bring in more new players than anything that the Ogres can do. I want barbarian women for the Horde, not ugly grunts that can’t even handle two tasks at a time.

That dance does look kinda new. I think it’s the hop in it that goes a bit at an angle as opposed to just straight up in the air. Here is the regular Ogre dance for comparison:

Could be something specific for that Moonkin form as opposed to adding it to Ogres. Maybe we’d see it in new Ogre models at best, unless the older Ogre models also got that dance. Though I do think it fits Ogres better to just jump up in the air as opposed to at a slight angle.

I still think that dance works great for male Ogres and should be their dance for a playable model. It’s already there, it’s iconic for male Ogres, and I think people would still like it for the playable models. The female Ogre dance would still be exciting news, let alone female Ogres in general and two-head customization options if that can get working.

I can imagine hosting an Ogre dance party in Orgrimmar when playable Ogres beome playable, if we ever get lucky enough to get them as a playable Horde race of course! :smiley:

—47 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Would anyone accept the Mok’Nathal, instead of Ogres?

I’m just curious. I myself wouldn’t hate it, I primarily play Orcs along with Undead, so it would be like another Human option when Blizzard introduced Kul’tirans, but I’d much prefer full blooded Ogres.

In the meantime, here is more wishful thinking.

This is Garrlok

I’m posting a picture of Garrlok because, as with most core and allied races (minus Forsaken and Dracthyr) every race has had some form of infant version model in the game. In the slightest of chances, maybe we’ll see our beloved Ogres.


No and Mok’nathol, if they become playable, should not be added in specifically as a compromise or replacement for Ogres.

To be clear, I’m not against Mok’nathol being playable at all. It’s the idea of them being added in as a replacement or compromise for Ogres, which should never happen to any race in general and would likely sour a lot of people over it.

Sure, Mok’nathol as a race is half Ogre, but they aren’t full Ogres. Much different aesthetic, culture, lore, personality, and so on. At best, playable Mok’nathol would be utilizing the Orc model and look/act like Orcs more than Ogres, whether they were a full race or a customization race for Orcs.

The best case scenario is that we got both playable Ogres and Mok’nathol, with one not replacing the other. Plenty of room on that character creation screen for both!

—47 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think playable Mok’nathal and Ogres would neat, but I would prefer Ogres being playable first.


Genuinely hoping for ogres to become playable, i wanna make a female ogre so bad!!!


(sry for double posting) but like an idea if people are saying ogre’s are too big, why not give them a racial ability called “Crouch/Huddle” that shorten’s there hitbox to let them enter smaller doorways as well as look appropriate for roleplaying. Plus it would look hilarious.


You know I never really understand the whole “Ogres are too big” argument that some people throw out. We literally have ogres at the same height as the tauren.


so as far as lore goes the stonemaul have not reclaimed their original holding in dustwallow?

The exact status of Stonemaul Village hasn’t been mentioned, but it doesn’t seem like it. After all during the Mists Horde war effort the Stonemaul ogre Or’Dac held the title of “Brackenwall Emissary” and Exploring Kalimdor merely mentioned that the clan was doing well to the point of growing into their holds into Feralas at Stonemaul hold. And since the book was mainly status quo…

Though Blizzard could always establish it as being taken off screen in some manner from a quest text or NPC dialogue up too just up having playable Ogres start there in a revamp of either Kaimdor itself or just Dustwallow Marsh.


No, I wouldn’t. Mok’nathal are almost as good of a substitute for ogres as Mag’har, which is to say not at all.

  1. The Mok’nathal have an unquestionably orcish culture, and
  2. Mok’nathal are treated as regular orcs in the lore, as was noted by Leoroxx during the recent Kosh’arg.

The only difference between them and Mag’har in this regard is that they’re half ogres, which doesn’t make them full ogres. Mok’nathal would work as a separate race, or better yet, a sub-race for orcs. Under no circumstances should they be treated as exclusive with or a replacement for ogres.

Well, since the Black Dragonflight that destroyed it got obliterated and the new Black Dragonflight aren’t the bad guys and have no use for it, it should definitely be reclaimed. If Blizzard decide to put a questline for playable ogres in, then reclaiming it could either be the focus of the questline or part of the focus along with Stonemaul Hold in Feralas (and maybe Dire Maul??).


:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

That’s why they need to get their own model. :dracthyr_tea:

Yes to this. :dracthyr_nod:


I don’t see racial traits for Ogres so here are some:

  • Thick skin: Reduces damage from Physical attacks by 1%
  • Arcane fury: Increase spell damage by 10% for 10 seconds
  • Fire resistance: Fire resistance increased by 10
  • Cooking specialization: +10 Cooking skill

I dislike the idea of Mok’nathal as a separate race after formulating my idea of sub-races. Under my notion, Mok’nathal wouldn’t just be yellow orcs; they’d be orcs but would have access to plenty of their own customization like a unique model and some ogre-like features like non-fel body spikes and horns. There would also be a model toggle to give them access to the regular orc model and dire orc model (made friendly for playing, of course). Fel orcs, Mag’har, and greebois would be given the same kind of treatment.

