The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I now have Ogre Power Rangers in my head.

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Wouldnā€™t it be awesome if blizzard took notes from Total Warhammer like the Ogres for example like this:


And the themesong? Right? :musical_note:


I appreciate the kind words. I try to show off how awesome Ogres and Saurok would be in both my megathreads as best as I can, so Iā€™m glad people are enjoying them and the ideas others have presented here.

Most people might think theyā€™re just dumb, smelly Ogres, but I feel like they could add a lot to the game. Both for player characters and also cool and memorable NPCā€™s and storylines. Especially since Ogres have been a part of Warcraft since the first RTS game. To see them take a friendly role regularly would be great to see, and Iā€™m sure many people would enjoy playing as them. Myself included, of course! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yes, but the original one from the Mighty Morphin Era.

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Let me make a 2 headed ogre magi from WC2 and give him glowing battle paints and eyes.


When I was young, my parents use to get this pizza a lot:

It was a pretty big sized pizza in a rectangle shape and was a decent price at the time. Remembering it made me think of an Ogre version of it. Maybe about the same size, complete with an Ogre chef on the box/packaging.

I could even see something like that in-game similar to the Tuskarr feast event. Having to make the dough over a large area, putting toppings of all sorts on it, and fending off hungry creatures trying to move in on it, cooking it somehow (flamethrowers perhaps?), and so on. Then getting a pizza box and other rewards at the end. Sounds like a fun time.

What do you think? Ogre sized pizza sound good? I could go for some myself! :pizza:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™m down for an Ogre pizza party.


The Faintly Glowing Flagon of Mead toy is a great size for playable Vrykul and a similar height for playable Ogres would be great as well. Theyā€™re not insanely huge, but tall enough they still tower over Kultirans and such.
Iā€™d love to see both added.

Some have suggested doing it like Choā€™gall on Heroes of the Storm. He picks up his mount and throws it over his shoulder and runs.


Some interesting news came up today. Chris Metzen is back on the WoW team with a Creative Advisor role:

Chris Metzen was on the team when Ogres were considered for Cataclysm and also has mentioned wanting to see them playable someday, along with Naga I think. So itā€™s some potential good news for Ogre fans, though I donā€™t know how much sway he could have over it. Iā€™ll have to hunt for where he mentioned Ogres in Cataclysm and wanting to see them playable someday to see exact wording on that.

Not to say playable Horde Ogres are guaranteed, of course. Itā€™s just something that seems like could up our chances of seeing them someday. Fingers crossed, but best to keep an open mind and temper expectations. :crossed_fingers:

Regardless, weā€™ll keep at it with support of playable Horde Ogres. As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Wowhead just posted an interesting Ogre related article that I had to share ASAP. It looks like we have an Ogre kid model that was datamined from the Dragonflight 10.0.5 PTR recently:

The model seems to be only male at present. Wowhead thinks that it comes from the upcoming Trading Post feature, and may be related to this Ogre kid named Garrlok listed on the preview page of the feature Blizzard shared for 750 tokens:

It is unclear if that Ogre above can come in all three colors or if each color is a different Ogre kid.

So Iā€™m trying to temper my expectations, but one of the things about potential features of upcoming playable races is getting a child model. Granted, we have yet to see female Ogres yet, but maybe theyā€™ll be forthcoming in the future, in which we could see female Ogre children.

And while this is exciting news, I will stress to temper expectations. This isnā€™t a guarantee of seeing playable Horde Ogres in the future, but as I said, it is a very curious thing to see.

Iā€™ll keep an eye out for anything else Ogre related to report back here, including more info on this Ogre child. Gotta admit, Iā€™m excited and a bit more hopeful now, but regardless of what does or doesnā€™t happen, weā€™ll keep at it with playable Horde Ogre support.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



Say what?!

Iā€™m in complete agreement with you, and yet I canā€™t help but feel hyped.


do they wear armor at all??

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Yā€™know since ive seen the ogre kid model datamined the one itching feeling at the back of my mind is of lil Wug junior watching us from the dark corner as the horde beat up his daddy and the alliance just straight up murder him infront of the poor kid. Wug Jr is out for revenge :open_mouth:


On exiles reach


Here to lend my support to the cause.

As much as I adore Vulpera and like the allied races, itā€™s a travesty so many races have been added before ogres. After goblins itā€™s the next logical Horde-exclusive race.


And this is my idea of an alliance only follow up quest where he fights you and retreats only to later be older and strong enough to finally put you down upon death you cant release to spirit form because you get struck with a debuff called best served cold, requires rez from anyone who can actually use the spell jumper cables wont work


what was the exact height of the ogre children described to be? i mean the actual model if it were compared to the adult one not the pet variant


i remember it was like 4ft right? or was it it a bit taller than that?

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Trying not to get too excited about this Ogre kid model and not getting my hopes up

Having a really hard time doing this right now