The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I would really enjoy seeing Ogres clash against the Djaradin, so either the Stonemaul must become playable or the Stonemaul have to arrive with other Horde forces to help out against the other Primal Incarnates and their allies, of which the Djaradin are apart of.


i wouldn’t be surprised if they take inspiration from the djaradin to make female ogres even if the difference between the male and female models of em is very hard to make out unless you look very hard


although most who don’t pay attention to character models or rigging would assume its a copy paste of kul tirans when the ogre skeletal rig has been re used and the model itself has been reskinned on several different mobs and has only seen 1 up res model since WoD and WoD was when the other races got the pandaren model treatment the hd models we have today. plus the ogre model we had back in vanilla i started in wotlk so don’t quote me on this but from what i’ve heard the ones in the vanilla WoW beta were a different model altogether


althought i’m pretty sure ones on the left are probably just the ones from the vanilla beta correct me if i’m wrong, but if you started playing during the last 3 xpacs you have no ground to stand on :l


There were some new transmogs datamined. Im probably looking too deep into this, but lots of these look like weapons from Outland/Draenor. And special remarks to the updated 1h axe from that planet that you see Garrosh Hellscream using in TBC. Again its most likely nothing, but seeing these datamined not too long after seeing an ogre child created for some reason , it’s got me feeling like that meme of Charlie from Always Sunny, looking crazy and pointing to his bulletin board


Chances are these are for the new Trading Post feature that is coming up. If there were primarily AU Draenor weapons, I’d be curious if any of them would match any weapons the AU Ogre Clans would use, which of course would make me think of the AU Stonemaul Clan specifically. Nothing really leading to them specifically, but an interesting thought regardless.

I’m curious if the other models of the Ogre children will be used for mini pets alongside the Ogre child confirmed to be one of those. I’ll have to keep an eye on the Trading Post awards to see if any others pop up there. I’d be surprised if we saw any Ogre children where the MU Stonemaul Clan are unless we see the clan pop up in a current storyline.

I believe that is the beta/alpha version of Vanilla WoW’s Ogre models. I’d be curious how Ogre models would’ve looked if they became playable at launch and if they’re be similar to the models made for NPC’s or if they would’ve looked more like that model in beta/alpha. It’s an interesting what-if to ponder on, among other aspects of playable Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With a new year, I wanted to mentioned this megathread’s anniversary. Come October 9th, we’ll be celebrating our 3 year anniversary!

It is quite a ways away, but something worth mentioning at the beginning of a new year. Other than making some special posts, I don’t really have any particular plans for it. Maybe if my schedule has calmed down around that time, I can look into something, but I can’t promise anything at the moment. If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to suggest!

But on the bright side, we’re getting to being 3 years of Horde Ogre support and we’re still going strong! No plans on stopping any time soon! :muscle:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We are the Ogre support group.

My name is Gornur and I want the Stonemaul clan to be playable.


Hi everyone my name is Connie and my support for playable Ogres is what defines me as a person basically


I think people would have been happier with Ogres for Horde and Tuskarr’s for Alliance this expac than Dracthyr…

Just sayin…

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I think Tuskarr should be neutral. Their are three tribes on the Dragon Isles, the Iskaraa, the Waking Shore tribe, and the tribe who lost their home of Imbu to the Primalists. Brena and the Iskaraa should remain neutral, while the other two can join the factions.

Meanwhile I think the Dracthyr are a cool addition to the game but I do wish Ogres were playable beforehand.

They really had an opportunity to have a new Horde (Ogres), Alliance(Furbolg), and Neutral (Dracthyr) race for the beginning of DF.

Side note: Of Stone and Fur could work as an achievement or story chapter title involving the Stonemaul and the Stillpine.


I’ll comment on a few NPC races and potential playable status just for fun, along with commenting on Dracthyr.

Neutral Tuskarr makes the most sense, in my opinion. I think it would be the easiest to implement and please more people. I’m not sure what the chances are they would become playable, likely as an early access pre-order incentive for the next expansion if I were to guess, though it still seems very possible they could become playable. I’ve already reached the current max renown with them (30), did a bunch of questlines for them, and have a character slot reserved just in case I can make a Horde Tuskarr Survival Hunter someday. Nothing guaranteed of course, but we’ll see.

I’m still wondering what will become of the Dragonflight Furbolg storyline, since there is a rep for them that seems to be gated until a future patch. Not sure if that specific group of Furbolgs would become playable, but I do think Furbolg in general would make a good counterpart to Horde Ogres. I’m keeping some hope for playable Alliance Furbolgs someday since I do want to make one, though I don’t know if it would come out of Dragonflight or not.

I don’t know if the Centaur in Dragonflight are a contender for playable status. I think Blizzard mentioned that having a race having more than two legs wouldn’t disqualify them from becoming a playable race someday, but given a lot of mounts and vehicles and so on in the game, I’d guess that they would need to have a two leg form for that (or be stuck with some form of plains running, a pegasus form, and being in a weird pose in vehicles), which is something actually done in the arcade game “Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder.” One of the playable characters is a female centaur that turns into a two-leg human form in order to ride mounts. Not impossible to see playable Centaur and I’d happily make one if they did, but I think a lot of work would need to be done in the context of WoW’s engine to get them working to a satisfactory state.

Dracthyr are ok, but I think them only being able to be one class is a real hindrance. If this were the golden age of MMORPG’s, it would likely be a fun lore feature, but nowadays, it just seems very limiting. They’re also great for dragon fantasy, but they don’t scratch that itch for wanting a Lizardmen race. However, given that we have multiple flavors of elves, dwarves, and so on, I still have hope of seeing playable Horde Saurok someday.

And of course there is some hope still of seeing the Horde Ogre clans, specifically the MU Stonemaul Clan at least, show up in some fashion during this expansion. We’ll have to see what happens, of course, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they continue to be forgotten sadly. Still, if we see them and possibly have a rep attached to them, I’ll be hoping to see a Horde Ogre and Alliance Furbolg pairing. Best to keep an open mind on that, however, since we’ve no idea what is coming up in Dragonflight, let alone what the next expansion will be.

We still have several patches to go through in Dragonflight, so anything could happen. As I said, if we were to see any new playable races, they would likely be tied into the next expansion, with early access being pre-order incentives. Nothing guaranteed of course, so it’s best to keep an open mind.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I still believe the only acceptable counterpart to Ogres are the Furbolg. Which, hey, look at one of the races that have teased relevance coming up.


I am a fan of having a “giants” pairing such as vrykul vs ogre or maybe even mogu vs ogre.


I really feel like this would be a great match up. Both from vanilla and both have good reason to be playable for their respective faction.


All the more so since the Alliance could really, really use a non-Humanlike race. Among the blue playable cast are Humans, fat Humans, cursed Humans, and most of the other races, though not Humans lorewise, really are extremely reminiscent of them visually.

The two best contenders for a more refreshing Alliance race are Furbolg and Jinyu, but Alliance Jinyu would obviously be paired with Horde Hozen.


Vrykul being the Alliance counterpart to Ogres is a suggestion that myself and others have suggested. They have a number of interesting parallels, including being shipwrights and being the progenitors of humans and orcs.

Granted, there have been some arguments for Vrykul as a Horde race, but in my own personal opinion, Alliacen Vrykul and Horde Ogres would be a pretty fun combination. Especially if ships become a theme of an expansion. :sailboat:

If the rumors of an old world revamp ever come true, Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolgs would be pretty great as a pairing since both side on there. Granted, they would both be on Kalimdor possibly, but maybe we could see multiple pairs of playable races in such an event.

It also would be neat to see a couple of races from the RTS Warcraft days get a more prominent role. Especially since the Furbolgs can fit in the Night Elf sotryline very well, given that they’ve been longtime allies and the Night Elves could use help growing their new tree home thing.

Alliance Furbolgs and Horde Ogres are my own personal preferred pairing.

They could use several of them in order to give the Alliance some more variety.

There is also the Ankoan, though I don’t know if they’d be shoved into Jinyu as a customization race, vice versa, or if they would both be separate. At the very least, you could pair them with Kelfin, which I hope become playable someday as their own race.

Jinyu, Ankoan, and Furbolgs are big contenders for Alliance races in my opinion, and they would add a lot to the faction. Some NPC races I lean more towards Alliance, like Arakkoa, though they could very well be a neutral race. Hopefully we’ll see them and others become playable someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Absolutely. I’d love to see a storyline that shows the Night Elves solidifying their presence again from Darkshore to Ashenvale, into Felwood and Winterspring. Starting perhaps with a early campaign in Mount Hyjal where you secure the land there then follow storylines that sees Jarod and Maiev, Mordant and Shandris taking leadership roles in those zones.

Easy to add in the Furbolg as a storyline and force there.

Similarly the Horde could use a focus on its Ogre clans and see them secure the Dustwallow Marsh lands in full and then push out into the other zones to assist the Horde with members of the Ogre clans taking prominent story positions.

Would be amazing.


Likewise, especially if its going to be coming in one of the upcoming launch patches (Trading Post or Return to the Forbidden Reach) or the first major patch.


I’m wondering if the Horde would take over Dustwallow Marsh completely. I imagine the Alliance wouldn’t be too happy with them taking over the Ruins of Theramore, and with the faction kerfuffle at an armistice, I don’t know if the Horde would take over that area any time soon.

Also makes me wonder about Dire Maul and if the Horde could take that over without cheesing off the Alliance. I assume both factions would have some interest in it for various reasons, so the armistice does complicate some things about it. It’s something I’ll have to ponder on some more.

And seeing some prominent Horde Ogre NPC’s has all sorts of potential for great and memorable characters. Even if some people wouldn’t have an interest in making an Ogre character, playable Horde Ogres can still bring in several NPC’s that would be awesome and/or amusing to see and interact with.

It would be a beary good opportunity! :honey_pot::bear:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: