The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

tbh they can’t deny much because there was no female dwarf model until vanilla WoW, same goes for several other races


So I took one of my Dracthyr characters to Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh and Stonemaul Hold in Feralas to see if there was any reaction from the NPC’s there of seeing a dragon walk among them.

As I expected, no such reaction at all.

None of the NPC’s said anything as I walked by. I also talked to NPC’s, both flavor text and quest dialogue, to see if any wording has changed. Didn’t notice anything out of place.

Maybe they know Dracthyr are good dragons. Or maybe it’s stuck in Cataclysm’s timeline and they can’t tell what my character’s race is. Either way, I can’t say I’m disappointed since I wasn’t expecting much. Still, it was something worth checking out to see if anything changed.

Maybe if we see the MU Stonemaul Clan again in an updated area, they’ll comment on Dracthyr characters and learn that they’re good dragons. Hopefully, we’ll see them again someday to help out the Horde…

9 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I expected that too, though it would have been funny if at least one of them called the Dracthyr weird looking lizards.


Pilgrim’s Bounty has started in-game. I think I’ve covered this before, but there is a table at Brackenwall Village in Retail:

Seems like they could use bigger chairs…and a bigger table…and a bunch more food.

There isn’t a table at Stonemaul Hold in Feralas that I saw. I don’t think there is one near the Dunemaul Clan area, since they’re not updated to having joined the Horde in Cataclysm still. Maybe if that area becomes a Horde outpost, we could see one there. At least the MU Stonemaul Clan can kinda enjoy the holiday.

I’ll be taking some more screenshots when I can for Pilgrim’s Bounty stuff. Winter Veil is also around the corner, which is an exciting time as well. It and Hallow’s End are among my favorite holidays. :jack_o_lantern: :christmas_tree:

For those of you planning to do stuff for US Thanksgiving this week, I hope you have a fun, happy, and safe holiday. And also get to eat a lot of delicious food of course! :turkey:

8 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I would definitely play an Ogre Shaman. Would I main it? Probably not, unless it had some really good racials, but I would absolutely level one up at bare minimum.


Definitely. Though in thinking about ogres and the holidays… with how Brewfest hosting gig was taken over by the Mag’har, I can’t help but wonder if playable Ogres will feature an update to one of the holidays. Like say providing bigger portions for Pilgrims bounty or having an Ogre showcase their interesting diet, like how the Dunemaul eat the silithid.


An Ogre from the MU Stonemaul Clan is enjoying Pilgrim’s Bounty! I think he is going to need more food before he is satisfied!

It seems the WoD Ogre model doesn’t having a chair sitting animation. May be as well here, since an Ogre seeing all the food would likely just be standing to reach all the food. That or picking up the table and tilting it so the food falls towards the Ogre. Either works, I guess.

I know come Thursday, I’ll likely be unleashing my inner Saurok with the appetite of an Ogre on some delicious food. Hope everyone else celebrating US Thanksgiving has a good time and lots of good food to munch on too! :turkey:

7 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That’s neat. Wait is that an actual NPC or someone using a toy to appear as an Ogre?

Meanwhile there is a new short story on the site called “The Vow Eternal.” It’s focused on Wrathion and has the wedding of Lor’themar and Thalyssra. And while there are many representatives, the Stonemaul don’t have one at the wedding. Though considering that one wedding crasher, they might have been helpful or make things worse…


That is one of my Rogues using Glyph of Disguise to have a WoD Ogre illusion on.

The way the glyph works is when you pick-pocket loot off a mob, you turn into that mob for very short time. It stays on when you go to another area, thankfully, but it goes away if you go into combat or if an aggressive mob sees you and decides to take out their frustrations on you. You also have to pick-pocket loot off the mob to get the illusion on.

It’s very handy and thankfully still works. It lets me take various screenshots you may have seen in here and other megathreads. It helps a lot to see how a NPC race could look as a playable race, even if some NPC races have limited model options. Sometimes, you gotta make lemonade with the lemons you have, for better or worse.

Not surprised. I’m sure other NPC members of the Horde, like the Taunka, didn’t get invites either. Not like they get representatives on the Horde council as well, sadly. A real shame that several members of the Horde tend to be forgotten and left out.

6 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Thanks for explaining.


Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe day today with lots of delicious food to munch on! Also hoping that the Horde Ogre clans will be able to enjoy Pilgrim’s Bounty with other members of the Horde someday. I can imagine them with giant turkey drumsticks, which is very fitting for them and the holiday.

4 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Ogre enthusiasts!


A few days ago, on the 23rd, it was WoW’s 18th anniversary:

It’s pretty amazing to think that a lot of us have been playing this game for so many years. Time really flies, doesn’t it?

Of course, this means it has been 18 years too long without playable Horde Ogres. Hopefully, we’ll see that get added to the game someday and not see another 18 years without them. I mean, they’ve been part of the Horde since Warcraft 3, and kinda Warcraft 1 with the original Horde, so it would be pretty big to finally see them (in more ways that one).

We’ll keep up the support in the meantime! That said, happy belated anniversary! :fireworks:

2 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We’re now 1 more day away from Dragonflight releasing! Wowhead has a list of global launch times for it here:

I’m planning to jump in likely a bit later after launch. While I am excited, which is much different than when Shadowlands launched, I suspect there will be some bugs at the beginning that will need some fleshing out. I’m also planning to do another session of switching characters to try to get the Son of Galleon mount to drop. But after that, I’ll jump in and check out the new expansion.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for some things of Horde Ogre interest to report back here, which there is some potential. We’ll also have a few major patches, so something can always come up in the future. Nothing is guaranteed, so I’ll be keeping an open mind in my searches.

Something I have mentioned before was the rumor of a playable dragon race considered for Cataclysm, which I assume eventually morphed into the Dracthyr. Seeing as how Ogres were considered for Cataclysm, I’m curious if Horde Ogres might get some more consideration in the future. Especially since it’s possible that the alleged dragon race at the time could’ve been the Alliance counterpart then. Just a fun thought, of course.

Hoping everything goes smooth tomorrow for everyone. Maintenance on Tuesday seems to be the regular time for now, so here is hoping no catastrophic bugs occur.

1 more day until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’m really excited.

Thanks for the link and that’s perfect timing for me. My release time is right when I get off work.


After going through the Dracthyr starting area and glancing at that wedding short story, it seems like enemy Grimtotem may play a role in Dragonflight. While the MU Stonemaul Clan hasn’t had too much history with the Grimtotem Tribe, especially compared to Onyxia and her minions, I figure they may have had some skirmishes in Dustwallow Marsh.

I don’t know when the Grimtotem moved into Dustwallow Marsh, but I imagine regardless of when, they wouldn’t have been nice and polite neighbors to the MU Stonemaul Clan. I have to imagine they had some kerfuffles, whether the Grimtotem thought they would take real estate in the area and maybe that caused the MU Stonemaul Clan to think they’d look good with a fist to the face or other such fun diplomacy. So there could have been some history between the two.

Enter this Grimtotem:

I assume there would be other Grimtotem that were loyal to Magatha, so it’s possible we could see them as enemy mooks in Dragonflight. I’m also curious if we’d see good Grimtotem that joined the Horde come into play at some point.

Even if the Grimtotem would be a lesser enemy to the MU Stonemaul Clan compared to Onyxia, it is interesting that we’re in an expansion where we could see enemy Grimtotem and dragons, maybe even some of Onyxia’s minions among them. Both of which have some relation to the MU Stonemaul Clan to an extent It’s definitely something to keep an eye on as we go through the next expansion.

No guarantees the MU Stonemaul Clan or the other Horde Ogre clans will get involved of course. It’s just something interesting I thought of that I wanted to point out.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I would enjoy that and for those unaware Magatha, Cor, and Gorm were all data-mined for DF.

I would just love a Grimtotem vs Grimtotem quest chain.


So would you make an ogre character?

Yes, I would. Not sure on the class yet, leaning towards warrior, but I think it would be neat.


Happy December everyone! :snowman_with_snow:

This time of year along with Halloween are some of my favorite times of the year. When Winter Veil stuff goes live, on the 16th I think, I’ll be taking some festive screenshots as usual. Hopefully the sleigh rides are functional, as the one in Orgrimmar kept disappearing. Maybe the reindeer are in a better mood or the Goblins got it working better this year. I’ll likely make a New Year’s Day post also at some point for both my megathreads too.

Whatever plans everyone has for Winter Veil and New Year’s Day, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: