The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

one thing that popped into my mind even though i know people can just make @player macros if you use @cursor or mouseover macros some might complain about the ogre being in the way of a heal or a utility buff

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Nah, I donā€™t think so.
They will probably have the same body height as Kul Tiransā€¦ and probably use the same model, tooā€¦ knowing Blizzard likes to take the easy route. So Orge would most likely be a KT reskin. Depends on how that would look, if I like itā€¦


well thing is the ogre rig existed before the kul tiran rig and the ogre rig has been there since vanilla and basically its only been slightly altered in WoD the only way the players ever had access to it was through toys and the Boomkin forms


and this is an ogre weā€™re talking about itā€™d have to be roughly taller than a human even a kul tiran at that

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As we close out the year, I wanted to thank everyone for their interest and support in my megathreads. It means a lot to me, and I must be doing something right as interest in playable Horde Ogres seems to be growing.

Happy New Yearā€™s Eve everyone! Playable Horde Ogre support continues in 2023, and Iā€™ll make a New Yearā€™s post when I can. Whatever your plans are, please have a fun, happy, and safe New Year! :fireworks:

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Have A Happy New Year!


Just here to give my occasional bump, the most overdue race for the Horde by far! Dream big ogre fans! :heart::meat_on_bone::japanese_ogre: and happy new year of course!


Happy New Year everyone! :fireworks:

Iā€™m definitely planning to keep up the playable Horde Ogre support this year and beyond! Weā€™ve been going strong still and even growing some. Itā€™s great to see playable Horde Ogre interest continue to shine since the game launched!

I may make a post in the new future of some plans Iā€™ll try to implement, though I expect to get a bit more busy IRL as I try to continue on my career path. But Iā€™ll find time to keep marching in support of playable Horde Ogres!

Dragonflight still has some good opportunities to see the Horde Ogre clans again, especially the MU Stonemaul Clan, but itā€™s best to keep an open mind and see what happens. Regardless, we continue to march in support of playable Horde Ogres as best as we can!

Still dreaming of seeing Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday. Hopefully, weā€™ll see our dreams become reality someday!

As always, dream big Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It really does and the attack on the Stonemaul Ogres by Onyxia could easily feature in a quest chain where Sabellian and Wrathion deal with their dragonflights history and sins. Another manner would be to just straight up have Ogres among the Horde forces that arrive to help deal with the three released Primalists.


It is hard for me to imagine either Wrathion or Sabellian caring enough about the MU Stonemaul Ogres to make any form of amends. Besides, wasnā€™t Onyxia more or less acting on her own and using her own minions and potential offspring for her own ambitions? Correct me if I am wrong, but can the whole Black Dragonflight really be blamed on her actions?

Itā€™s a reason I usually bring up any potential offspring that may have survived being destroyed. I feel like with all the eggs, especially with that quest wanting us to destroy only 5 of them, that some could have been hidden away by Onyxiaā€™s minions somehow. Such a storyline seems more likely to get the MU Stonemaul Clan involved, as well as being able to tie up loose ends than something like Wrathion of all people giving half-hearted apologies as if he would really care and do anything to make ā€œamendsā€ with the MU Stonemaul Clan with all the enthusiasm of a teenager being forced to do homework on a Friday night.

As for taking the Horde Ogre clans, in particular the MU Stonemaul Clan, with us, it seems like the Horde and Alliance were treating this journey to the Dragon Isles like a relaxing Adventure-Vacation expedition at first as opposed to anything serious. As things are getting a bit heated up, in more ways than one, it could make some sense to have the Horde Ogre clans come to beat up some evil dragons and stuff. Granted, weā€™d need to explain to them that some of the dragons are good and not to bash them. Maybe with a lot of talks, barrels of ale, sock puppets, and such would help.

Then again, given their MIA status in BfA -grumble grumble-ā€¦Iā€™m not going to hold my breath. We do have a few patches to go through, so we can only wait and see what gets announced and shown when they get shown.

I think the next part of the patch, aside from the three released proto dragon primalist dudes, is going to the Forbidden Reach and helping the Dracthyr reclaim it through the power of DAILY QUESTS!..I mean, with courage and determination! Likely meaning Dracthyr will take center stage as the patchā€™s focus. So Iā€™m not sure how much outside reinforcements will take a role there, aside from us players.

I suspect when we beat up the three proto dragon bosses, another big bad will get released/inspired/motivated/rudely awakened from their beauty sleep or something. Maybe we could get some help from the Horde Ogre clans then. Who knows? Maybe weā€™ll get to see them spin some evil dragons by their tails into a volcano or bombs like in Mario 64 if weā€™re lucky.

As news of what comes gets revealed, Iā€™ll be sure to report it in here and see if there are any signs of the Horde Ogre clans. Iā€™m keeping an open mind so as to not get my hopes up of seeing them again, but Iā€™ll keep some hope with it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™ll admit, I donā€™t think either will care either but I can see the event being featured in a Sins of the Black Dragonflight type quest chain where they have to confront the flights dark history head on. Plus I like the idea of them and Ebyssian traveling to Dustwallow and the Stonemaul declaring Ebyssian to be the black dragon they like, with Sabellian being amused and Wrathion being all offended in the background.

And your right, Onxyia drove the Stonemaul from their home for her own personal reasons. She wanted greater security for her eggs and they were too close for her comfort.


With a new year comes a new month! That means another round of in-game playable race requests!

At the beginning of each month, I send in in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly is reasonable.

If youā€™re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Playable Horde Ogre interest has been increasing lately, so hopefully this will help us see the Horde Ogre clans again. Preferably on the Horde side of that character creation screen!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


if there are kultirans in the alliance that are fat and hairy humans, because the horde canā€™t have fat ones with one horn and whatā€™s more, not all ogres have 2 heads and horns, there are clans that they are different.

The ogres, whatever the clan, must return to the horde because they were always from the horde since Warcraft 1


So, when are we doing our in-game march for ogre rights?
I have the red ogre costume from UDE points, back when the trading card game was a thing. It lasts 10 min. With a 10 min. CD, so i can be a conduit for prismatic reflections. Heck ill even buy everyone a bunch from the AH


Oh also, what if we made a discord for ogres??


I wanted to dedicate my 1000th post on these forums to saying this :

Good grief just make Ogres playable you twits


With regards to the Stonemaul Ogre March event Iā€™ve mentionedā€¦

Iā€™m currently unable to plan and organize it in the forseeable future. Iā€™m in the process of trying to get my career in order after an unavoidable and unfortunate hiatus, so free time is going to be very limited in the next several months. Itā€™s something I still want to do sometime, but not until I can actually dedicate time to planning and organizing it.

As for an Ogre Discordā€¦I have no plans to make my own at present.

During the days of BfA, a lot of race request communities made Discords. Unfortunately, the majority of them have really died off as time went on, with very few of them having any sort of activity. At one point there was an Ogre Discord that really died off while another that exists barely has any activity that I noticed.

I originally was planning to make one that would be Ogre and Saurok related, but seeing the drop off of other Discords and my unfamiliarity with Discord as a whole has caused me to lose interest. Iā€™m also not really sure what all Iā€™d do with it compared to the megathreads. I barely use Discord nowadays, seeing as many of the race request communities on there have died off and was one of the main reasons I made an account and used Discord in the first place.

There was some belief during the BfA days that Blizzard would have gone to those Discords, possibly to get ideas for future allied races. In hindsight, itā€™s possible that the allied races we got were planned well in advance, possibly some even winding up on the cutting room floor, so I donā€™t know if that was effective then in that regard. Not sure if they would be effective in that regard nowadays, assuming someone at Blizzard visited them in the first place for whatever reason.

It isnā€™t out of the realm of possibilities for me to eventually make a Discord, seeing as Iā€™m still wanting to explore avenues of supporting playable Horde Saurok and Ogres. As of right now, however, I donā€™t really have the time to learn, set up, organize, and maintain a Discord. Even then, I honestly donā€™t see the practicality of it.

I know this wasnā€™t exactly a fun post to read. Itā€™s very frustrating how demanding RL obligations can be, much as Iā€™d love to have more time to be able to support the races I want playable in several ways. If I decide to expand into other formats and do events and such, Iā€™ll be sure to post about it.

But in the meantime, we have megathreads on here at the very least, which Iā€™ll keep posting in when I can. Iā€™ll also still consider other avenues to support the races I want playable, since Iā€™m in it for the long haul. Hopefully, Iā€™ll eventually have more of a stable schedule in the near future so I can do more.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Im sorry RL has been rough for you lately, I sincerely hope it all works out okay for you! No worries about the disc thing, was just a thought haha. I have no idea how to get one properly running myself, and you bring up a good point with the BfA thing haha
Ill see if i can get on Wyrmrest Accord, a popular Horde RP realm, and get something stirring with them haha


there is an ogre discord but its an rp discord idk if your into that or not but i just want my ogre toons just to assert my Horde dominance. I have my Orcs, I have my Trolls all thats missing is ogres preferably OG ogre with its own animations and not a reskinned kul tiran we have enough reskinned races as is