The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

As we close out the year, I wanted to thank everyone for their interest and support in my megathreads. It means a lot to me, and I must be doing something right as I continue to see interest in playable Horde Saurok on the forums. :lizard:

Happy New Yearā€™s Eve everyone! Playable Horde Saurok support continues in 2023, and Iā€™ll make a New Yearā€™s post when I can. Whatever your plans are, please have a fun, happy, and safe New Year! :fireworks:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Happy New Year everyone! :fireworks:

As we look into the New Year, Iā€™m still planning to keep at it with supporting playable Horde Saurok as best as I can!

I may make a post in the new future of some plans Iā€™ll try to implement, though I expect to get a bit more busy IRL as I try to continue on my career path. But Iā€™ll find time to keep marching in support of playable Horde Saurok, of course!

Still dreaming of seeing Saurok on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday! Weā€™ll keep marching in support this year and beyond! :lizard:

As always, playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


With a new year comes a new month! That means another round of in-game playable race requests!

At the beginning of each month, I send in in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly is reasonable.

If youā€™re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Every little bit helps in showing interest for playable Horde Saurok. Hopefully, our requests are looked at with an open mind! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Another art piece to share from DeviantArt today! This one is of a Lizardman Barbarian, stated to be card art for Dream Reactor, which I think is an online digital card game. This was made by Sycra and uploaded to the website on March 27th, 2013.

ā€œLizardman Barbarianā€ by Sycra on DeviantArt.

This art piece really looks Saurok-like. I could see a Saurok leaping into action in a similar fashion with a big weapon of some sort to go with itā€¦or maybe their teeth and claws would also work! The scale colors would also make for a pretty cool customization option for Saurok.

As usual, Iā€™ll continue to look for art pieces of various Lizardmen races to share for playable Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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The Saurok are much cooler than the snake people from BfA and def look better than the Dracthyr.

Got my vote.


So with a new year having started, I wanted to comment on this megathreadā€™s anniversary. Come June 2nd, weā€™ll be celebrating our 4 year megathread anniversary!

Hard to believe weā€™ve been going for so many years. It still feels like BfA was recent, though maybe some of that is me wanting to block Shadowlands from my memory. Regardless, Iā€™ve still been enjoying posting in here and coming up with playable Saurok idea inspiration posts.

While weā€™re not a huge megathread, it is cool that Iā€™ve seen interest in playable Horde Saurok increase on here. Given how this megathread pops up on Saurok related search results and weā€™ve had people come in here from that, it might be possible that playable Horde Saurok interest could be growing outside the forums some. I can only hope! I am very grateful for those who help to support playable Horde Saurok!

As for doing anything special on that day, I donā€™t really have any particular plans other than some special posts. This year, Iā€™m needing to do some work in order toā€¦well, find work and see about leveling up my career and education paths. So I canā€™t really promise much in the way of in-game events or anything like that. Iā€™ll still find time to keep posting in here in general, of course, but if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to suggest some ideas for our megathreadā€™s anniversary!

Going on 4 years of playable Horde Saurok support and weā€™re still going strong! No plans on stopping anytime soon! :muscle:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I came across some more Warhammer Lizardmen/Seraphon unit and army showcase videos that I wanted to share for the usual playable Saurok idea inspiration. I donā€™t think I shared these in the other posts Iā€™ve done on army showcase videos, as usually the forum will yell at me if I posted a link within a thread before. Also, the last video listed had some Orcs/Goblins mixed in the army. Helps to imagine Saurok amongst the Horde, I suppose.

Here are the videos:

I consider Warhammerā€™s Lizardmen/Seraphon to be a good source of inspiration for Saurok ideas, which seeing as Blizzard may have based Saurok on them, kinda makes sense. Theyā€™re something Iā€™ll continue to look at and share aspects of them in the future!

Also hoping to build my Lizardmen/Seraphon army someday, which is a goal I want to accomplish. Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to budget for it someday! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


let there be lizard wizards!!!


Given how all current playable races, aside from Dracthyr, can be mages, Iā€™m sure Saurok would be able to be mages. I can see them being popular. Especially Blizzard Wizard Lizards or some combination of those words being a reason some make them. :snowman::lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Given Blizzard suggesting that all races will eventually be able to be all classes I expect one way or another Saurok will be able to be everything down the line.

Mine will be a hunter though which is already basically a sure thing. lol

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While I wouldnā€™t expect Saurok to have all classes available from the start, I could see them getting all classes eventually if Blizzard decides to go that route. Iā€™m sure some combos would be very interesting.

Currently my plans for Saurok characters, if they ever become playable of course, is a male Unholy Death Knight and a male Demonology Warlock (or Necromancer if that becomes an option in the future). Since weā€™ve gotten more character slots, I may make a third one, possibly a male Survival Hunter. Something about that feels right, and this one could be a bit special with an idea Iā€™ve had for them. However, Iā€™ll have to share that idea in the future if weā€™re lucky enough to ever get playable Horde Saurok. :lizard:

Also on the subject of character slots, Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll be able to get some more somehow. 10 more was great and a big help, though I could use some more and would happily pay to get more. Hopefully more slots will be considered in the future.

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I just discovered something I needed to share immediately!

Soooooo you know how Exploring Azeroth has a series and I mentioned that Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria would be a great next step? Well I kinda sorta have been doing some occasional checking on Amazon US to see if the next Exploring Azeroth book would be up on there, aaaannnnddddā€¦

There is a listing for Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria:


Tranquil and verdant, the ancient home of the pandaren is bursting with beauty, magic, and stories waiting to be told. Join The Wild Dog, Li Li Stormstout, her uncle, Chen Stormstout, and their old friend Catelyn the Blade as they wander the land seeking adventure and revelation, and learning what it means to leaveā€”and returnā€”home. From the lush Jade Forest to the warmth of the Wandering Isle, explore new lore and incredible artwork showcasing Pandaria, its peoples, and the powerful armor and artifacts found there. Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria is your next step in a breathtaking trek across Azeroth."

So this has happened with other Exploring Azeroth books, where Amazon US has a listing early on there. Of course, there is no release date for this book and there hasnā€™t been an official announcement, but I think itā€™s likely this is going to be the next book in the series.

Iā€™ll be keeping an eye for more info on this book when it gets officially announced. Iā€™ll likely be pre-ordering this one to get it immediately, since there is good reason to expect Saurok stuff in there. It may just be a brief overview of what we know, but maybe weā€™ll be lucky and get some updated info on any of the Saurok tribes there and whether any have made peace with the Pandaren, since they keep trying for peace.

Very happy it seems that Pandaria is next to come out. It may not be until late this year, but Iā€™m pretty excited for it and any Saurok information to report!

Potential Saurok research is being planned! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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This is wondrous news!

I hope there is some good info for Saurok, Hozen and Jinyu and mogu.

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So with Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria looking like it is confirmed (albeit it with no official announcement yet), I thought Iā€™d comment some on the product description text and also speculate a little bit about potential Saurok related stuff.

First off, expectations are tempered. While it does say ā€œnew loreā€ in that product description text, itā€™s unclear what all that could mean. I do know that Kalimdor just did more of an overview of areas, with stuff not really changing a whole lot since Cataclysm, so itā€™s possible any mention of Saurok would just be about how theyā€™re just angry lizards who want to eat your face and that would be that. I havenā€™t read Eastern Kingdoms or Northrend yet, so I donā€™t know how much new lore is sprinkled in them. Hard to say how Pandaria will be written.

For the ā€œnew loreā€ part, I donā€™t really know what to expect. It could be some small updates on how Pandaria and its denizens are doing. In terms of Saurok, we could hear more on if any tribes, old or brand new, manage to have peaceful relations with the Pandaren via diplomacy. There is also what is going on with the Isle of Thunder and the Skumblade Tribe, whoever is left of that tribe after the events of Siege of Orgrimmar, and whether theyā€™re causing trouble there still or not. Some possibilities here, though I want to keep an open mind and not get my hopes up.

The other part of interest could be artifacts, as mentioned in the product description. Of interest could be Mogu artifacts, since Saurok are raiding the Mogu vaults. An idea I mentioned to explain Saurok gaining intelligence and class options is based on artifacts found from the Mogu. Granted, such artifacts may be found and collected by Li Li and Chen, but itā€™s possible they could be worth noting.

Speaklng of, with the travelers in this book, I expected the people the book focuses on traveling the area would be Li Li and Chen, given they make the most sense. The other person coming with them is this woman:

I donā€™t know if theyā€™ll comment too much on Saurok. I guess it depends if Chen has booze on his mind. Hopefully he doesnā€™t ignore enslaved Saurok this time if he does. -grumble grumble-

The only other thing I can really expect from this book would be the artwork. I would think that there would be at least one art piece involving Saurok, which could be potentially amazing since the artwork in the other Exploring Azeroth books have looked pretty awesome.

In terms of further speculation, Iā€™m curious what Saurok tribes would get mentioned. The Skumblade Tribe is a possibility with the Isle of Thunder of course, but itā€™s up in the air if any other Saurok tribes will get a mention. Seeing as some new tribes have left the continent, I donā€™t know the chances of any new tribes getting formed and mentioned in the book. Itā€™ll be something to note whenever I get the book.

And again, speaking of that, there is a tentative date next to the title of October 17th, 2023. However, the previous two Exploring Azeroth books have had their dates pushed back at least once, and whatever the date is announced for this book, it may get pushed back some. Iā€™ll be sure to note that when an official announcement gets made for whatever date this book is scheduled to come out.

Chances are, this book wonā€™t come out until near the end of the year. Given we just started a new year, weā€™ll have a bit of a wait for it. However, whenever it does get an official announcement, Iā€™ll be sure to cover that. Iā€™ll also pre-order the book to try to get it ASAP in order to report on what is in itā€¦and possibly what isnā€™t in it. Still, Iā€™m excited and glad that this seems to be the next book in the series.

Potential Saurok research hopefully will be forthcoming! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Couple of things to mention in this post.

First, Amazon US has opened pre-orders for Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria. They have the release date for October 17th, 2023, with a price of $25.

Seeing as how Kalimdor and Northrend has their release dates pushed back at least once, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if the same happened with Pandaria. Also, the price did go down slightly for those two books, so hopefully it will happen with Pandaria also. Regardless, I got my pre-order in, so whenever it comes out, Iā€™ll be able to read and report on its contents.

Second, the next Dragonflight patch, which is a small .5 patch, has been announced for release on January 24th (US) and 25th (Europe):

Not a whole lot of interest with regards to Saurok, if anything, maybe we could see something Saurok related on the new Trading Post feature. Not sure what it could be, unless we happen to see a Saurok child go with the Ogre child thatā€™ll be on the Trading Post. Havenā€™t seen anything like that, however.

Trading Post content will likely be added as time goes on, with inventory rotating, so itā€™ll be something I keep an eye on and report if I see anything of interest. Not expecting much Saurok related to it, but you never know.

And as usual, Iā€™ll keep an eye out for anything Saurok related as we go through Dragonflight patches. Still not expecting much of anything in that regard, but weā€™ll see what happens. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Another art piece to share from Deviantart today! This one is of a Lizardfolk, which was created by fjorgael and was uploaded to the website on July 26th, 2019.

ā€œSketch CM - Rall_Kiraxā€ by fjorgael on DeviantArt.

I primarily wanted to share this art piece as another example of bone armor, which in this case is a helmet. Bone armor is something Iā€™ve mentioned before as an example for something Saurok would utilize from their hunts, so examples of it are something Iā€™m always searching for.

The pose in the art piece is also pretty awesome. I could see a Saurok doing something similar in a hunt. Just leaping into action, ready to strike!

Iā€™ll continue to keep looking at art pieces of various Lizardmen races for playable Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So Iā€™ve come across a YouTube channel that shows off miniatures that their company makes. They had some Ogre miniatures, which I shared the female Ogres they had in my Ogre megathread, but they also had one Lizardfolk miniature I wanted to share in here.

This one is of a Lizardfolk Shaman:

Itā€™s a pretty neat design that I wanted to share for the usual Saurok idea inspiration. If they ever make more Lizardfolk miniatures, Iā€™ll be sure to share videos of them here. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I came across a lore video of Lizardfolk in the Exandria setting, which I think if part of the Critical Role world. Primarily, I wanted to share it because of the different designs of Lizardfolk in images and models for the usual Saurok idea inspiration. Video is here:

Lots of great designs are shown off in the video. Definitely some pretty great Saurok idea inspiration in here! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Wowhead finally posted an article on the Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria book, though not much more new details are shown:

I imagine at some point, there will be preview pages. Likely, this will be much closer to when the book comes out.

Also today is the day the first Dragonflight .5 patch comes out. The splash screen has been shown off on Wowhead:

Whenever servers are up and stable, Iā€™ll check out the Trading Post to see if there are any Saurok related goodies on there at launch. Itā€™ll be something I also keep my eye on as time goes on. Not that I expect much of Saurok significance out of it, but maybe there could be some interesting items on there at some point. :lizard:

Edit: Apparently the Trading Post feature doesnā€™t start until February 1st from what I am reading. Guess Iā€™ll check it out whenever it becomes available.

Looking forward to doing some Saurok research later in the year! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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