I have some worries as well depending on if we get a full on old world (of Warcraft!) revamp.
-First, let’s talk about the idea of a Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms revamp in general.
I honestly don’t know if we’d get an expansion on the same scale as Cataclysm, with a Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms revamp of every zone and some new zones somewhere, or we would just get a zone or two revamped piece meal when applicable for expansion storylines.
I do think a Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms revamp is very much needed. Especially for new players to jump into after Exhile’s Reach. Something that is familiar and meaningful that may not be locked in a certain time era. Getting lumped into BfA and then going to whatever the current expansion is for new players is very confusing when it comes to getting into the story. Getting to be in the old world (of Warcraft!) is more meaningful in the long run and updates to it can keep happening depending on what is going on with the current storyline.
And of course with it would be a good way to introduce new playable races. Of course, as you mentioned, a revamp on the scale of Cataclysm with new expansion areas is quite a lot of resources, with new playable races adding more onto that work pile.
It makes sense to me to add in some new playable races with a revamp, as it would get people interested in the new revamped content with storyline opportunities along with the usual revenue streams that new playable races would add. There are several candidates that would work with it too in order to add in marketing hype as well.
But it’s hard to know realistically what the chances are to see playable races with that revamp. Moreso when Blizzard lately seems fairly stingy on the resources used on content these days. I’d hope for playable races to work into that content as well, as if it was like Cataclysm, new playable races would be great to get both new and old players to see the changes.
-And with my thoughts on general old world (of Warcraft!) revamp completed, let’s talk about the Horde Ogre clans in such a revamp.
If we got playable Horde Ogres with the revamp, then it’d be great. It’d be all sunshine, sprinkles, and happy puppies and kittens for all time. However, if we didn’t get playable Horde Ogres with the revamp, then I do have some worries about what could be done with them and if any would be written to do some heel turns and go traitor on the Horde. It sounds silly, but it is a worry of mine.
For the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans, it really doesn’t make any sense for them to turn on the Horde. The MU Stonemaul Clan owe a lot to the Horde for being able to exist and the storylines in both Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas wouldn’t work well with them as turncoats. Not to mention that if a new leader tried to perform a Mok’morokk or Kor’gall again, I would think several of the MU Stonemaul Clan members would be wary and stop it immediately before it got out of hand. It makes no sense for the MU Stonemaul Clan to ever turn on the Horde.
As for the AU Stonemaul Clan, they managed to escape the Lightbound thanks to the Horde and they need a place to exist, so I don’t see why they would ever turn on the Horde either. Not to mention that they’re key for adding in AU Draenor themes and cosmetics for if we got playable Horde Ogres ever and would work well with having to deal with the Lightbound again. It’d be silly to not expand their story and instead make them quest jobbers we have to beat up as they go into business for themselves for reasons.
The only Horde Ogre clan I could see turning on the Horde could be the Dunemaul Clan, maybe because of the treatment and lack of health benefits or something from Megs Dreadshredder. It’s hard to know what exactly she is doing with them, since that has been since Cataclysm when we last heard from her. Ideally, the Dunemaul Clan would still be part of the Horde and doing stuff for Megs and the Horde in general, such as the bodyguard for Horde NPC’s idea I’ve mentioned, but who knows how they would actually be utilized with a revamp of Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms if Blizzard needs mooks for us to beat up in Tanaris or where ever Megs took them.
As I said, it sounds silly to have any of the Horde Clans turn on the Horde, but it is a worry of mine. If we got playable Horde Ogres, then that would lock in Ogres loyal to the Horde and have storylines where it isn’t a worry. I don’t see any of the Horde Ogre clans turning on the Horde, nor should they just to have mooks for us to beat up. It would be an incredible disservice to Ogre fans and would just hurt more storylines than help.
In a realistic sense, at least the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans would and should still remain loyal. The Dunemaul Clan I could see going either way, but if it were up to me, I’d keep them loyal to the Horde also.
Hopefully the Horde Ogre clans will get treated decently and stay with the Horde when the eventual revamp of the old world (of Warcraft!) comes. Playable Horde Ogres with it would also be great, but a lot depends on the nature of the revamp and if Blizzard would use the resources to add playable races with it.
—55 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—
-Dream big, Ogre fans!