Not making them a separate race fits in with the lore, too, because all orcs are now one people and view each other as such, as seen in the orc heritage questline. There were Mok’nathal, green, and corrupted orcs all together, and fel orcs should’ve been there as well but Blizz forgot about them. There are cultural differences between the clans but this doesn’t divide orcs as a people as is the case with some other races.

I think further discussion of this would be better kept in the orc customization thread.

The sub-race system has on-topic applications, though. There should be two ogre sub-races: [regular] ogre and ogre lord. Ogres evolved from ogronn and ogre lords are ogres that have undergone less evolution and thus maintain some physical traits of ogronn.

Major aspects of their looks:

  • Larger and bulkier than regular ogres; I think that they should be the largest playable race, with regular ogres being the second largest.
  • Restricted to one head and one eye.
  • Have smaller tusks/no tusks at all.
  • Have bony protrusions like the ogronn (notably distinct from the spikes that ogres have, see images below)

Currently there are no known ogre lords in the Horde, but this could very easily be changed by Blizzard by just tossing a few into the Stonemaul.

Interestingly, ogre lords are said to be more intelligent, which is old lore that conflicts with the newer lore of the smaller evolutions being more intelligent. Since new lore trumps old lore, I think it’s safe to say that regular ogres are more intelligent and there isn’t some weird anomaly of larger being more intelligent here.

Under this notion, I think it would make sense if ogre lords were the main leaders of the ogres initially because of the physical traits but largely lost that status after the ogres became highly intelligent during their mastering of arcane magic. Once this happened, ogre lords still maintained a high social status because of their great physical strength, but were no longer at the top of the chain, mages were. Ogre lords instead formed the bulk of positions like high-ranking guards, gladiators, and low-ranking military leaders. After most of the ogres lost their arcane tradition, ogre lords once again resumed their ruler position for the same reasons that had it originally.

While most of the applicability of this has been lost due to Blizzard confirming they are moving towards all classes and all races, I think this list of classes is warranted as it would serve as the best classes for roleplay and would be the available classes if Blizzard were still maintaining the restricted system.

  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Death Knight
  • Shaman

(Classes for ogre lords, that is, not regular ogres)


First off, I noticed that the Youtube links in both my megathreads’ main posts have turned into images that take you to the Youtube page when clicked instead of being embedded videos. I’ll be looking into fixing it when I can, likely when I revamp my Saurok megathread and change the class section of this one. Should be soon, and hopefully it is fixable. Last thing I want is for my megathreads to look like the quadratic equation exploded in trying to troubleshoot it.

Height is a very funny thing in the game. Moreso since Tauren were said to be bigger than Ogres in general. In-game, however, Ogres come in at all size. From Tauren size to twice the size. It’s hard to know the canon size of some beings as a result.

Still, for playable Ogres, I feel like there is a size that would work well. I mostly think slightly above Tauren size to have them still be imposing, even if Ogre NPC’s would be much bigger than Ogre PC’s.

If I had a model editor, I could mess with the size of NPC Ogre models and compare them to playable models and other NPC Ogres. Alas, I lack such tools…

I think it’s safe to assume they took it back.

It seemed to be the whole storyline of Cataclysm’s Dustwallow Marsh, even if it isn’t shown in-game. It’s hard for me to imagine them being willing to leave to help out in Feralas if their home was still occupied by drakonid squatters. I also don’t see the Horde stringing them along with promises of getting their home back either, especially given how thankful the MU Stonemaul Clan seems and wants to fight for the Horde while being proud to be part of it. They wouldn’t be as gung-ho about it if they didn’t get their home back still.

And as Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor says, they’re “doing well.” If you want more info on that book, I reported on MU Stonemaul stuff in it here:

If it were up to me, I’d have that pre-expansion questline of having an offspring of Onyxia come back to that lair and their minions causing havoc. Then players could see and take back the MU Stonemaul home for good, serving as a place for new Horde Ogres to spawn when created and also add some new questing in the area.

I suspect Brackenwall Village is still used by the MU Stonemaul Clan along with the Horde, so I can imagine some of the Ogres stayed and lived there to help out in the outpost or maybe they like the small village life or scenery more. That would be why I can see Or’Dac being a “Brackenwall Emissary.” Brackenwall Village could easily exist alongside the MU Stonemaul Clan home, which would be more populated with Ogres than Brackenwall Village.

—46 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: