The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

An old world (of Warcraft!) revamp in general of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms at least has been rumored for quite awhile. I don’t know what the chances are of that happening, unless it’s meant as a general story restart (likely for newer players) and revamp going forward.

It is very much needed, but one of the issues I’m sure that’ll happen is that it would be time locked again, making things really dated as we go through future expansions. On the bright side, it would mean we would see updates on the MU Stonemaul Clan and Dunemaul Clan at least, hopefully with the AU Stonemaul Clan as well.

Something I am wondering about is if an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp would give a good reason for Cataclysm Classic to be made. I would think it’d be likely to see Bronze Dragonflight members be able to take you to Cataclysm era zones, but if not, then I could see a bit more merit to Cataclysm being a thing. Granted, when it comes to Classic, Cataclysm is something of a hot debate, so who knows if Cataclysm Classic would be a thing?

If we ever see an old world (of Warcraft!) revamp, the first places I’d check would be where the Horde Ogre clans reside. That and checking places like Un’goro Crater for Saurok sightings, the Barrens for Saberon and Botani sightings, and so on for various megathreads on here. However, I feel like for the forseeable future, it’d be more possible to see an area or two get revamped if they’re relevant to the current expansion, be it a lead-in or something like BfA’s final patch.

Lots of possibilities with such a revamp, but also a lot of resources needed to make said revamp. I’m personally in favor of it, but we’ll see if it happens as we go along with more expansions I guess.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


might just end up being a visual update to the old world so it doesn’t look like its stuck in 2004 or cata anymore


That could be a possibility as well, though it would still take resources to do that. If they’re going to do that, I would still hope to see quests and storylines updated in addition to that. Granted, I still only see that if an area becomes relevant in an expansion.

On the subject of Ogres in Orgrimmar, which should already be a thing, I would really like to see that. Both PC’s and NPC’s, of course. One idea I had is to have some of the Goblin NPC’s have a Dunemaul bodyguard near them, which Megs Dreadshredder is lending out for a good price. There are also docks for Ogres to work at and maybe some Ogre chefs somewhere for some delicious Ogre delicacies.

I’m sure there are plenty of spots to put Ogre NPC’s of the different Horde Ogre tribes. I’d especially love to see Ogres in Winter Veil garb of some kind in the area around that time of the year. Would really be fun to see them really get into the holiday season.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


or an ogre slow cooking a vulpera over an open fire with hilarious dialog to go with it

Thats messed up.

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looney tunes has done worse man

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True, but one Horde race cooking another in Orgrimmar is crossing a line.


theres a night elf bullying a gnome in stormwind unless they moved him. Nah hes still there with a half dead gnome over his shoulder

i’ve got a subject going on over here that i’d like thoughts on hopefully it gets more attention

I’m a simple gnome paladin tauren druid, I want to play Ogres.


Truly. An enigma.

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it is rumored that they are planning to put a mask on these mobs that looks like the face of Kharneus’ human’s face on them and make an army of this real live troll

i was only kidding just trying to roll the thread along

imagine if they added a giraffee neck to the ogres

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Ogres for the Horde. If height is the issue, just make them shorter. Whatever. Just make them as tall as we can possibly get away with.


That’s a horror movie monster.

Their are different Ogre sizes, some are Tauren size and others are more giant.

I think the Stonemaul Ogres currently have a good height for playable races and if I’m remembering incorrectly then, they will just need to be turned a bit shorter.


I woke up this morning thinking about how the Ogres are still not playable

Now I’m in a bad mood

Ogres playable

Come on


The old Ogre model is a bit big, which is roughly the size of two male orcs. The Draenor Ogre model, when using an illusion or glyph of disguise, is roughly Tauren size. Somewhere between that and the Draenor Ogre model using an elixir of giant growth may be a workable size.

I have a few links to posts in this megathread of comparisons I did with the Draenor Ogre model to NPC’s and such in Orgrimmar here:

Ogres being big is a defining trait of them, though I know they can’t be too big for various reasons. I don’t really expect them to be extremely big like the old Ogre models, but I do feel like there is a workable size that lets them be big and also work as a playable race. Sure, there will be Ogre NPC’s much bigger than them, but that’s a weird thing with NPC’s and mobs in general being bigger than they’re suppose to be.

I’m sure there is a solution that, while it wouldn’t be perfect, would work just fine while still letting us be big to an extent. Hopefully, we find that perfect size someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


but if they had a neck as long as the giant bo[dy it would be monsterous

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