The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

kinda of an odd post but i wonder if i’m the only one seeing this, the WoD ogre model or more to a point the ones they reused for BFA and so forth the toy you get off kovork seems like it might’ve gotten a very minor facelift, but might just be me being skeptical


Ogres should definitely get a lust class like the ogres that would lust in warcraft 2.


Dracthyr is meh, but I’ll still roll one I guess.


Happy two year anniversary everyone!

I originally had planned a speech post of some kind, but I’m going to have to postpone it for now since I’m under the weather (nothing serious I am aware of, just annoying to deal with) and trying to type up such a post with little sleep and being awake since 3:30 AM is a challenge I’m unable to accomplish. x- x

But regardless, we continue to march onward in support of playable Horde Ogres as best we can. I still dream of the day that we see Ogre players running around Orgrimmar, questing and such as champions of the Horde!

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Should have got them right in Cata drop. And also Taunka as well during Wrath.

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can this thread get to 3000 comments


I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have Shaman as a class option at the very least. Mage too.


goal for this thread is to get to 3000 comments


Happy anniversary.

Hope you feel better soon.

I eagerly await that day. I already have my Ogre name reserved.


With a new class coming, one of the biggest questions on people’s minds is what happens with Legion content. MrGM has made a video that goes over Evokers in Legion.

Please note this is from the Dragonflight beta, so some things can be subject to change and I assume this could apply to new classes in the future, both regular and hero classes:

It’s about what I imagined, since I wasn’t expecing a class hall, questlines, artifact weapons, and so on. It is interesting to note this, since I imagine we will see more new classes in the future. A bit of a bummer new classes will miss out on some stuff, but understandable given how much work that would’ve taken. A worry of mine was that Legion drastically lowered the chances of any new classes in the future, and at least we seem to have a solution, albeit not perfect of course.

With Ogres, I’m not sure if we’d see a new class brought with them. Mostly because the resources that would be utilized to make them playable would be high enough that I can’t imagine them bringing a new class with them. Not impossible, of course, and they certainly could be new classes in the future. I guess a lot would depend what would be done with playable Ogres in general.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Granted Blizzard can always surprise, like with the Dracthyr and Evoker, but I can’t think of any new classes that Ogres could bring with them.


In the highly unlikely case that Blizzard decides to make blademasters unique from warriors I could see ogres being shipped with them, though it would have to be available to other races like orc.


I would love to play an Ogre Warrior or Death Knight. Imagine a party of Ogres cresting a hill. It would be epic.


Looks like a prepatch PTR build has been considered a release candidate according to Wowhead:

This likely means the Dragonflight prepatch release may be coming up soon. When an official announcement is made, I’ll be sure to cover it here.

I’ll also see if I can do my belated two year anniversary post soon. Been both busy and under the weather still, but at least I can still do some smaller posts like this one.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Been feeling a bit better, so it’s about time I get that belated megathread anniversary post up finally!

As you know, we recently hit our second anniversary since I created this megathread, back on October 9th. I actually had been supporting playable Horde Ogres on the forums since shortly after BfA was announced.

Seemed like it was a possibility at the time to see Ogre as a Horde allied race during BfA, didn’t it? Big war with the Alliance, three clans of Ogres within the Horde, one of which totally owes the Horde quite a few favors. Surely they’d come and help out, right? …right? ._ .

Well, I’ve ranted about the Horde Ogres being AWOL, disappearing into fat air, sleeping in, taking up ballet lessons, or whatever they were doing during BfA. But as you might have seen throughout the years, playable Horde Ogres have been wanted since the game came out. I mean, the MU Stonemaul Clan was one of the first members of the Horde back in Warcraft 3, so it made some sense. Not to mention that Ogres have been considered for playable status at least 2 times officially, so there seemed to be some interest in the Blizzard side.

Part of my coming to the forums and being vocal, somehow in text form of course, about playable Horde Ogres was to gather up support for it. Even if BfA had…less than stellar results for Ogre Hordes shall we say, it was still a great marketing opportunity to see races people wanted. The forums here seemed like a good place to start and keep at it, showing how much Ogres were wanted as a playable Horde race and the cool things they could bring as one.

It has been a long road to support playable Horde Ogres, and I’ve no doubt it could continue to be a longer one depending on what the future of WoW holds. But it’s a road I’m willing to march, as Ogres are one of my most wanted playable races. I don’t do this for fame or glory. I legitimately do this in hopes of one day being able to recreate my Ogre Berserker character I loved from the days of Everquest 1 and 2.

Of course, I couldn’t do this without the support of others here. We’ve even grown and gotten some regulars here, which has been great to have conversations with and share ideas. I’m grateful that both my megathreads have been generally accepted and continue to get more views as time goes on. Thank you to everyone who comes here and also posts in here in support of playable Horde Ogres!

As I said, I’m planning to continue supporting playable Horde Ogres as best as I can, so long as I keep playing WoW. I don’t plan to stop any time soon, so the march continues onward. As I’ve said before, I dream of seeing Ogre players running around Orgrimmar questing as champions of the Horde. It’s a dream worth marching for, and I hope to see them on the Horde side of that character creation screen, granting the dreams of many players to come true!

As always, keeping dreaming big Ogre fans! Two years strong and still going! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


A lot of miss opportunities there.

In Mists we had Or’Dac arriving to help the war effort in Mists, but no Stonemaul for the faction assaults or war campaign. I know that there were original plans for a Kalimdor war front, so it’s possible that the Stonemaul were meant to be involved in that.

Roars in approval


Missed opportunities seems to be the general theme of BfA, sadly…

The only warfront I can recall being allegedly planned in Kalimdor was one in the Barrens. It’s possible we could’ve seen the MU Stonemaul Clan in it as NPC grunts, since Dustwallow Marsh is close by. Then again, who knows if they would’ve been remembered, given their MIA status throughout all of BfA.

Speaking of, part of me wonders about the Saberon and Botani that came with us in the Mag’har unlock scenario. I feel like they were originally planned for the Barrens warfront, but with that scrapped, they’re kinda still out there. Which is scary when you think about the Botani and all the stuff they’re capable of doing. But with the Saberon, it’d be neat if it lead to them as a playable race, since they’re one of my most wanted. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Them being involved in the Barrens warfront would have made sense and it’s rather disappointing that Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor was locked to status qua over answering what was going with them.

To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if the Wailing Caverns got an update in the future, with the Botani in charge of the place.


We have some information on the nature of the Dragonflight prepatch event and its rewards, although no info on release date has been given. Info found here:

Elemental invasions occur in four areas: Un’goro Crater, Tirisfal Glades, Northern Barrens, and Badlands. From the sound of it, any player of any level can join in and help beat up elementals, which is a cool thing to see.

I have a feeling those areas will be more or less the same, aside from some irate elementals with some anger management issues. As such, I’m not expecting any of the Horde Ogre clans to pop up to help, even if Northern Barrens is…somewhat close to Dustwallow Swamp. The MU Stonemaul Clan would need to either build a bridge or jump over the chasm between the two Barrens zones to get to the Northern part, unless they learn to fly somehow. Guess it’s up to us players to deal with saving the world (of Warcraft!) once more.

Still no word on the prepatch date or when Dracthyr will be available during it. I’ll report that once an official announcement is made.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Still dreaming of my Ogre Monk, Death Knight (Or Necromancer) and Priest.

Make it so Blizzard!


I now have this image in my head…

The Defenders of Azeroth are fighting, losing ground, with a fearsome elemental when the skies go dark. Fear clings to their heart until they hear the roar of “For Stonemaul!” and watch in shock as Ogres drop from the sky from their flying mounts and descend upon the Elemental and saving the day.

For the Stonemaul! For the Horde! For Azeroth!