The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Hopefully they’ll be sized and placed correctly though…

Orcs honestly just feel like they’re so off…


I believe WoW might be afraid of our gigachad ogres being a thing


Ogre paladin could come with Yrel and the Lightbound. Some ogres could desert this Army of the Light to rejoin the Horde with our Ogres and teach them the Light to be paladin. Or they could rejoin the Horde after defeating the Light Mother. It’s like you want :stuck_out_tongue:


With how Blizzard has talked about removing the race-class restrictions, I’m very curious on how things like Ogre paladins would be handled. Like would they start with paladins as a class option or would they come later.

Furthermore what rationale would be used for them? New paladin order? Are the Sunwalkers and Bloodknights expanding to new races? Lightbound defectors?


The Gorian Fist or the Gorian Hammer :stuck_out_tongue:


A new month has arrived and that character creation still is severely lacking in Ogres. Time to voice our in-game support to fix that once more!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Still dreaming of seeing Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The Gorian Fist or the Gorian Hammer could be an elite unit from the Horde with a combination of Ogre paladins, Ogre mages and the best Ogre warriors.


One day, we may see playable Ogre DKs!


I’m going to assume that if Ogres become playable, they won’t be able to be all classes at first, and I don’t mean Evokers of course. Classes like Monks and Druids would require much more work, which would be piled on top of making Ogres a new playable race which would potentially involve even MORE work if they were able to get two-head customization working for male and female Ogres also.

Not to mention that there are still some classes locked to specific races currently, so it would depend on what classes open up to all races and when (aside from Dracthyr until they get more classes unlocked, which I assume will be an event by itself). So if we see Paladins open up before Ogres are playable, we could see that get added, for example.

Looking at a few specific classes with some issues:

Death Knights could and should be in at Ogre launch, with an edit to the second starting DK area for them. A lot really depends on how that story is handled.

Demon Hunters have yet to open to more races. This will depend on how that is handled if it does happen, and hopefully it’ll be something like the second DK starting area that is simple to edit as we get more playable races. Even then, there is quite a bit to consider for Ogre Demon Hunters and models and customization options, again with one and two heads.

I feel like Druids would be one of the last classes added to all races, mostly because of all the Druid forms and such, so that likely wouldn’t be at playable Ogre launch date. Even then, the amount of work to give a race the Druid class might be something that comes later, even if other races can be them. A lot of factors to consider when thinking of when Ogres could be Druids.

Monks are a possibility at launch, but that would involve Monk specific animations for male and female Ogres, along with one and two head models. So it could be in at Ogre launch or not. Hard to say really.

Paladins haven’t been opened to all races yet, so until that happens, Ogre Paladins would come later on. Then the main issue I can think of for them is just their Paladin mount that would have to be made.

That is all I can think of right now. I’m assuming once a class opens up for all playable races, aside from Dracthyr, that should open them up for future playable races. A lot just depends when they get opened up and whether Blizzard wants to use the resources for when new playable races come out for those classes immediately.

Hopefully there would be something. Maybe we’ll get some sort of general storyline whenever Paladins are opened up for all races that could be applied to future playable races. It could also be a twist on the class, like with Zandalari Paladins, but functionally the same.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I completely agree with this. Making individual pally mounts and totems seem easier than druid forms.


playable ogres when


Its a shame blizzard has still not addressed people’s desires to see playable ogres.


I actually sort of like the idea of races starting with only some of the classes, and then getting the others in a later pass. I’m not a big fan of absolutely disallowing classes for certain races, unless they really don’t make sense (which IMO, went out with lightforged DKs). But, for me, having a race start with only some classes gives the same “flavor”, as in “these are the classes they have already”, and the ones added later “these are the ones they learned (or whatever) from their allies”. It also makes for less work up front for the art team.

Of course, having been part of the horde for a long time, ogres could reasonably be given all of them off the bat, even if they were to do that.


i just wanna run around and smash things as an ogre, yes i can do that as an orc or a troll or a stinky human, i just want the big guy that isn’t the cow


Mom i want the ogre
we already have the ogre at home
the ogre at home:


You know with how the Forsaken and Night Elf heritage armor was announced, we just have the Draenei, Darkspear, Pandaren, and Dracthyr left. And it got me wandering if future races, either core or allied, like Ogres would have their heritage armor unlockable at their launch or if it would come later on.


While I could see both ways of earning heritage armors, I feel like the most likely way with most new playable races in general would be like Allied Races: There at the start and rewarded when you reach a certain level.

Part of my feelings on that are marketing related. Kinda seems like an incentive to get an expansion and spend the time leveling a character of a new playable race, as it takes time and is somewhat of a bragging rights thing. Also saves some resources of making a new questline for it, cool as they can be.

However, seeing as Dracthyr didn’t come with heritage armor I am aware of, that kinda throws a wrench in that line of thinking. Granted, Dracthyr are a bit complicated design-wise, so I could see holding off on that for now because of it. Maybe in the future, it’d be a questline as a result.

Makes me wonder if Ogres would get their heritage armor at launch or not. Especially since there are a number of complications with designing them to be playable. On the bright side, it could mean a questline involving them which could be interesting to report on if Blizzard went that route.

At the end of the day, I could see it going either way, regardless if new races get the Core or Allied Race treatment. Some heritage armor could be put in as an incentive to get the expansion and play, while others could be held off to save on resources and put in when resources are more available and patch marketing is needed.

Though it does remind me that Ogre Heritage Armor discussion is likely due again for what it should be. I know we’ve had discussions before on it, but it might be a good time for another discussion on it since we have some new regulars coming here. Maybe I’ll make a post tomorrow when I am awake and am able to to start it off, since we have both Azeroth and AU Draenor designs to consider.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hoping the new customizations show they’re listening to community requests like this.


So on the subject of heritage armor, I thought it would be a good time to bring up the discussion again for what playable Ogre heritage armor should be.

There are two types to consider. First could be something similar to Azeroth Ogres:

And the other would be based on Draenor Ogres:

Since the last discussion, I’ve been wondering if the Draenor design would be best for Ogres, regardless of what clan or clans would make up the playable faction.

The term “heritage” is one of the main reasons why. Ogres in MU Draenor may have used the second design, though maybe not all Ogre Clans. I’m not sure if that is just an AU Draenor design or if the MU Draenor Ogres were completely different. An interesting thought to think about.

And if we got the AU Stonemaul Clan mixed into the MU Stonemaul Clan, that could help explain where the AU Draenor designs, bests, and such came from. And a heritage questline could go into more detail on that and Ogre history. It could involve both the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans and go into Ogre lore in some fashion, maybe with some fighting like any evil minions or offspring of Onyxia still out there.

A lot of heritage armor that races get don’t fit every class, so I assume Ogre heritage armor would be something Warrior-like, such as the second picture above. I would think there could be some regular transmogs you could get that would fit Ogre casting classes as well. Reminds me, I should look up roman clothing and armor to help playable Ogre idea inspiration.

So any thoughts on heritage armor? Which type would you like to see? I assume both types could be available in regular gear, so it is a matter of what would best fit a heritage armor specifically.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This game is severely lacking with that player selection screen absent of ogres. Its distasteful, honestly.