The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Still support Ogres and hope to see them added into the game sometime for the Horde!


Yeah, aside from ogres, Draenor introduced or elaborated on some other races that became popular requests for playable races. It would be a shame to miss out on them simply because of Warlords of Draenorā€™s reputation.

i have very mixed feelings about the Lightbound. A lot of people seem very fixated on them, but even if it wasnā€™t for Warlords of Draenorā€™s reputation, everything about them is justā€¦ weird. I donā€™t want to dwell too much on it because itā€™s only tangentially related to ogres (hey, we got to fight Korā€™gall again! ;P), but it could still be relevant.

First off, the fact that everything we know about them comes from a single questline in Battle for Azeroth that had nothing to do with the rest of the expansion (aside from recruiting a new race to the war effort, obviously).

Second, and the one that really bugs me, is that itā€™s in complete contradiction to the entire theme of Warlords of Draenorā€™s storyline. Warlords of Draenorā€™s plot was founded on the idea that the animosity between the Alliance and Horde was not innate or inevitable. That in this alternate timeline, the orcs and draenei could work together, with the implication that maybe it could happen for us someday as well. So the idea of our very next visit to the timeline be ā€œlol btw, the draenei are evil insteadā€ is a slap in the face of the really positive message the expansion had (a positive message that, at the very least, was finally expanded to the players a couple of expansions later).

Honestly, the two items together make me wonder if we were never meant to care about the Lightbound. That, after Warlord of Draenorā€™s negative reputation, the quest designer for the Magā€™har storyline was given carte blanche to do anything they wanted with the timeline, and basically wrecked the happy ending as a insult meant as an acknowledgement of the expansionā€™s poor reputation.

The really silly thing is how unnecessary the whole thing was. Thereā€™s no reason the Magā€™har Allied Race couldnā€™t have just been recruited from Outland instead. Then we wouldnā€™t have any of this drama or questions about a timeline most people didnā€™t want to see again (maybe Iā€™ve got it backward, and the quest designer wanted to make a hook to convince people to want to see the timeline again?).

Taking it at face value, though, I still think thereā€™s more to the events than most people give it credit for. Most people seem to just go ā€œI knew the Light was evil!ā€ and leave it at that, but frankly thereā€™s a lot of sketchy stuff going on in that questline that doesnā€™t add up and we only ever get one side of the story.

Iā€™m not saying that I think the Lightbound are actually good and the Magā€™har are lying, I just mean that thereā€™s a good chance itā€™s more complex than ā€œthe Light made Yrel evil.ā€

For instance, Durotan being killed long before we got back is awfully convenient. The bond he and Yrel formed over the course of Warlords of Draenor was a pretty big deal. There is absolutely more to that story.

More on screen, everyone accepts the Magā€™harā€™s explanation that the Lightbound have blighted Draenor, and they tend to say ā€œI knew the Light was corrupting!ā€ The thing is, the Lightbound blame the Magā€™har for it. Well, theyā€™re zealots, right? But, if the ā€œcorruptionā€ was Light-based, why would the zealots blame it on the Magā€™har, rather than simply see it as a positive thing happening to the world (no matter how dangerous it might actually be)? When demons fel-blight a planet, they donā€™t go blaming it on someone else. They see it as a good thing.

If anything that almost seems consistent with the Time Rifts seen in Dragonflight, where the question with almost all of them is ā€œWaitā€¦ if they won in their timeline, what are they still fighting?ā€ Maybe this all will be coming back up sooner than later.

Regardless, the really funny thing is that we probably will end up being able to play Ogre Paladins if we get ogres, since they want to make every class available to every race now. :stuck_out_tongue:


I now wonder if Ogres will become playable before or after the current playable races can all be paladins.


I was actually going to say, Iā€™m absolutely overthinking this, but I wonder if the decision on which class to give to everyone next is in any way related to what races we might get next.

Let me explain.

If, say, Paladin was given to all races right now, then it stands to reason than any future race (except in a Dracthyr situation, obviously) will start with Paladin. It would be kinda silly to go through all that work to make a class available to everyone regardless of established lore, only to guarantee that theyā€™ll have to set aside time to do it again some time later the next time they add a race.

At the same time, until such a point that all classes are available to all races, it would feel a little weird to, for instance, have Ogres start with Paladin (a class that doesnā€™t traditionally fit them at all, even if weā€™ve technically seen it), but still not have access to other classes. It would just feel a bit arbitrary.

