The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I honestly thought that ogres were going to become playable right after Cataclysm.


It could help explain how Crol’ka was able to get to Orgrimmar to get help despite his condition. Granted, I feel like that undermines him as a character a bit, since getting to there on his own would make him a stronger and more interesting character, but that is my own personal opinion.

I always thought Ogres were inevitable to become playable as a Horde race since I first starting playing WoW during BC. And yet here we are in 2023 and still no playable Horde Ogres. A huge shame really… -o -

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Give Horde ogres give Alliance Vrykul.


They’re probably busy making other races available while we wait 5 more years


Crol’ka didnt actually go to Orgrimmar, he was found by a Darkspear patrol and brought to Vol’jin at the village they created after being forced to withdraw from the Echo Islands during the Invasion of Durotar.

A quest could easily have us ensure the patrol finds him and allow us to see that first interaction and what role he had in making the Darkspear take him in over finishing him off.


Sorry good bois n Girls your ogre daddy isnt gunna arrive because blizzard doesn’t think hes appealing enough to be playable

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Blizzard has considered adding Ogres as a playable race from as far back as TBC. To this date, they still have not added them despite having 9 expansions worth of opportunities to do so.


Here have an ogre mommy instead


never gonna happen, at least not full size ogres.

If you’re talking about the enormous npc sized ones thats got no ground to stand on because there’s npcs of other races that are bigger than their average ingame represented size. Playable horde ogre would be at if well about a few feet above zandalari troll if not the same height eye to eye use an ogre model toy and the vrykul horn or any size potion that relatively is the most accurately big they can make it while keeping it player able

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Honestly sounds to me like its a size inferiority complex, angry because you dont want or like that someone is bigger than you its bad enough that people are fat shaming pandaren and kul tirans. Cant stand for anyone to be bigger or taller than you

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We can get Ogres as playable race with a Tauren size. It will work perfectly for them.



I think she looks more Mok’Nathal than ogre.

Still nice work.


That looks epic.


She is absolutely beautiful, hope blizzard takes note of this :100:


Yesterday marked the first day of Summer! Huzzah!

I may try to find time to spruce up the main post of the megathread some when I can. I know a few sections could use it, like the classes area since we might be heading to an almost “All Races All Classes” system. Any constructive suggestions in general are welcomed, of course!

I also should start getting into taking Ogre screenshots again, since it has been a long time. Honestly, I’ve been a bit burnt out on WoW, so I have been taking a break from it to give some love and attention to my Nintendo Switch when I get free time. However, that’ll make me more refreshed when I am ready to get back into playing WoW!

I’m sure a lot of people have plans for the Summer, so as I said before, whatever y’all are doing this season, please have a fun, happy, and safe Summertime! Please make sure to keep cool and keep hydrated also! :ocean::japanese_ogre:

My mistake. Guess I need to refresh my memory on stuff since it has been awhile. But yeah, that suggestion could work very well in making sure Crol’ka gets found by the Darkspear Trolls. :smiley:

As for Ogre sizes, I would expect playable Ogres to be slightly bigger than Tauren, since it would make the most sense. Granted, in some cases, Tauren are suppose to be bigger than Ogres, but sizes in WoW are…weird and inconsistent for various reasons.

I did a few size comparison screenshot sets in the following posts of an Ogre using the WoD model around Tauren size and slightly bigger with an Elixir of Giant Growth below.

Without Giant Growth:

With Giant Growth:

Ultimately, I don’t expect playable Ogres to be insanely huge, but I do think there is a size for playable models that would be satisfying and still big compared to other races.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That’s all right and I have to admit that I’ve become rather curious on what went down in that meeting. After all others would have been more inclined to put a wounded Ogre out of their misery over bringing them to their village and healing them. And the Darkspear didn’t have that prior experience as both friend and foe to ogres like the orcs do to explain why the patrol would decide to heal.

Perhaps if Crol’ka is added to the game in some manner, the exact circumstances can be revealed. Like either it just being a moment of kindness on the part of the patrol or if Crol’ka was able to convince them in some manner.


It’s possible that Crol’ka’s wounds and his pleading for help might’ve gotten the Darkspear scouts to take pity and help him as opposed to outright attacking him. Not to mention that this was when the Horde was starting to settle in Durotar, so making allies would be in the best interests in general.

Thrall’s Horde may not have been as hostile to Ogres in general. Sure, they did fight some in the campaign with some jerk Ogres in general and I don’t doubt some members of the Horde have bad blood with Ogres from Draenor, but seeing members of the Horde being open to helping Crol’ka and even fighting alongside the MU Stonemaul Clan in the attack on Theramore is kinda meaningful. Even Thrall was open to it, at least from memory, and gave them membership of the Horde in some fashion.

As a reminder of the cut scene, I found a video showing it in Warcraft 3: Reforged. Timestamp is at the 3:06:54 mark if it doesn’t take you there:

I did see that Crol’ka is just called “Ogre” at the start. Not sure if there were other speaking roles or if he was just called that in the files for WC3:R. Sounds like something I need to remind myself of again.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


He originally didnt have a name. He was just the unnamed wounded Ogre until Reforged named him.