The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Some interesting news came up today. Chris Metzen is back on the WoW team with a Creative Advisor role:

Itā€™s pretty exciting news to see, though I will keep an open mind and temper expectations of the future of course.

In terms of new playable races, I recall Chris Metzen mentioning at one point wanting to see Ogres and Naga playable, which both would be neat to see. I donā€™t know if playable Horde Saurok chances would be affected in any way from this, but weā€™ll still keep at it with supporting them of course. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Winter Veil has gone live in-game!

As you can see, Iā€™m in my ā€œfestiveā€ gear for the holidays, which is a favorite time of year for me. :christmas_tree:

As usual, Iā€™ll be taking some festive screenshots for some of the race request megathreads. It looks like the Orgrimmar sleigh ride is functioning so far, and hopefully it remains that way so I can take some screenshots with it. Last year, the Orgrimmar sleigh ride kept disappearing, maybe the reindeer were on strike or something, and I had to make several bug reports in-game and on the forums. If all goes well, Iā€™ll see what screenshots I can take this year when time is free and inspiration strikes!

In the meantimeā€¦

Iā€™ll be asking Great-father Winter for some new playable Horde and Alliance races as usual to find under my Winter Veil tree! :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger2: :bear:

Though maybe this yearā€¦

Santa Bagzak can give some Winter Veil cheer and make some race request megathreadsā€™ wishes come true!..well, wishful thinking, but itā€™d still be fun to do! :santa:

Whatever everyoneā€™s plans are for the holidays, please have a fun, happy, and safe Winter Veil!

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Gonna post this in both my megathreads. Blizzard is accepting applications for the Community Council in 2023:

As you probably know, Blizzard rotates members out of the Community Council every year. Previous members can still apply for future rotations, though preferential treatment allegedly wonā€™t be considered.

This time, Iā€™ve gone ahead and submitted an application. For the first round of Community Council applications, I didnā€™t really bother to submit an application for a couple of reasons.

First is that I wanted to see what would all be done with it. While some things have been addressed and changes have been made, the whole concept seems like something that would need more time in order to see how effective it actually is and whether Blizzard would stick to the commitment of maintaining it. It seems like the whole thing has slowed down since the Community Council became a thing, but weā€™ll see how getting fresh members in it will affect it.

The other reason is that at the time, I didnā€™t feel like I had much to offer as a member of it compared to others who also were part of the race request megathreads in general. My whole thing on the forums here have been primarily playable race requests, and while new playable races are important to a MMORPG in my opinion, it didnā€™t seem like something that would get much attention or acknowledgement. Whereas others who could have brought playable race requests to the table were also into other aspects of the game, like roleplaying.

Since then, things have changed some for me to have stuff to present along with playable race requests. One of the topics on my mind would be customization races and their treatment of them. As you likely know, I havenā€™t been too happy with how they have been implemented and worry about future customization races as a result. Along with that comes customization for existing races, something still being heavily requested with several megathreads in that regard, and a few other smaller topics.

There have been a few posts on the Community Council that have shown megathreads of new playable races and customization, which has been greatly appreciated. I do think after time has passed, theyā€™re still topics of great importance to the game and worth bringing up again in newer posts. Also, some new megathreads have popped up since those posts and it would be good to make sure they have representation as well.

I do have some concern that being on the Community Council can paint a target on your back in some ways. There have been allegations that the expectations of forumers here have beenā€¦lofty, so to speak, and that some people can be rather vocal in that regard. Itā€™s something Iā€™ll have to take into consideration if I were to be an active member.

I canā€™t say Iā€™d be perfect on there, but I figured there was nothing to lose by putting in an application and seeing if anything comes with it. Obviously, I would make sure all the race request and customization megathreads would get representation, and that I wouldnā€™t go into business for myself. Iā€™m not one to hog the spotlight and would rather be shown as part of a collective of like-minded individuals. I also do not seek fame or glory for that matter.

In the meantime, itā€™s best to not count my chickens before they are hatched. If somehow I get accepted, which I admit will be a low chance, Iā€™ll figure things out from there. Otherwise, Iā€™ll just try again the following year.

I guess weā€™ll see what happens with the Community Council in the future. Iā€™ll keep an open mind and see what direction we head with it. And regardless, Iā€™ll keep at it with support for the races I want to see playable someday.

I do believe that player characters are the most important part of a MMORPG. That includes customization options and new playable races. Theyā€™re things that myself and others have been heavily vocal about and still march in support of to this day. Hopefully, they would get some serious consideration should those at Blizzard see our passion for such things.

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Thanks to the YouTube recommendations section, I have come across some neat videos on chameleons I wanted to share primarily for Saurok scale customization ideas! Some have facts as well, which are also good for Saurok idea inspiration.

There are so many beautiful RL reptile scale colors and patterns. I can imagine Saurok having all sorts of customization options in that regard. Iā€™ll keep sharing videos as I come across more. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™d love to use some chameleon designs in my own Saurok honestly. Be really fun to have that head look.


I can imagine Saurok having different head types based on some different RL reptiles. Likely, this would be possible because of all the different reptiles that the Mogu used to create them.

Not sure how realistic it would be to actually see that, since it would require some adjustments for every helmet transmog and such. Still a fun thought, though. As long as Saurok would have your typical Lizardman type of head like they do currently, Iā€™d be content in that regard. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Hadnā€™t thought bout the head issue.

Perhaps the eyes at least. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Another year of Winter Veil, another talk with Great Father Winter by our Saurok Ambassador about getting an official Horde membership invitation for his tribe under the Winter Veil tree. Great Father Winter says heā€™ll try his best, but to keep at it with being a good little Saurok in the meantime. Maybe his Winter Veil wish will be granted someday! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Saurok def look better than both Sethrak and Dracthyr. Got my vote

Got a couple of general WoW news things to share in both my megathreads!

First, Blizzcon will return next year, with details comingā€¦ermā€¦next year:

I know Blizzard was interested in having an in-person Blizzcon again next year, so I wonder if that will come to be.

Whenever it does happen, Iā€™ll be covering it as usual. Unfortunately, I wonā€™t be able to attend any in-person events for the forseeable future, as fun as it could be to go there.

And on a related note, Blizzard also posted a roadmap for Dragonflight plans:

As mentioned before, I donā€™t really expect anything Saurok related during Dragonflight, but Iā€™ll still keep an eye out for anything.

Nothing specifically mentioned about new customization options or new playable races. Customizations do seem to considered, since Zandalari are suppose to get new hair colors. As for new races, speculation is still high for Tuskarr to possibly become playable at some point, which they have had requests since WotLK. Not a guarantee, of course, but there are a number of features they have of some previous races that did become playable. Iā€™m guessing such an announcement would be at a Blizzcon or possibly an early access thing for preordering the expansion after Dragonflight.

At the time of this post, Iā€™m actually close to the current max renown with Tuskarr (30). I primarily did the Soup Event when possible, along with any quests I could find involving them. I have a character slot reserved in case they do and are treated like allied races with unlock criteria. Weā€™ll see if anything is done with them, though.

Regardless of what does or doesnā€™t happen, Iā€™ll keep at it with the playable Horde Saurok support and report anything of interest back here. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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As I usually do each year at Winter Veil, I took some screenshots with the flying sleigh. To be a bit different, I used another Saurok model. Since it uses the male Worgen model, he occasionally howls as he rides the sleigh. I view it as the Saurok just having a lot of fun, myself.

Introducing this yearā€™s Santa Saurok!

Hope everyone is having a great Winter Veil! :christmas_tree::lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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More lizards canā€™t hurt.


Happy Winter Veil everyone! Whatever your plans are, I hope you all are having a fun, happy, and wonderful holiday! :christmas_tree:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Today is the big day! Our Saurok Ambassador looks over at all the presents, fascinated at the traditions involving them. He notices one in particular addressed to ā€œA very special Saurok Ambassador!ā€ That must be him, since he is the only Saurok around! He takes it and opens it quickly!

Why, itā€™s a Crashinā€™ Thrashinā€™ Flamer tank! Now he can use it to cook food and also warm up stones to turn into heat rocks! This is exactly what he needed!

Happy Winter Veil everyone! :christmas_tree::lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Got a cool art piece from DeviantArt to share of a Saurus Warrior from Warhammer Fantasy. This was made by TheFraggDog and was uploaded to the website on May 31, 2017.

ā€œSaurus Warriorā€ by TheFraggDog on DeviantArt

One thing I wanted to point out about it is the helm the Lizardman is wearing. I could see Saurok having helms with horns on them, likely made from beasts they have slain from hunts.

The other thing is just the overall aesthetic of the art piece. Itā€™s a good art piece at showing off how awesome Lizardmen races in general can look. I could see Saurok having a similar savage and fierce look if they ever got fleshed out more. Itā€™s something that really fits the Lizardmen image when it comes to them ready to initiate battle.

As usual, Iā€™ll keep looking for art pieces of Lizardmen races in general to share for playable Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Eh, I could take it or leave it.

Arrakoa all the way

If youā€™re interested in playable Arakkoa, there is a megathread for them here that could use support:

They would make for a neat playable race and Iā€™d happily make an Arakkoa character. :parrot:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Weā€™re getting close to the new year, and what better way to head towards it than some chameleons dancing to Elvis music:

Iā€™ll be making a New Yearā€™s post as usual, likely before and after it assuming I can find the time. And of course playable Horde Saurok will continue onward through the next year and beyond! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: