The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’m curious too, but I’d assume it be like Worgens no?, so be Dracythr form over visage, Worgen form over human.

Well that’s what I’m guessing :man_shrugging:t4:

I just hope the put the amount of customisation in current and new races that Dracythr got, but hey I’ll take lack of customisation options if I still get Ogres :joy:.


It’s honestly a travesty that one of the original key races of warcraft is still not playable all these years later…

I mean we have Worgen and Space Goats but not Ogres? Smh.


I appreciate the dedication of the race adding posters, I hope something comes of it in the future.



I figure it will just be the Dracthyr icon, like how the Worgen players have Worgen icons over their human ones.

I’m with you on this 100%.

This was neat.

That would be a perfect heritage armor.

Though speaking of heritage armor, I really wonder when/if the rest of the races are going to be getting theirs.





i really want them to be playable but we’re probably just gunna get 16 other races no one asked for, but will be made for asian countries

Size in-game is a bit weird. Often, they’re not to actual scale of what size a being is suppose to be, such as when Jaina towered over everyone as a NPC back in the Classic days.

While the image wouldn’t be exact scaling, it could give a rough idea of size comparisons. I assume if the Orc was standing straight instead of hunched, they’d almost be the same size as the Mok’nathol. I would still expect playable Ogres to be the biggest race, even if they’d be slightly bigger than Tauren.

Also, I assume Mok’nathol would be different sizes depending on whether their Ogre genes would be dominant. It’s hard to know, since Rexxar is one of the few unique cases whereas other Mok’nathol just use regular models of Orcs and such. But I could see some being almost as big as Ogres.

With new races, I think it’ll depend on what races become playable.

Dracthyr require a lot of work to have them feel like a Warcraft dragon, whereas races in general usually aren’t as complex. That said, all playable races, current and future ones, do need a good amount of customization and have it be an ongoing feature.

Ogres would likely require a bit more work than Dracthyr, so hopefully it would be possible. Hard to really say with how the game engine is, but I’m still hoping for playable Horde Ogres to be a reality someday. Seeing all the work that goes into Dracthyr gives me some hope that the work required would get the resources needed, though it would still be a huge undertaking.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


orges do like to battle dragons


Another month means another round of in-game race request suggestions! Gotta keep up the support for playable Horde Ogres somehow!

At the beginning of each month, I usually send in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. I figure it can only help to gain some interest in our requests of what we’d like to see, though no guarantees it’ll lead to that ever becoming a reality.

If you’re interested in doing something similar, I made a guide in the following post that explains how to do it in steps:

Still dreaming of the day we see Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen. As always, Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


True, plus with Ogres being playable then they would be able to ride dragons. A Stonemaul Ogre on a black dragon mount feels rather poetic.

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we just need to harass twitter with ogres until we get what we want its happened for remakes of games over the years if theres enough want for it it’ll be brought forward and looked at

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To hell with the Stonemaul. Give me Gordunni and Crushridge instead. Those factions have a city hub for themselves.

The Stonemaul are apart of the Horde, the Crushridge and Gordunni are not, which makes them an easier route for playable Ogres.

Furthermore a storyline could always have the Stonemaul expand and claim more territory and stuff. A perfect example is the Crushridge, who were formerly Stonemaul, rejoining the clan.


The Gordunni are holding Diremaul. Perhaps the largest city in all of Kalimdor.

I’m of the opinion that the MU Stonemaul Clan, likely with the AU Stonemaul Clan integrated into there as well, should be part of the playable Horde Ogre faction, but there are ways to add in some other clans to the playable Horde Ogre faction.

One of the ideas I’ve floated around is one of the MU Stonemaul Clan members becoming Gordok King, which would bring the Gordunni into the Horde and also let Dire Maul be claimed by the Horde. Draz’Zilb makes the most sense to me to be the Gordok King, since he can be trusted and being magically skilled, could oversee the excavation of Dire Maul with assistance from the Blood Elves and Nightborne, who would be very interested in researching it.

As for the Crushridge Clan, there could always be something in-game that explores their relation to the MU Stonemaul Clan and reuniting them. That could bring in their territory to the Horde afterwards.

It’s definitely workable to add those clans, along with the Dunemaul Clan of course, to the playable Horde Ogre faction if Blizzard went with the multiple clans route. I do think the MU Stonemaul Clan would make it a lot easier to getting them into the Horde, so if given the option, I’m for the multiple Horde Ogre clan route. It’s a great way to make Horde Ogres more interesting, give more variety, and some great RPing opportunities for those into that.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I came across this video from Warcraft 3 of an arena fight between an Ogre Leagion and the Stonemaul Clan, who is in blue for some reason. It gave me a bit of an idea regarding Ogre arenas.

First, the video:

The MU Stonemaul Clan is suppose to have arenas of some kind, usually utilized in the Trial of Blood. We don’t really see one in-game, though maybe some section of the old MU Stonemaul Clan home was utilized for it. It kinda gave me some ideas about having one in where ever the playable Horde Ogre racial hub would be.

Such an arena could be utilized for:

-An instanced challenge, either solo or in groups, for rewards of some kind. Could even be part of a micro event along with other trials the MU Stonemaul Clan has.

-An open area anyone can walk into and just engaged in some combat fun, either against mobs or PvP related.

Seems like if fleshed out, there could be even more to this idea. Especially since the Horde enjoys arenas in general, so it could be something they would enjoy coming to and letting the MU Stonemaul Clan be more accepted. I assume Goblins would “help” organize it also in some way.

What do y’all think? Fun idea? Any suggestions on how it could work? Feel free to post your thoughts!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That was a neat video, especially with how the Stonemaul won.

I think either of those ideas could work, though with how Onyxia’s Lair is close to Stonemaul Village and her being dead… I think her lair could become either the new gauntlet with various creatures making it their home with the dragons gone or the final encounter for a fight against something that made the lair it’s home.


I do have to wonder what was done with Onyxia’s Lair in general. One idea I had was that the neutral Goblins of Mudsprocket would have taken over it as an attraction of some sort.

Of course, a lot will depend on what happens with Dragonflight and whether we could return to some older zones, like Dustwallow. Especially if there could be time travel of some sort involved, which wouldn’t surprise me.

Canonically, I think it was the Alliance that slayed Onyxia. A bit of a shame, since if it was the Horde, then I could see the MU Stonemaul Clan taking Onyxia’s Lair over as a prize of some sort. I suppose they still could, as a way of sticking it to her minions.

I’ll be very curious what the major patches in Dragonflight will bring us, so I’ll be sure to help report on that as we go through the expansion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It was. Varian personally cut off her head, though her body was left to rot. Which is what let the Twilights Hammer get ahold of it… so they may have claimed the lair now that I think about it… unless it was just a quick grab and leave situation since I think they didn’t want to advertise Onyxia being resurrected.


There’s also the Dunemaul, who technically joined the Horde during Cata’s Tanaris questline, though that’s a case where the goblins 100% took advantage of the fact that ogres don’t really know what contracts are.

The Gordunni could, in theory, be swayed, but the Horde would have to install a competent person to lead them, garner their loyalty and move them away from their current system of having the King be decided by who kills the King.
Canonically speaking, the current King of the Gordunni is unknown, beyond the fact that Malus was replaced by someone else after his death.

EDIT: Oh, there’s also the remnants of the Gorian Empire who came to Azeroth with the Mag’har. Considering they joined the Mag’har in cheering for their new home (as opposed to running away like the Saberon and Botani), it’s possible they’ve joined the Horde as well, despite them having literally zero appearances since then.