The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I thought I would ask people here what their ideal height for playable Ogre characters would be. How tall would be reasonable for playable Ogres?

Height is something that is an important feature of Ogres. However, balancing that height for playable Ogres is also very important. I don’t expect Ogres to be as big as NPC models can be, but they should still have an imposing height in general.

For me personally, I’d hope to be at least a bit above Tauren size. I feel like that would be reasonable and not cause too many issues. I’ve tested the WoD Ogre models at least with doorways and a couple of sizes, and the worst that comes from it is that their head could clip some through the top of the doorway. Something that is worth dealing with to get playable Horde Ogres, in my opinion.

If you’re interested in seeing some size comparisons that are roughly Tauren sized, I took some screenshots of the WoD Ogre model here:

A few more done on a mount and other comparisons:

And size comparisons with the same model with an elixir of giant growth used:

So what size do y’all want for your Ogres? I think it’s something that would be important to discuss and to gauge what people would like to see within reason.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: