The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

With the arrival of December, an opportunity to submit some in-game race request suggestions comes with it!

At the beginning of each month, I usually send in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. I figure it can only help to gain some interest in our requests of what we’d like to see, though no guarantees it’ll lead to that ever becoming a reality.

If you’re interested in doing something similar for your most wanted playable races, I made a guide in the following post that explains how to do it in steps:

With any luck, we’ll be able to see the Horde Ogre clans get to celebrate Winter Veil in Orgrimmar someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


we need to get this to 3000 posts


I’d be ok if the playable ogres weren’t even big. Just use the kul tiran rigging, scale em up a bit, and roll with that.


I like the chonky races. Bring on the ogres!


I came across an art piece of an Ogre Mage NPC named Mogor on DeviantArt, which according to the description, was made for the WoW Trading Card game and seems to come from Hearthstone also. This image was uploaded to the website on June 21, 2009 by JamesRyman, who might have helped create it.

“Mogor” by JamesRyman on DeviantArt

It’s something that I could imagine being seen in BfA if Horde Ogres had played more of a role, especially if they became playable then. A shame that never happened, sadly…

As for the NPC, it’s this Ogre, who is part of the Warmaul Clan:

Interestingly, there is artwork of a champion of Mogor riding on a mount:

Kinda interesting to see what seems like official artwork of an Ogre riding a mount. It looks like one of the thunder lizards in the Barrens, which with the back scales removed, could work as a mount for them since they’re big and strong enough for Ogres. Boars are still established as a mount for them, but it’s something to note.

As usual, I’ll be keeping an eye out for artwork to share for playable Ogre idea inspiration!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what if you are an ogre and you are the mount?

That would be really cool.


If we only had the MU Stonemaul Clan as the playable Horde Ogre faction, the thunder lizards in the Barrens could work as a mount for them. They are close to the entrance to Dustwallow Marsh and could be big enough to carry them in full armor and such.

I don’t know if there are any mounts of that version of thunder lizards, but there are apparently primal thunder lizard mounts in Dragonflight:

Of course, in my personal opinion, I do think boars are a bit more fitting for them. Moreso since we’ve seen several Ogres with boars, including as mounts. It’d also mean that the AU Stonemaul Clan could be integrated with the MU Stonemaul Clan to give some AU Draenor themes to the playable Ogre faction, which I feel is important to include.

Still, thunder lizards are something to note. I imagine an Ogre riding one would be very big in size, but I’m sure it is workable. There are big mounts in the game, who get bigger when Tauren ride them, so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue I’d hope.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I came across a female Ogre model on DeviantArt and wanted to ask for some opinions on it. This was one created by riotfury and uploaded to the website on April 4th, 2012.

“Female Ogre concept” by riotfury on DeviantArt

It looks pretty neat, but to me, it does go a bit close to the beauty side of the scale. I personally expect something a bit more rugged and savage looking for female Ogres, though it isn’t too bad of an image in of itself. It’s just something a bit different than how I envision female Ogres looking.

I think it’s important to share images of female Ogres in order to have discussions on what direction should be taken for how they should look. It is one of the big talking points about playable Ogres, so feedback is pretty important in my opinion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Very neat!


With the current direction development has been taking, your Ogres will probably turn out green with little cups for ears and pal around with a talking donkey.

I find your belief in this regard laughable.

That said I wouldn’t not expect at least a reference along the way. Though I’d expect them to use an orc since they’re already green.


I have to be honest when checking this thread for updates, since my last visit, I was struck by the image of an Ogre dragonriding into a black dragon and couldn’t stop laughing.

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I just gained the image of an Ogre shouting a battle cry with an axe in both of his hands while riding a massive roaring dragon. Something about that just sounds amazing to me.

I need to get an Ogre illusion buff on that can mount and see if I can take some screenshots of them dragonriding. I’ll have to be creative since it’ll be tricky to do it while in motion. Maybe I’ll crash into Wrathion as I to attempt it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogres riding dragons would really show how far the Stonemaul have come…


Took a couple of screenshots using the Kovork toy to show off an Ogre riding a dragon. I tried to take as good of a pose as I could, though it was a bit difficult to position the camera. Especially when flying. Here are two I took:

Something about Ogres riding big dragons is very fitting. Hopefully, we’ll be able to be real Ogres and do that someday!

I’ll take more screenshots as inspiration strikes. Dragonriding gets a bit tricky to take screenshots with, especially when flying as high speeds, but it’ll be something I’ll see about playing with in the near future.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what if you made mini ogres

Proto-Drakes fit them really well I think. I like it.


Not a huge ogre fan myself, but the concept art and ideas in this thread are amazing! Before this thread I wouldn’t have cared if we have them one way or the other. After, I actually think it could be really interesting. Wouldn’t be a bad thing at all to have them in game. :japanese_ogre:


what if you made a polkadot ogre

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