The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

Happy US Thanksgiving! :turkey:

Hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe day today with lots of delicious food to munch on! Also hoping that Saurok will be able to enjoy Pilgrimā€™s Bounty in Orgrimmar someday. I feel like itā€™d be one of their favorite holidays for obvious reasons. :lizard:

4 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Got another art piece to share from DeviantArt. This one is of a Lizardfolk Paladin, made by Kimoss and uploaded to the website on September 15h, 2019.

ā€œZechā€ by Kimoss on DeviantArt

I primarily wanted to share this art piece to show off a Lizardman race in plate armor. If you look close to the chest area and shoulder, youā€™ll see some bone-like designs in the armor. Itā€™s a pretty neat example of the idea of bone armor for Saurok, which I feel like is fitting for them. I could see something similar for them in plate armor graphics.

Also note the bit of armor on the tail and also how the feet arenā€™t entirely covered by armor. Itā€™s possible that Saurok tails could have some armor graphics, whether it would come from equipment graphics, or be something that could come from customization or the tail equipment racial Iā€™ve mentioned before. As for the feet, Iā€™ve seen examples of them being covered and not in different Lizardmen designs, and it would depend on how playable Saurok models would be with what weā€™d see. Iā€™m not sure what would look better in the context of in-game graphics.

As for Paladins, I donā€™t see Saurok Paladins as a thing unless some creative liberties were made to have them be knights of a wild loa they worship. Maybe something similar to Zandalari Paladins. Not completely out of the question of course, as this is all my own personal opinion.

As usual, Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out for other Lizardmen related art pieces to share for playable Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

2 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

I would absolutely LOVE Saurok being playable. I donā€™t know which one I want more Sethrak or Saurok.

Saurok were my first love to be playable. And they make perfect sense to be playable sense they share the worgen rig.

Why they didnā€™t make them playable I donā€™t really know. But they would be perfect for a horde race, they fit the horde to a tee. Sethrak would he horde too, so either we get both or one. And I donā€™t know which one I would pick, Iā€™d take either of them and be happy.

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Why not both? :smiley:

As Iā€™ve said before, I donā€™t see why we couldnā€™t have both Sethrak and Saurok playable alongside Dracthyr, even on the same faction. Theyā€™re all completely different in several ways, so it would be far from redundant. Itā€™d be like saying we canā€™t have Furbolgs because we have Pandaren or Kelfin because we have Goblins, which is really silly and short-sighted to think in that manner.

Besides, if we can have 4.53 flavors of elf, 2.5 flavors of Dwarves, 2 Gnomes, and other such examples, I donā€™t see it being unreasonable or pointless to have more than one reptilian race. Especially when they would add different storylines, personalities, and gameplay compared to each other.

Also if you havenā€™t done so already, there is a Sethrak megathread which you can find here:

Sethrak fans are still going strong with their passion. Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll see both Sethrak and Saurok playable someday, myself. I know they would add a lot to the game and please a lot of people. :snake: :lizard:

Allegedly, Blizzard looked at all races with two legs for allied race consideration. Iā€™d be curious to see what all was actually considered, myself. Itā€™s a shame BfA seemed rushed, as it felt like we shouldā€™ve gotten at least one more pair of allied races.

As for Saurok, I donā€™t know how high they wouldā€™ve ranked on the list. There did seem to be some general interest in Saurok at least from their appearances in BfA, the one ghost that talked in Shadowlands, and the Saurok-like mooks in Dragonflight.

It is a bit of a shame they didnā€™t get to become an allied race in BfA. It seemed like a revisit to Pandaria wouldā€™ve been a good time to introduce them there. Instead, we get feral Saurok we canā€™t help and Chen Stormstout more worried about his booze getting wasted as opposed to helping free enslaved Saurok that couldā€™ve helped out in some way. Go figure.

Much as I do grumble about missed opportunities, especially when it comes to Horde Ogres, I do try to look forward and keep at it. Iā€™ve noticed some more interest in playable Saurok in the years Iā€™ve maintained this megathread, so maybe Iā€™m doing something right to help with that. Besides, weā€™ll have several more expansions in the future, and maybe one of them will have the ability to add Saurok to the Horde side of that character creation screen.

This is something Iā€™ve done my best to try and show. Their backstory, being former slaves to the Mogu who broke free and set off to find their place in the world (of Warcraft!) and potential culture would fit the Horde very well. Not to mention a lot of parallels to Orcs they have.

As long as I keep playing the game, Iā€™ll do my best to keep supporting playable Horde Saurok! :lizard:

1 more day until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I definitely want both races for sure! They both would stand out among the horde!

It would certainly please me, as a reptile keeper of both of large snakes and large lizards, I would love to personify my character as either of the two!

Itā€™s shocking that we havenā€™t had a reptilian race as an allied race. Honestly, blows my mind that in all of the almost 20 years wow has been around, the lizardman or reptile race niche hasnā€™t been filledā€¦ until the unfortunate introduction of the Dracthyr.

Saurok honestly wouldā€™ve been one of the races I would think at the top of the totem pole, since they use the exact same rig as the male worgen.

Honestly, this might sound too optimistic but whatever, I honestly think they will add Sethrak, Saurok, Drakonid, or Naga eventually. My head might be screwed on wrong but thatā€™s my honest opinion.

Playable Saurok and playable Sethrak for the future!! :snake::lizard:


Well today is the big day! Wowhead has Dragonflight some global release times here:

While I donā€™t expect much in the way of Saurok stuff this expansion, Iā€™ll still keep an eye out for anything of interest. Iā€™ll keep an eye on the Tarasek as well, since they seem Saurok-like in many ways, but there isnā€™t any relation as far as I know. Unless the Mogu did some flesh shaping magic on dragons to make them and they escaped. Weā€™ll see, though regardless, theyā€™re no replacement for Saurok to me. Especially in the playable race category.

I donā€™t really consider it filled for the most part still, since while dragons are teptilian-like, I see them as more of a mythological creature as opposed to a reptile. Not to mention the culture of dragons is far different than Lizardmen races in general.

There is a worry of mine that Blizzard might consider Dracthyr as the ā€œdefinitive playable reptilian race,ā€ especially if they get more classes in the future, which of course is very silly. Still, I donā€™t know what all goes behind-the-scenes in planning and thought process, so it is a worry of mine.

An example I use is saying itā€™s like if we never got Blood Elves because we had Night Elves. They might both be elves, but theyā€™re too different in many ways to ever be substitutes for the other. Same goes with Dracthyr compared to Saurok and Sethrak.

Dracthyr are ok to me, although theyā€™re not perfect. They also donā€™t scratch that itch for wanting a Lizardman race.

I think one reason is that they feel very limited. Being only one class with limited transmogs makes them feel a little off and in some ways disappointing. They originally werenā€™t planned to be able to ride mounts in their dragon form also. It just feels incomplete compared to other playable races to me.

And as I said, theyā€™re neat for WoW Dragon fantasy, but are no substitute for Lizardman fantasy, which is a post I plan to make in the future to try and explain this better. Itā€™s a reason I hope Blizzard will be open to adding other reptilian races to go alongside Dracthyr.

I mean, if I werenā€™t optimistic of playable Saurok chances, I wouldnā€™t be on here doing what I do. I still think there is a decent chance of it, given the potential Saurok have as a playable Horde race.

I can see all those becoming playable at some point. Sethrak have always been popular, Saurok interest has been growing steadily, a new megathread popped up for Drakonids recently and there has been some interest in them for quite awhile, and Naga have been requested for years. I personally would like to see them all playable someday, since they bring unique features to the game and would please a number of people, though Saurok still remain one of my most wanted playable races.

But regardless of what happens, Iā€™ll keep supporting playable Horde Saurok as best as I can. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


4,777 attempts since near the beginning of BfA. And finallyā€¦

I feel a huge sense of relief to finally get this mount. Especially knowing I donā€™t need to cycle through 51+ characters each week any more. Unless I go for the other world boss mounts of course. However, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll go that far in trying to get those, seeing as this one was a big enough goal as it was even with the higher drop chance.

The things I do for anything Saurok relatedā€¦totally worth it, though. Especially for potential future Saurok characters if we get lucky to see them playable someday. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I came across another art piece of a Lizardfolk Paladin on DeviantArt. This one was created by Olieart and was uploaded to the website on September 5th, 2019.

ā€œOlieartā€™s avatar Sah-Kajul, Lizardfolk Paladin #commission #dndā€ by Olieart on DeviantArt

It might look like the Lizardfolk is trying to BBQ a snake, but the snake looks like it is just resting on a sword. Not really the best of places to rest Iā€™d say, but I guess the snake wanted to make a cool pose too.

Two things of interest with this art piece. The first thing is showing off a Lizardman race in plate armor. The other thing consists of the fins on top of the Lizardfolkā€™s head. Seems like something that could work for Saurok customization options, which I think Dracthyr may have that as well to some extent.

And as I mentioned before, while Iā€™m not against the idea of Saurok Paladins, I donā€™t really see it myself. Then again, Iā€™m mostly concerned with them having Warlocks and Death Knights at the very least, so Iā€™d happily take Paladins if it meant I got those classes. The more options the better I say!

As usual, Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out for art pieces of Lizardmen races in general to share for playable Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Happy December everyone! :snowman_with_snow:

This time of year along with Halloween are some of my favorite times of the year. When Winter Veil stuff goes live, on the 16th I think, Iā€™ll be taking some festive screenshots as usual. Hopefully the sleigh rides are functional this year, as the one in Orgrimmar kept disappearing. Maybe the reindeer are in a better mood or the Goblins got it working better this year. Iā€™ll likely make a New Yearā€™s Day post also at some point for both my megathreads too.

Whatever plans everyone has for Winter Veil and New Yearā€™s Day, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday!

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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With a new month arriving, itā€™s time for yet another round of in-game suggestions for races we want to see playable!

At the beginning of each month, I usually send in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. I figure it can only help to gain some interest in our requests of what weā€™d like to see, though no guarantees itā€™ll lead to that ever becoming a reality.

If youā€™re interested in doing something similar for your most wanted playable races, I made a guide in the following post that explains how to do it in steps:

Hopefully someday, weā€™ll see Saurok be able to celebrate Winter Veil in Orgrimmar! :christmas_tree::lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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I came across a really cool Lizardfolk design on DeviantArt that would be cool for Saurok customization. It was created by XibXib and was uploaded to the website on February 20th, 2017.

ā€œDnD Lizardfolk Designā€ by XibXib on DeviantArt

It looks like something a Saurok Warlock would have, with the glowing green features to go with the black scales. The green eyes are also a neat touch. This would make for a really neat Warlock or even Death Knight design. Part of me also hopes to see gilla monster scale patterns and colors for Saurok if they ever become playable, as that also looks really cool as a black scale design.

As usual, Iā€™ll continue to hunt for and share artwork that helps inspire playable Saurok ideas! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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So Iā€™ve gotten through the second area on the Dragon Isles with the Centaurs, who are much different than the Centaurs we deal with back in Vanilla areas. It got me thinking about the various races in the game and how a lot of things about them arenā€™t really set in stone for how theyā€™re presented.

It seems like for any race, things can change about them, often when things get fleshed out. The Centaur we meet with in Dragonflight are much different and more friendly than the Centaurs we had to deal with, who were mostly jerks that caused a lot of problems since Warcraft 3. Their culture and personality got expanded into several much more friendly clans, all of which having some differences between them.

Itā€™s another example of how a NPC race can get fleshed out into something more than they are, and that a lot of races we take at face value are more diverse than we think. Often times, this comes because Blizzard needs something to fit in an expansion area, but itā€™s often interesting to see the results.

One of the biggest examples I usually use in this case is the Kelfin. Gilgoblins were once just angry mooks obsessed with shinies, but now became something much more with the Kelfin and Unshackled (and still a great allied race candidate). Dark Iron Dwarves use to be angry Dwarves who liked to blow themselves up to less angry Dwarves who like to blow other stuff up. Several other races, both playable and not, have had groups that are much different than weā€™ve previously dealt with.

There is a chance that any NPC race that currently exists can get a decent makeover like other NPC races in future expansions, and I donā€™t think there would be any exceptions. Sure, they may not all become playable, but itā€™s still something important to note that Blizzard may not take NPC races in the future at 100% face value. Things can change, different clans/tribes can pop up much different than what we dealt with, and some can be more friendly to use in certain circumstances, depending on future expansions.

Of course, there are some things about NPC races that should stay with them when it comes to personality or culture. Change for the sake of change isnā€™t always great. There are some defining characteristics that should stay with NPCā€™s because it defines them.

Saurok are no exception, of course. Sure, most we meet want to eat our faces, but that doesnā€™t mean all would (especially since there are exceptions weā€™ve come across that arenā€™t as feral or bloodthirsty). Itā€™s like saying all Mogu are evil, but then we have that one faction in BfA that are much different than the Mogu we fought against. And if the Mogu of all races can get such a face turn from being complete heels before, I donā€™t see how other races (including Saurok) would be an exception.

Now, in terms of fleshing our Saurok (and not with the flesh shaping thing that created them of course), there are some aspects of them that should stay. I donā€™t expect friendly Saurok to go from Godzilla to Barney the Dinosaur, of course, but Iā€™d still expect some types of general Lizardman themes. Having a ferocious aspect about them, mostly in battle, is a good example.

The Mogu used all kinds of reptiles to make Saurok, so it is reasonable to me that some couldā€™ve had different personalities and intelligence, especially if they got their hands on any Mogu artifacts. Itā€™s very possible we could run into friendly Saurok in a future expansion, where they have differences from the Saurok tribes weā€™ve seen before.

And this point is something not just important to Saurok, but to race request megathreads in general. Things can change and NPC races can become something more at any point. Itā€™s important to keep this in mind, especially as we continue with expansions.

Sorry if it seems like I rambled some. Itā€™s just something Iā€™ve floated in my head some while playing Dragonflight. Hopefully I made a decent point out of it. :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


So I got to the Tuskarr area and tried out the Community Feast event. If you want to know more about it, you can find info on it here:

It is a bit confusing when you go to it on how the event works. Itā€™s also very fast paced, which I suppose given how food is important to the Tuskarr, is kinda the point. Itā€™s a neat concept that I wonder if itā€™ll evolve in the future.

Iā€™ve mentioned before a similar idea with Saurok, though it could be on a somewhat bigger scale. I imagine a big hunt going on to gather meat (of different types), along with other ingredients like spices and condiments. Then itā€™s a matter of cooking the food and adding seasoning to create a big feast along with other tasks that could be part of a feast ceremony, making to honor a wild god or so. It would need a lot of fleshing out to be different than the Tuskarr feast event, of course, but it has potential to be a pretty neat zone-wide event.

And of course a reference to this lizard chef for a Saurok chef would be very fitting:

As for Dragonflight in general, Iā€™m enjoying it much more than Shadowlands. Iā€™ve been taking it slow and reading the quest text, doing side quests, and so on. It feels good to be back on Azeroth again and be interested in the storylines. :dragon:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

Iā€™ve been meaning to share my Dracthyr characters for awhile, since I look at reptilian and reptilian-like races for Saurok idea inspiration. I finally got a chance to take a couple screenshots of both and to also talk about my name choices. Iā€™m still working on visage customization, so Iā€™m only going to show the Dragonkin forms.

First off is my male Dracthyr who is my DPS Evoker character:

I wish the armor coloring could have a little darker shade of green, but it was the closest that looked fitting for the scale color I wanted for him.

The name you see above is actually the name of my very first MMORPG character, an Iksar Shadow Knight in Everquest 1, I mentioned before that had a lot of meaning to me. I had wondered if I would have used it for a Saurok character if they became playable, though it didnā€™t seem fitting for a Saurok to me. When Dracthyr were announced, I opted to use that name for this character. Fitting in some ways, I suppose, but itā€™s good to see my first ever character reborn in such a way.

And for my female Dracthyr who is my Evoker healer:

I worked on an image I had in my mind for her visage form and found the armor set really fitting in her dragonkin form. I tried to give the dragonkin form a feminine look as best as I could, and it came out pretty well.

As for the name, I looked at some names in different cultures IRL and came across ā€œNasheena,ā€ which if I understand correctly, is Arabic for ā€œBeauty.ā€ It took me awhile to find a name for her and Iā€™m happy with it.

As for why I went Horde with both, it comes to a couple of reasons. The big reason is that the Horde is my preferred faction (shocking, I know). And normally I would have a class on both Horde and Alliance, but the character ideas I had in mind and the nature of the race really called out Horde to me and just felt right. If we ever get more slots and can make more than one Evoker on each server, Iā€™ll make an Alliance Dracthyr sometime, but until then, Iā€™m happy to have both of my current Dracthyr as part of the Horde.

I do like the Dracthyr in general, especially with having a dragon theme to them, but as I mentioned before, they arenā€™t a replacement to Saurok to me. Even if they were to get other classes, they have a much different feel and personality as a dragon race than a Lizardman race would. I still feel like Saurok can offer a lot to the game as a playable race and still want them a lot, so I plan to keep going with my playable Horde Saurok support. after all, if we can have multiple flavors of elves and other races, why canā€™t we do the same for multiple reptilian races? :lizard: :snake: :turtle: :dragon:

If anyone else wants to share their Dracthyr characters here, please feel free to do so. I havenā€™t had the chance to play much with my Evokers past their newbie areas, but I do plan to level them in the future. After allā€¦

ā€¦theyā€™ll have a lot of adventuring to do as champions of the Horde! :dragon:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Hereā€™s my Dracthyr.

Still wish I had a Saurok though. She doesnā€™t scratch this particular itch.

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I did a questline in Thaldraszus involving harpies doing some really rude things to gain power. It seemed at first to be a typical questline of ā€œbeat up mooks and get the shinies,ā€ but right at the very end, the big bad named harpie mentioned wanting to be like one of us as they died. More interesting was the quest turn in dialogue, which I have below with the text I mentioned:

The interesting part specifically refers to how the harpies have their own civilization and wondering if there could be a peaceful brood out there somewhere. It likely is intended for flavor text as opposed to foreshadowing anything in particular, but itā€™s an interesting thing to think about with NPC races in general, as well as see mentioned in-game to some extent. And since this is the Saurok megathread, Iā€™ll be focusing on them of course.

Saurok in particular are an interesting case in this regard, since they were created and are fairly younger compared to other races. Weā€™ve seen several of them act much differently than how we first saw the majority of them in MoP. I do think the combination of evolution and the different types of reptiles used to create them could lead into more of a diverse culture within the Saurok.

Itā€™s something I hope Iā€™ve shown throughout the megathread. Some Saurok are feral-like still, as shown from the Clearscale in BfA, but others have shown some form of evolving beyond that and working with others. Sure, there are tribes that are low on moral fiber, but it doesnā€™t necessarily mean that all tribes would be like that. Moreso when you think about how many Saurok tribes have left Pandaria, before and after the mists were lifted off it.

I know I harp on some subjects a lot like this one, but itā€™s an important point to make. And if there is some alluding to harpies potentially evolving in such a manner, as well as seeing other NPC races that have been expanded and even becoming playable, I donā€™t see Saurok as an exception or unreasonable to think about becoming more. There is always a chance a tribe could be somewhere on an expansion area and be a friendly quest hub or so. Anything is possible in the future.

Anyway, that image is just something interesting I wanted to share. As I said, it isnā€™t a whole lot and I doubt it is alluding to anything in particular, but itā€™s still interesting to see something like that pondered in-game.

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I got a video in my YouTube recommendations of a baby chameleon that changes colors some in the video. It starts to happen shortly after the 0:50 mark:

The point of sharing it is to show off what it looks like when a chameleon changes colors. One of the racial suggestions for Saurok is something akin to a stealth of some sort, where the Saurok blends into the area to hide. Obviously, things would need to be fleshed out more and balanced with such a racial, such as being able to be noticed more easily when walking around, but itā€™s still a neat racial idea and potentially fitting.

Iā€™ll keep looking for more things to inspire playable Saurok ideas! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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Got another artwork of a Lizardfolk/Kobold to share. This time itā€™s an ā€œantimage.ā€ It was created by The-GiJ and was uploaded to DeviantArt on Oct. 20th, 2020.

ā€œHereska the antimageā€ by The-GiJ on DeviantArt

Despite them being an antimage, it looks like something youā€™d see as a transmog set in WoW for cloth users like mages. Looking for magic casting classes on Lizardmen races is helpful to show off how Saurok caster classes could look in-game. Even if this one kinda doesnā€™t really look kindly with magic, given the whole anti part of the class name.

As usual, Iā€™ll keep looking for artwork and such of various Lizardmen races to share for playable Saurok idea inspiration! :lizard:

Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

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