The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I have obtained the Ogre Child!

As it turns out, this guy can be used in pet battles, where he mostly decks people in the face. I guess Azeroth’s child labor laws are more relaxed than I thought.

Anyway, I have seen a couple of idle animations with him (more on animations in general later in the post). The main one I’ve seen is where he will randomly lie down and sleep:

When he does, he sleeps for awhile and won’t follow you until he eventually wakes up. You have to dismiss and summon him if you want to break him out of sleeping…not that you would want to. Do YOU want to deal with a cranky Ogre child? Didn’t think so. Let the Ogre sleep. It’s more healthy for him and you.

Another thing to point out is the size of the Ogre Child, which is smaller than I thought:

I assume this is because this is a mini pet, and they usually have a base size and are meant to not get in the way. Still, he is fairly tiny when you’re walking around regularly.

As a comparison, I went to Brackenwall Village to compare sizes to the old Ogre model NPC and to show him around the MU Stonemaul Clan’s…well, not really home, but their…current residence? Well, you know what I mean. Here is Tharg meeting my Ogre child:

I honestly don’t know if the Ogre child as a NPC and not a mini pet would be any bigger or not. I imagine an Ogre baby around that size, but a child to be a bit bigger. Guess we’ll see if the model ever gets reused.

Oh and for anyone wondering, I didn’t notice any reactions from any of the NPC’s there with the Ogre Child following me. Not that I expected any of course, but was still something I thought of testing out.

I know the Ogre Child has more animations, but I have only seen two while standing around. Usually, he’ll just fall asleep if anything. One time, he did sit down and I tried to take a screenshot, only to have him quickly get up when I got a good angle. He has yet to sit down again.

However, apparently people have found animations by using this:

It’s something I’ll have to look into getting. See, the merchants selling these seem to only want shiny polished pet charms, scoffing at my piles of mere polished pet charms. So unless I invest in some heavy duty polishing or find another item to turn into the Ogre Child model, it’ll be a bit before I can do anything with it.

I also tried to dance with the Ogre Child, only to have him no-sell me. Guess I tend to go into the cringe territory when dealing with children. Man I feel old and out of touch…

If anything else of interest comes up with the Ogre Child, I’ll be sure to post here. Man, saying Ogre Child multiple times makes me feel like the Mandalorian…only not as epic…and less corporate evil…and not nearly as cool.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


hopefully however many people acquire garrlok will tell blizz how many of us actually want ogres…


Something I thought about recently is the Lightbound, since it’s very likely we’ll have to deal with them at some point as potential antagonists. In such a scenario, I’d assume the AU Stonemaul Clan would be involved in helping us.

It would make some sense, given that most of the AU Stonemaul Clan had to run away with us to Azeroth in order to survive and not be subjugated. So it would be very possible to see them at the very least helping out against the Lightbound, especially since they joined the Horde in BfA. Throw in the other Horde Ogre Clans (MU Stonemaul Clan and Dunemaul Clan) and it’d make for a great way to bring back the Horde Ogre clans, assuming they don’t show up in Dragonflight.

Part of the idea with the Lightbound myself and others had was that it’d be a good opportunity to bring in playable Saberon and Arakkoa, both from AU Draenor. This could still happen, but it’d still be a good opportunity to do something with the AU Stonemaul Clan who have been…err…MIA since joining the Horde in BfA.

The Lightbound has a lot of potential if done right. I feel like fleshing ideas out with them would be fun to think about, as well as imagining the storylines that would come with them.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hi, I’m Warsnarl. I have anger problems. What? This isn’t anger management? Hmm, well, since I’m hear I want to upvote this thread yet again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad this thread is still going and seeing the Ogre pet made me come here. Now if Blizz will just add playable Ogre unlock to the trading post we can avoid any further outbursts from me. :imp:

+1, my life and my soul for playable Ogres.


I too have obtained the new Ogre pet! Behold Magg’rok with his new apprentice Tog’rok!

Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.


A thought occurred to me that if we ever did Ogre events, we could all summon the Ogre Child to go with it. Others who don’t want to mess with an Ogre illusion can also summon the Ogre Child to go with the event if they have him.

Also, that image above inspired me to take father-son screenshots with an Ogre illusion and the Ogre Child. I’ll have to keep that in mind for when I get a chance. An Ogre family bonding could make for some great stories…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


And now I feel like I wanna do that… Lol


That’s a fantastic idea.


A new month has arrived, and with it comes a new round of in-game suggestion feedback of races we want to see playable!

As with the beginning of each month, I send in in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly is reasonable.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Every little bit helps with supporting playable Horde Ogres. We’ll keep making sure the Horde Ogre clans are not forgotten!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I just came back, mainly to see the trading post, and was leveling a new alt in Exile’s Reach when I see a player Ogre and got excited. I got so excited just running behind that Ogre player that it got me wanting playable Ogres again.

And then reality hit hard and I realized we still don’t have playable Ogres. Saddened me to no end and I logged off of that toon and played another not on Exile’s Reach so I wouldn’t have to experience that for the rest of the day. :frowning:

+Infinity for playable Ogres Blizz. How long must one wait? :face_holding_back_tears: :cry: :sob:


Have folk talked about Doventhal the Chosen yet?

Appears to be an Ogre pretending to be a black dragon and is one of the leaders of the Worldbreakers in the Dragon Isles.

Also Cygenoth. Was pretending to be the voice of Neltharion.


Cygenoth was briefly talked about at one point. Not much to them, being part of the Twilight Hammer cultists however.

I don’t think Doventhal has been talked about before in here, though. It does give me the idea of evil dragons using Ogres as a visage form in order to infiltrate the MU Stonemaul Clan though. Something that’d make for an interesting storyline and a good reason to bring them into Dragonflight.

Maybe some of Onyxia’s offspring survived and are infiltrating the MU Stonemaul Clan in such a way? Or some other nefarious dragons up to no good. It would bring the MU Stonemaul Clan into the current story and a good reason to have them help us out.

Of course, a lot depends on Dragonflight’s story and what direction it would go. Still an interesting idea, though…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:




Ah the enigma is back!

I agree Ogres should long ago been added as a playable race!


To be honest Ogres representating the Twilight’s Hammer in DF feels like a shout out to Cho’gall. Them being in charge of dragons also is kind of funny to me since Cho’gall died under Deathwing’s service.


For those unaware the orc priest order is called Lok’osh and it got me wondering if playable Ogres would be apart of the order or have their own separate group.


I would think that Ogres would have their own order for each of their available classes. They may have different philosophies and would be more of their own character and culture having their own groups. Just makes more sense to me, given the history between Orcs and Ogres.

Come to think of it, I can imagine Ogre Rogues having their own order with a group of elite members called on for special tasks. You may laugh, but nobody expects an Ogre Rogue, and for some that do a great job, they must be REALLY good to be able to function as elite Rogues.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Dagg is the master of disguise.

Ogre Rogue Order: The Dagged, named in his honor.


While I am for races being neutral in this game and less restrictions in general, you do have my support for playable ogres. :+1:
It’s weird having such a classic Horde member not being added a long time ago.


Garrlok helps give an even more impressive look here on Wyrmrest Accord