It makes me wonder if either of these two situations might be happening:

  1. Any future races will just start with all classes, even if the existing races havenā€™t caught up to that, just because they know theyā€™ll have to do it someday anyway.
  2. The classes being chosen to proliferate right now are being considered with the next races in mind, so that their initial selection feels appropriate for them at least upon their introduction.

Like I said, Iā€™m overthinking this (obviously these arenā€™t the only possible choices the devs could be making), but it occurred to me that the whole ā€œall classes available to all racesā€ will at least affect any future races at some point.




Incase Blizzard forgot about the post, hereā€™s another bump.

Playable Ogres, Blizzard, please! Thereā€™s many good clans to choose from. They donā€™t have to shy away from Ogriā€™la. Theyā€™re out there and I bet theyā€™d like to no longer be on a dying planet.

Like this, handsome fellow.


I agree. Itā€™s why I feel like with some feeling of inevitability of dealing with the Lightbound in the future and that there are Saberon and Botani that escaped with us, the latter of which likely having done a number of scary things combined with the nightmare powers that dwell within Wailing Caverns, makes me feel like a lot could be done and giving Saberon a new life as a playable race. Maybe throw Arakkoa in there as a playable race also, and it would make for some really interesting questlines. :tiger: :parrot:

That is writing Iā€™ve grumbled about for a number of reasons both here and in the previous megathread.

Instead of seeking allies that wouldā€™ve been easy to recruit or having members of the Horde not being utilized at all in the war, like the Horde Ogre clans, we instead use convoluted methods to go back to AU Draenor in order to tell them to stop doing whatever theyā€™re doing and take on the oath they may have taken to go fight and die in some war that doesnā€™t involve them which they may or may not be able to return home afterwards. We just so happen to luck out in that they needed to run away from zealots who may or may not have been a reason that planet is slowly decaying.

All while never utilizing several members/allies of the Horde for said war. The Outland Magā€™har Orcs, the Horde Ogre Clans, the Taunka, the Hozen, and more. Youā€™d think such an action would be after all available options are exhausted and it would be a manner of desperation. :roll_eyes:

But on the bright side, it brought Saberon to Azeroth, and while they and the Botani may have originally just meant to be jobbers in a Barrens Warfront, there is stuff to work with them to make some neat storylines, a fun Wailing Caverns dungeon revamp, and even make Saberon a potential playable raceā€¦hopefully. Weā€™ll see if anything comes from it.

It depends on what classes are available to all races at the time they and other new playable races are released. Even then, some, like Druids, could come later since theyā€™ll require more resources to make. Moreso since Ogres would take a lot of resources in general to make.

And as others have mentioned, Paladins could very well be an option if we ever deal with the Lightbound in the future. Maybe we liberate some Ogre clans converted by them, maybe more of the AU Stonemaul Clan, and they can train other Ogres in the art of being a Paladin Ogre style. So that could come possibly later.

There are a lot of variables and what happens to really be able to predict what will happen with new races and class selection. Itā€™s possible new races will have all classes opened up to others. It is also possible those classes could come later. Weā€™ll have to see what they do with future new races, since Dracthyr are a bit of a special case that likely will get more classes eventually.

Hopefully weā€™ll get some new playable races in the near future, preferably ones people have been requesting, to see what all is done with them. Especially when more classes open up to all current playable races, aside from Dracthyr since they are a special case, before them as well.

ā€”66 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I rather like the idea of the Ogriā€™la rallying the Ogre clans under their banner and joining the Horde.


Next monthā€™s Trading Post items have been announced, and for once, we have an Ogre related item in there!..well, nothing to really write home about, but still worth noting.

Hereā€™s the goodies next month:

The monthly reward for filling the tasks bar is this blue crab mount:

The Ogre item of interest is a ā€œGorian Mining Pick.ā€ Iā€™m guessing the Gorian Ogres either used them or likely make their ā€œindentured servantsā€ utilize them. While not as exciting as an Ogre child, itā€™s still pretty interesting to see. I might have to pick this item up for my Ogre collection.

As for the rest, not a whole lot else really Ogre related, but some items that could fit them:

-The Gently-Used Cleaver seems very fitting for Ogres. I could see it for some transmogs or maybe an Ogre Chef set.

-The two bicornes could be useful for making an outfit for a pirate Ogre.

Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out on Trading Post items each month. We still have the other Ogre children models that either could appear on there as battle pets or utilized elsewhere as NPCā€™s perhaps. Weā€™ll see if they pop up somewhere in the near future.

ā€”64 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Chopper Redhook here we come!

Actually, it looks like it might have been mentioned earlier in this thread, but I just found out that Hearthstone used artwork clearly based on Chopper Redhook and called it ā€œStonemaul Anchormanā€ for the Forged in the Barrens set.

Stonemaul Ogre pirates? Iā€™m cool with that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Imagine rolling an Ogre Arms Warrior named ā€œButcherā€ and wielding this new item from the trading post! :grin:


Got both the Gently-Used Cleaver and the Gorian Mining Pick for 50 tenders each. I tried to get as good of lighting as I could while keeping a decent zoom to take the screenshots.

The Gorian Mining Pick kinda goes well for at least that Ogre model. And the cleaver does kinda go well with the image of an Ogreā€¦Iā€™d be scared to see what a Roughly-Used Cleaver would look like.

Totally worth the 100 tenders it cost to get them both!

ā€”63 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With a new month and likely a new expansion announcement getting closer, itā€™s still a great time to submit in-game feedback for the races you want to see playable, including Horde Ogres!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If youā€™re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Still hoping to see that announcement of playable Horde Ogres appear on a new expansion features announcement.

ā€”61 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So a Youtube had a video in my recommendations section of someone who made an Ogre character in Everquest 1 and made a little humorous story about their experiences of it on a progression server:

Brings back a lot of memories. Especially with my Ogre Berserker character, who was one of my favorite characters to play as.

I donā€™t know if I mentioned this here before, but if we ever got playable Horde Ogres, I had the idea of taking screenshots and making stories of his adventures and as he progresses through expansions and such. Might do it in here or on a blog post somewhere. Sounded like a fun idea for me to do as a celebration of sorts.

And seeing that video above makes me feel like a number of people would have a really fun time making and leveling their Ogre characters while sharing the journey in various ways. A lot of us did back in Everquest 1 and 2, and there is some untapped potential for people to share their Ogresā€™ journeys with humorous effect.

But hey, a Darkspear Troll can dreamā€¦a Darkspear Troll can dreamā€¦

ā€”59 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogres should not be a playable race.

I greatly disagree.

Ogres for the Horde!

At long last. Theyā€™ve been considered three or so times, itā€™s long time they finally be added.



Ogres should be playable. Look at Maldraxxus, Rexxar and etc for examples of Models.


It could be nice to see the Stonemaul and the Dunemaul with the Ogres coming from Draenor (WoD) making a new Goria in Azeroth with a new imperator and a new city under the lead of the Horde. It could be a new start for this race on Azeroth.


So it looks like an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp or update is a possibility, though no timeframe on when it could occur:

An old world (of Warcraft!) revamp is of great interest to Horde Ogres, since it could affect the three Horde Ogre clans.

-Dustwallow Marsh would of course be part of it, in which we would finally get an in-game update on what the MU Stonemaul Clan has been up to. Possibly the AU Stonemaul Clan as well if they get mixed into the MU Stonemaul Clan.

-Feralas is another point of interest, since the MU Stonemaul Clan is also here in trying to help take Dire Maul for the Horde. Iā€™m not sure how that armistice with the Alliance would affect it, if maybe it could become a joint operation between the Horde and Alliance now to take it from the Gordunni Clan. Still something to note.

-Tanaris being updated would mean we could get an update on the Dunemaul Clan and what theyā€™ve been doing for Megs Dreadshredderā€¦or whever she took them. Regardless, the Dunemaul Clan could appear friendly to Horde players finally in-game and maybe be a quest hub of some sort.

Just to be clear, Blizzard being open to doing an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp/update is a good thing, but it doesnā€™t mean weā€™ll see it anytime soon. Granted, with the 20th anniversary of WoW coming next year, it would go very well with such an event.

Whenever such a thing happens, weā€™ll be checking out places of Horde Ogre interest and reporting our findings. Until then, itā€™s best to keep an open mind.

ā€”56 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!ā€”

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™ve been wanting a revamp, but man I hope the timing all works out. Based on the past, Iā€™m pessimistic about what will happen to Horde ogres if playable ogres donā€™t happen before the next revamp. Iā€™d take them with a revamp, but I think new races are a lot less likely considering all the other work a revamp would entail (even if we did get new races with Cataclysm).