The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Has there been any mention/discussion on skin colors? I was playing through Exiles Reach again and noticed at least 4 or 5 skin colors.

There appears to be a peach, blue, light yellow (?), purplish and I think one other I can’t remember off the top of my head. The peach and light yellow (?) colors I am talking about are in the pic above by Meklo. A darker skin tone should also be included IMO.

When I’m playing through Exiles Reach I get so excited playing as the Ogre for the very, very, very brief moment and just wish we got a playable version already. Also wish we had more to do then emote and finish the quest like some little Easter egg type things one could explore if they didn’t want to leave the Ogre form.

My life for playable Ogres.


Ogre skin color options I think have been mentioned off and on, but not really a big discussion on them. I should do a post involving them, as well as adding it to the main post of the megathread to show options for playable Ogre skin colors.

Peach, blue, light yellow, light grey, dark grey, and red I think are the main ones I’ve seen in the game. Can’t remember seeing purple, but I’m sure it is somewhere in the game. There could also be other skin color options NPC Ogres have that I’m just forgetting.

I’ll have to look at all the NPC Ogres to see if I can find all of the ones NPC’s have. It’ll be useful to show off for playable Horde Ogre ideas, and I think all NPC options should be available for playable Ogres in addition to new ones as well.

It’s fun to do any of the quests in-game where you run around as an Ogre, which there are a few of them. It does really make me wish they were playable and that I could create my Horde Ogre Fury Warrior I’ve been saving a slot for since I first started playing the game a little after BC came out. Still hoping to see that happen someday…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Our dreams will stay big until they become a grand reality.


i’m under the impression we’re looking after garrlok because he’s lost


or maybe its a subtle hint or joke towards our future warchief kinda like how Garrosh was built up through tbc all the way to MoP and ended in WoD


Had this video pop up in my YouTube recommendations. It shows the male Ogre models from Everquest 1 and how they evolved:

Nothing beats the original Ogre model to me, though. They had so much personality and gives me some nostalgia for my Ogre Berserker. Still hope to be able to make him as an Ogre Fury Warrior in WoW someday…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


i preferably just love going arms over fury in terms of warrior but it really depends on the weapon and race some weapons are absurd to DW, but some are neat i 2hand the black hand from BRF because i believe iconically its a single weapon and should be treated as such, and if i ever get the chance in WoWs future i’m gunna work on an arms focused ogre warrior. a weapon swings stronger and true when you use both hands to use it properly


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Or if you’re single like me, happy Singles Awareness Day!

I remembered in my old Everquest: Ruins of Kunark Prima strategy guidebook, there were various little stories within the book to give some flavor. One of which is…well, I wouldn’t call it a love story, but it’s about as romantic as you could get with the Ogres in Everquest.

Seeing as the book is well out of print, I figured it would be ok to type it out into this forum post. Unfortunately, there isn’t an author name attached to the stories, so I can’t give credit to whoever wrote it. If anyone happens to know, please let me know and I will be happy to give credit to the author of the story.

This Everquest short story is about a female Ogre NPC in the Ogre capital city, Oggok. If I recall correctly, she sold boots there. Here is the story:

"Look for Uoola in Oggok - Everquest: Ruins of Kunark Prima strategy guide

Dem little folk, dey think dat all Ogres do is break head. Hah! Uoola can break a little head all right, if head need breakin’, but mostly Uoola she make de shoes.

Dat right, I make de shoes. What, you tink Ogre grow shoes on feet? You tink de Humans or de Elves come to Oggok with’ a big bag o’ shoes an say, “Here you are, nice Ogres, we make pretty shoes for you?” You tink maybe Ogres steal de shoes from de Humans or de liddle Halflings? I wear Halfling shoe on my liddle toe maybe.

Nah, I make de shoes. I make de best shoes in Oggok. I live here all my life, and de Ogres know. Dey say, “You wanna good shoe? You better go see dat Uoola.”

Marda, she dat boss o’ de Greenblood Shaman? Yeah, dat Marda. I make her shoes. She send her menfolk to me, she say “You dumb Ogre, you go to dat Uoola, you tell her to make me shoes. I don’t wanna wear no crappy shoe dat Uoola not make.”

But Marda, she one beautiful Ogre. She got de prettiest teef. If I look like Marda, I have me a whole pack o’ menfolk. Deyd all follow me around, do just what I say you bet!

But Uoola ain’t no ugly old maid. Nuh-uh. Don’t let me hear you tellin’ nobody dat Uoola too mean an’ ugly to get a man. I gonna marry soon. You bet, I gonna get me a Bouncer. Dats right, gonna marry me a Bouncer, one a’ dem dat guards the gate. Don’t nobody talk back to a Bouncer. I already an Ogre of position in dis city, I need a husband dat folk can respect!

You know who I gonna get? C’mere, I whisper it to you. Nah, c’mere, I ain’t gonna bite your ear. OK. I’m gonna get me dat Bouncer Raan. Yeah, I got my eye on date one, you bet. Hah, he one big, fine Bouncer, dat Raan. Me an’ him gonna make plenty big strong Ogre cubs, you bet. Den everybody see me comin’, dey steps aside. Dey say, “Here come de lady Uoola. Yeah, she got important man. She got lotsa cubs, and she make de best darn shoe in all Oggok. She plenty important Ogre.” Dat what de gonna say, just you watch 'em."

Romantic ain’t it? :heart:

I can see female Ogres in WoW with a similar personality. Especially when it comes to looking for a mate. I can’t say if the female Ogres on Ogrezonia would represent all female Ogres and their personalities, but it doesn’t need to be anything wild. Just something strong and firm when it comes to them looking for romance.

Anyway, whatever plans y’all have for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Came across a video that shows off Ogre customization options for male and female Ogres in Everquest Online Adventures, a MMORPG that was on the Playstation 2. Ogres were added in the game’s only expansion.

Video is here:

Some of the options for the male Ogres seem like they would fit quite well for male Ogres in WoW. And seeing female Ogres is great as references when considering female Ogres in WoW.

Ogres added as a playable race in an expansion…maybe it’s something we could hopefully see in WoW’s future! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That was rather neat and gave me some ideas for how I would want my own Ogre to look.


Still want my Ogre Monk, Priest and Death Knight(Or Necromancer if that ever gets added)


Where ogre?


You know, in thinking about Everquest, one of the things I mention about playable Saurok is that it can attract people who use to play Everquest 1 and 2 into creating their Iksar characters in WoW. In a way, that could apply to Ogres as well.

Would it be a huge amount of people doing that for that specific reason? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s still a factor that I think would be cool to see people get excited about. I’m all about making your older characters from other MMO’s in a new one, especially when the new one becomes your main MMO. We all get pretty attached to our characters, so to see new races pop up that allow us to do so is a pretty great feeling.

Not to mention that one of the big reasons I support playable Horde Ogres so much is to be able to remake my Ogre Berserker from Everquest 1 and 2. Given how he was one of my favorite characters to play, it was a hope of mine when I first started playing WoW to see playable Horde Ogres happen and still is one.

Just a fun thought, of course.

Why not both if Necromancers ever become an option? More alts are always fun to me, provided we get more character slots in the future! :skull:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



I honestly hadn’t considered just making both offshoots of that character… Into separate characters…

Not a bad idea…


heres your ogre gotta raise him right though :open_mouth:


I still need to buy mine. Put him in the freeze position for now.


Standing next to a good buddy




I wanna be an Ogre-Magi!!!


War2 feels right there.


With all my searching on Everquest Ogre stuff, I came across this really old Ogre song that Everquest players made. It’s not meant to be anything professional, but it is still enjoyable to listen to.

Song is here:

I remember stuff like this popping up back in the day. A lot of them are memorable and nostalgic for a time long since passed in MMORPG’s. Kinda makes me miss the old days…well, some of it anyway.

I still want to think of an Ogre song sometime. Don’t think I could sing it…or maybe the terribleness of my singing would add charm in an Ogre context. Who knows?

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: