The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

i know i want an ogre warrior and dk over all the other classes but i’m wondering which would be better, a monk or a shaman?


i think in my honest opinion shaman would be better seeing as i already have an orc monk and it’d balance my character roster a bit better

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Another Ogre sighting in DF, this time as a bodyguard in the Black Market Auction House (so probably another non-affiliated Ogre unfortunately) :

Them glasses though !!!


It makes me imagine seeing such transmogs on player Ogres. I’m sure people would have a lot of fun with designing looks for their Ogre like that. :sunglasses:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I look forward to seeing more Ogres in Dragonflight.


(post deleted by author)

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you can get horde ogres and fight the dragons


Me too and hopefully we will get to see our Stonemaul allies have a presence.


We’ve been asking for this since like TBC. Come on blizzard.


Fall, my favorite season, has officially started!

And with October being a favorite month of mine and coming up, I thought I’d mention a few upcoming things.

-This megathread’s 2 year anniversary!

I created this megathread on October 9th, 2020, and we’ll be hitting our second year anniversary soon!

Unfortunately, I don’t have any big plans for it. Maybe a speech-like posts of some sort like I normally do, but if anyone has any ideas, please share!

-Dragonflight in general

With Dragonflight still aiming to have a release by the end of the year, we’ll have stuff to explore and look at for anything Horde Ogre related. Especially when the expansion launches and we go through major patches.

I assume the prepatch will be soonish in that case. I’ll have to test some things out, like checking on the Horde Ogre clans and seeing if the MU Stonemaul Clan has any reactions to Dracthyr characters (likely not, but you never know). I assume prepatch will let us create Dracthyr characters, which will be exciting in general if so.


A favorite holiday of mine, and while I don’t have any particular Ogre-related plans for it, I’ll see if I can come up with something.

That is about it from what I can recall. Posts might be a bit slower due to me attempting to be a responsible adult and also some slight health problems, which so far seem to be more annoying than serious. But I’ll continue to keep posting stuff when I can. Gotta keep up the playable Horde Ogre support somehow!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogre invasion of Orgrimmar!


Dance party with the Stonemaul?


Definitely something I want to do someday, especially with that March of the Stonemaul idea I’ve mentioned for a long time. Free time to plan such a thing, let alone set a date for it, has been very limited. Thus are the consequences of being a responsible adult, sadly…

Speaking of, I had thought about having something like a New Year’s Eve party. Likely in Brackenwall Village. Granted, I know others would have plans or would want to hang out in Orgrimmar, so I don’t know if there would be much interest in it.

Will have to be something I think on, but if anyone has any interest in such a thing, let me know. Not sure what all it would consist of, but thought I’d just float the idea out there.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


what if you merged with a Orge and made a 1/2 ogre and 1/2 orc

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That’s a Mok’nathal.


Something I’ve been meaning to post in both my megathreads is that there is work being done in letting guilds become cross faction:

It’s a pretty exciting feature. Especially since I was considering getting my own guild just for my characters. Being able to have both Horde and Alliance characters in it is very helpful. Not to mention those who only play one faction can play with others on the other faction with cross faction grouping also being worked on.

Small story time: when I first got into WoW, I played with some people, in which one of them refused to make a Horde character. I think they didn’t like the playable races and the Horde in general. Funnily enough, they thought she would play Horde when Blood Elves came out, but it never interested her. So we mostly played Alliance when we were playing together, which was a shame since I much preferred Horde.

I get the whole War part of Warcraft is a big aspect of the franchise in general, but as someone who only ever PvE’d, it was an annoyance to not be able to group with others on the other faction. Moreso since I came from Everquest, which allowed you to group with anyone regardless of race and alighment on almost every server. I see a lot of benefits coming from cross faction grouping and guilds, especially since the game has evolved in many ways since it came out.

And if we’re lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres someday, we may see cross faction grouping and guilds implemented by then. So your Alliance friends could group up with future Ogre characters! Likely, this means many Gnomes getting punted at the enemy, but I’m sure things will work out after awhile.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Some big news launched today I’ll be posting in both my megathreads!

First off, Dragonflight will officially launch on November 28th:

Also as I was hoping, Dracthyr Evokers will be available to be made some time during the Prepatch, which has no current release date at the time of this post:

I’ll of course help to keep an eye out for anything Horde Ogre related to report back here. I haven’t seen much so far, but we do have several major patches to go through in the entirety of Dragonflight, so maybe we’ll see something pop up in the future. I won’t get my hopes up of course, and if nothing comes out of Dragonflight in general, we just march on in support of playable Horde Ogres as usual.

And of course, I’m excited to finally get out of Shadowlands as well as making some new characters. Time seems to be flying by, so hopefully, Dragonflight will be here before we know it! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Firstly can’t wait for Dragonflight, I’ll be playing Evoker so expect a new avatar!! :blush:, but it’s really a compromise since Ogres, Tuskarr and Sethrak arnt being released…yet…

I still have hope one day I’ll be able to be my Ogre Shaman! :crossed_fingers:t4:


I’ll be really curious to see how forum avatars for Dracthyr will work. Not sure if they’ll just utilize the male Blood Elf and female Human ones into visage forms for the forums or if they’ll use the actual Dracthyr form.

Also, I try not to think of new races becoming playable as opportunity costs for other races. It’s not a fun line of thinking, and it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t see other races become playable eventually. Granted, as the wait for playable Horde Ogres continues to grow, so too does the frustration. I don’t really see Dracthyr denying other races from becoming playable, especially other reptilian races like Saurok and Sethrak, myself.

I will say that the work that goes into Dracthyr gives me some hope that the same type of work would be done should we be lucky to see playable Horde Ogres someday. I’m hopeful that enough love and care would be given to them that would please everyone who has wanted to make an Ogre character since the game came out.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I found this about the Ogre and Mok’Nathal size. It’s interesting to see we can have Ogres and Mok’Nathal with the same size in the game. It’s interesting they can have the size of a playable Tauren too.

I found this too. It could work well for heritage armor for the Ogres with this style. I really like this kind of armor for them.