The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So reading through the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book, I wanted to start reporting on any findings of the Horde Ogre clans as well as anything of general interest. I may do this in multiple posts as I do need to read through the book. It’ll likely be easier reading to do it in chunks as well.

Let’s begin with the most important Horde Ogre Clan: the MU Stonemaul Clan!

There is a small section (two paragraphs) dedicated to the MU Stonemaul Clan. It’s mostly an abridged retelling of their history as we see it from Warcraft 3, though with some lore inconsistency. As per Wowpedia:

“The book mentions Thrall sending Rexxar to visit the Stonemaul clan in Dustwallow Marsh. In Old Hatreds, it was just Crol’ka who came to find help from Vol’jin and Rexxar, with the mok’nathal agreeing to aid in his problem with Kor’gall and simply seizing the opportunity to have the ogres help in the fight against Admiral Proudmoore.”

A reminder that Crol’ka is the two headed Ogre who came to get help from the Horde. Really wonder what he is up to since he isn’t in WoW to my knowledge…

It’s likely Thrall would’ve been fine with Rexxar going to help the MU Stonemaul Clan and would’ve sent him if he were part of that scene in Warcraft 3. Not really that bad of a lore inconsistency, IMO.

It does mention briefly that putting Mok’morokk in charge of the MU Stonemaul Clan was a decision Rexxar regrets, seeing as Mok’morokk wasn’t very nice at all. It’s unclear if Rexxar knew about it at the time or if he found out about it much later. I assume it would be the latter, as unless Rexxar was in the middle of something, I don’t see why he wouldn’t come back to aid the MU Stonemaul Clan at all.

It also mention a champion of the Horde (That’s us!) removed Mok’morokk from power, which is true since we sent him packing as opposed to killing him. Another Ogre to wonder about what they’ve been doing since then. In this case, likely nothing good.

Another brief mention is the black dragonflight raiding the MU Stonemaul Clan, which is why they fled and made Brackenwall Village. This is one of the big reasons that if we deal with a Dragon themed expansion again, that I imagine the MU Stonemaul Clan being a part of it. There is still likely some evil dragons that could use a good revenge bashing, Ogre style!

Speaking of, the book mentions thar Varian Wrynn is the one who cut Onyxia’s head from her shoulders. I suppose it makes some sense to have Alliance officially kill her, since she was infiltrating them, but it is a shame that so far, the MU Stonemaul Clan hasn’t had an opportunity for revenge of some kind against the evil dragons responsible for sending them running.

The only thing that is really mentioned past the MU Stonemaul Clan’s Warcraft 3 history is a single sentence:

“Today the ogres be doing well, even growing their holdings into Feralas at Stonemaul Hold.” -P. 146

Seems about all that is really said about them. A shame, as it would be good to know that they got their home back. I assume they did if they’re growing their holdings in Feralas, since they wouldn’t have a lot of units to spare otherwise.

On that note, I took a brief look at Feralas and didn’t see any mention of the MU Stonemaul Clan there. It does take place many pages before the MU Stonemaul Clan’s section, so maybe that is a reason why. I plan to read it more thoroughly very soon.

There is a neat sketch of an Ogre near the MU Stonemaul Clan section. I haven’t found it online, but if I come across it, I’ll be sure to link it here. In the meantime, more Ogre research to continue!

22 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: