The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

As I usually do each year during Winter Veil, I take screenshots with the sleigh ride. This year for Ogres, I opted to use the Kovork toy model to be a bit different along with an Elixir of Giant Growth.

Introducing this year’s Santa Ogre!

If we’re ever lucky enough to have playable Horde Ogres, I was thinking of looking into a Santa Claus transmog for my Ogre character. Then we could have a real Santa Ogre! Kinda fitting in a way, to be honest.

Hope everyone is having a good Winter Veil! :christmas_tree:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know I’m actually surprised that Santa Ogre hasn’t been made a thing yet, especially with how the goblins aren’t shy about ways on making a profit.


I’m unaware of any in particular, but I feel like there is at least one that is treated like this with mini pets. Not 100% certain, of course.

With the road map mentioning holiday updates, maybe we’ll see that in Orgrimmar if they add some stuff to Winter Veil. It would be a fun addition.

As I said, if we get playable Horde Ogres, I will look to giving my Ogre Warrior a Santa Claus outfit to ride on the sleigh ride for fun screenshots. Maybe look at beard options to temporarily go with it as well. Hopefully I’ll be able to do that someday! :santa:

I’m currently at Renown 27 with them at the time of this post. The Community Feast (Soup Event) is the best place to get rep I’ve found. Especially since the bosses that spawn when you reach a soup quality level upgrade all give rep now. The Community Feast gives several hundred rep if you get a lot of tasks, occurs multiple times a day, and Wowhead has a timer for when the next session occurs, which happens every 3 and a half hours.

In addition to that, doing the two fishing dailies near the fish icon on the map gives a little over 200 rep and turning in 20 fish of 6 different times each week, in the same location as the fishing dailies, to get 600 rep a week from that. Rep gains diminish if you do it more than once a week, but resets when a new week occurs.

I should be 30 Renown within a few days, which is the current max I think. As you can probably tell, I prioritized it since there has been speculation and possible hints of Tuskarr becoming playable. It’s sorta how I was during BfA when unlocking allied races, along with working on other reps of NPC races in the off chance they became allied races as well. No guarantees Tuskarr will become playable of course, but if they do, I should hopefully be ready if they have any unlock criteria.

The things I do to get new playable races and make new characters…totally worth it, though! :seal:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy Winter Veil everyone! Whatever your plans are, I hope you all are having a fun, happy, and wonderful holiday! :christmas_tree:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


:christmas_tree:Happy Winter Veil to you too.:christmas_tree:


As you can tell from the dancing Ogre, today is the big day! Let us hope that Great Father Winter will bring us Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday, and that the Horde Ogre clans get to celebrate the holiday with the rest of the Horde too!

Happy Winter Veil everyone! And as always, keep dreaming big, Ogre fans! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:


well to answer your question… Yes

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ever since i got back into wow during the start of bfa (i played classic to wotlk prior to this era) i have thought about playing an ogre on a weekly basis.
i want it so bad, and it makes no sense why we dont have this.

i want to organize an in game ogre raid/protest where we all dress up and march through horde cities or something.


well we’re getting minor teases here n there so i hope its just not poking at this thread just to slap us in the face with another furry race no offense if you’d want something other than an ogre but this is long overdue


I just want our big bois in red to finally march against all the evils of the Warcraft universe along side us, LOK’TAR OGAR!


I want an Ogre to be all “Lok’tar Ogre” and an Orc being all “No, it’s Lok’tar Ogar” and other Horde races in the background just shaking their heads and what not.


This is still something I want to do and have planned a few times (March of the Stonemaul Clan in Orgrimmar), but for several reasons (mostly to RL needing focus), I haven’t been able to get it organized. If I ever get to a point I can schedule an Ogre event, I’ll be sure to post it here, but I don’t know when that’ll be unfortunately.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Here to give you some support, while my sub is still active :slight_smile:




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#MOP should be a thing.

And rememer MoP is Mists of Pandaria, while MOP is Make Ogres Playable.


#MakeOgrePlayable :slight_smile:


well then we have enough people here to do it, we should make it a hashtag if it isn’t already


MOP (Make Ogres Playable) might be a bit confusing with MoP referring to Mists of Pandaria. Maybe something like PHOP (Playable Horde Ogres Please) would be a bit better and more unique. Something to brainstorm on!

With the new year coming up, I plan on making a new year post, before and after if I can find the time to do so. Of course, playable Horde Ogre support will continue next year and beyond!

Not sure I’ll be able to do any New Year’s event in-game at Brackenwall Village that I mentioned before as an idea. If I happen to be available, I might make a post or take some screenshots, but I’ve been a little under the weather (nothing serious I think) that my body has been wanting to try and get extra sleep, so I don’t know if I’d be able to stay up late as a result.

But regardless, we keep marching onward with playable Horde Ogre support into the new year!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


being able to play as something like Cho’Gall is like my number 1 wow fantasy wish.

If two heads was made possible, how would naming work? Would players be allowed to use the ( ’ ) in their names or would that be too much