The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

i’d accept this over some watered down version, i mean its an ogre its supposed to be big, terrifying and intimidating, its kinda like saying you want a skinny bear when it makes no sense i want our ogre women more or less as close to whats been presented above if not they can fiddle with an altered version of the female orc and mix in animations from the zandalari and darkspear skeletal rigs to make it feel more or less unique


They were perfect.


Came across a neat video where someone made a custom Cho’gall figurine out of a lego Ogre I think. Video is here:

It’s a pretty neat creation in general, which makes me wish I had such talent. I also wanted to share this just to show off possible Ogre customization options for heads. I imagine Ogres could have a number of customization options for hair, facial hair, and eyes among other features, so finding examples is helpful of showing possible options we could see for playable Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This was neat.


Well, today is the day of Dragonflight’s first .5 patch. Wowhead has the splash screen for it in this article:

It’s a smaller patch, so I’m not expecting a whole lot of Ogre significance, but you never know.

When servers are up and stable, I’ll check out the Trading Post for Ogre related items. I know there is at least one Ogre child that acts as a mini pet of sorts, but I’ll see if the other child models are on there along with anything else related to Ogres. Even if there isn’t much there are launch, there could be items in the future on there. Not that I expect much big from there, but it’s still worth checking out.

Edit: Edit: Apparently the Trading Post feature doesn’t start until February 1st from what I am reading. Guess I’ll check it out whenever it becomes available.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Blizzard has announced some features of the upcoming .7 patch:

The main particular thing of interest is that the Monk class is coming to Goblins, Worgen, and Lightforge Draenei:

I’ve put Monk on the list of possible classes for Ogres already, but seeing the class open up for all current playable races, aside from Dracthyr, is a good sign for future playable races to also have the Monk class.

For Ogres, it could be a bit complicated depending on how two-head customization is created. I imagine Monk animations would have to be implemented for four models in general (male and female Ogres with just one head and with two heads). I don’t think it lowers their chances of Ogre Monks being a thing, but I don’t know if they’d be Monks right when they become playable or not.

Still, I do think that future playable races should have a good chance of having the Monk class as an option. Especially since current playable races continue to have their class options expanded, in which I assume Dracthyr will eventually get more classes as well at some point. I’ll be sure to report on future new race/class combos in the future, since they can affect Ogre class choices should they become playable.

Also reminds me that I need to do a sumo post to go with the Ogre Sumo idea we’ve talked about before. I’ll have to plan that out for the near future. Introducing sumo in general to WoW would be amazing, and Ogre Sumo wrestling is just fitting in so many ways.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Blizzard has posted a trailer video of the Trading Post feature, complete with the Ogre child featured in it:

He even does a little dance at the end, which seems to be the same dance that Ogre NPC’s currently have.

I may prioritize getting the Ogre child mini pet as one of my first rewards on my to-get list. I’ll take some screenshots and talk about them while seeing if there are any other Ogre related items.

Kinda feels like the Mandalorian with me having this Ogre child. Maybe not quite as epic of an adventure, though.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I wonder if the child will trigger dialogue, like how Father’s Winter Helper does when summoned.


No kidding, that could have easily been a full race addition between the whole dark ranger thing and san’layn. Here’s a skin and some eyes directly linked to it…ooh boy. It’s worse than the handling of wildhammer and such.

The male gladiators in maldraxxus use an updated Ogre animation set as well as the big robot golem guys in Bastion. The animations are a nice improvement over the older ogre ones. Much more motion to them, they’re a lot less stiff. Further update that set for the male. The uprezzed models using that animation set would be great.

Could use either kultiran animation set for female ogres…the blood troll war mothers use the male set. Modify them a bit.

Furbolg would be great but kinda feel like they’d need another pass to make them playable. The current drogbar rig version still feel like just npcs.
The best pairing, in my opinion, would be Vrykul. I’d love to play one and both ogres and vrykul are the progenitors to the orcs and humans, and are both giant races. Nice complimentary theme.
Id like me a vrykul warrior or even better, a vrykul paladin with storm visuals.

Yeah, although I think a Jinyu/Ankoan race would be paired with Kelfin more than likely. Hozen seem like an odd choice, but I’d be fine with it if people really want to play as them. Could/Should do both/all.


The treatment of customization races in general has been very disappointing. It’s one of the things I want to bring up if I ever get on that Community Council. Honestly, I’m not against Customization Races at all, but I worry about future ones getting similar treatment. Races like Kelfin should have their own identity, preferably as their own playable race slot, as opposed to being referred to and acting like Goblins who can drown in a puddle of water.

I’ve grumbled about Darkfallen skins and other customization race “features” before, and I’m sure I’ll continue to do so until things get better for them. Yet another thesis paper I’m sure I could type up.

Really depends if they combine Jinyu and Ankoan into the other, whoever becomes the parent race, or not. I could see it going in either direction. That said, Kelfin and Hozen going alongside them would be pretty exciting. Moreso if Kelfin became their own race.

I could see the marketing being something along the lines of “something BIG is coming to WoW!” Even if Ogres would get more customization features, both the Horde and Alliance getting big races could work well in trying to balance things out.

Whatever the Alliance would get alongside the Horde getting Ogres, they might be a bit overshadowed with Ogres having females finally appear and potential two-head customization options. Granted, it wouldn’t be the first time, like with Worgen having two forms alongside Goblins in the Horde, so I think something like Furbolg and Vrykul would still be awesome in their own way alongside Horde Ogres.

Though I still want playable Alliance Furbolgs of course. :honey_pot::bear:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I 100% agree with you.


Part of me imagines Blizzard passing out giant turkey drumsticks at Blizzcon or something when announcing playable Horde Ogres and if Alliance Vrykul were announced alongside them. Or maybe doing a deal with a pizza chain to do something similar to the Bigfoot pizza I’ve shown before several posts ago. Ogre sized pizza sounds pretty amazing.

I’m sure there could be several fun marketing activities that could come with playable Horde Ogres. I’ll have to think on it for fun.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With these new npcs coming with the Trading Post, I hope we will see some ogres in Orgrimmar. They are in the the Horde with the Stonemaul clan and we have the ones coming from Draenor (WoD). We should have some of them in Orgrimmar as all the other races of the Horde.


I’d love to see Ogres as playable. A two headed shaman or warlock would be awesome.


Still ridiculous that Ogres haven’t been added after so long.


C’mon Blizzard its been like 18 years give us our Ogres already


I now wonder what the Ogre Special would contain and how large it would be.


Looks like Forbidden Reach will be part of patch 10.0.7 according to Wowhead, if I understand correctly:

New story content comes with it of course. I don’t know what the chances are the Horde Ogre Clans will get any involvement, but I’ll keep an eye out for anything to report.

And of course, I will remind everyone that there will be more patches in Dragonflight, likely with whatever the big bad will be after dealing with the ones that came after beating up the first big bad, so opportunities of seeing the Horde Ogre clans could pop up later on, but please don’t get your hopes up. Even if nothing comes with it, playable Horde Ogre support still marches on as usual.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Edit: Seems like the NA Trading post is up on NA servers…at least for now. Article here:

Not sure if there are going to be able bugs with it and if it’ll be disabled. Best to keep an open mind on it.

Original post below:

As you can probably tell from the current extended extended maintenance, the Trading Post feature was suppose to go live today. However, European servers are apparently having issues with it to where it has been disabled until a hotfix can be applied:

I’m going to guess other regions may have them disabled as well until said hotfix can be applied.

In the meantime, a list of this month’s trading post items have been posted on Wowhead:

Including this Ogre child:

Cost is 750 Trader’s Tender, which you get 500 a month and a one-time extra 500 for purchasing Dragonflight. So I’ll be getting him whenever he is available. His name is Garrlok also.

As mentioned, when available, I’ll take some screenshots with him and report on anything of note. I’m assuming you can’t pet battle with him, likely due to Azeroth’s strict child labor laws, so he’ll be just for show. Still, it’s an Ogre child model that could be utilized for NPC’s in the future, which is a good sign for playable Horde Ogre chances. Not a guarantee, of course.

Hopefully things will get smoothed out with the Trading Post feature soon so we can check it out. I’m sure whatever the issue is can’t be easy to troubleshoot and fix.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Trading Post is running for me and I have acquired the child.