The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m ok with that!

Well no Christmas surprise announcement of High Elves Allied Race… perhaps next year Blizzcon :pleading_face::pleading_face:

Honestly I think that be the best present, High Elves being announced as an Allied Race would do anything…ANYTHING for that to happen.


Yup me too. Welcome to my sad life of no playable Wildhammer Dwarves and High Elves…


It’s a bit unrealistic to expect an announcement before BFA is wrapped up, in my opinion. At absolute best they might be an early-access pre-order bonus like the first four Allied Races were, but even that might be pushing it if we’re honest with ourselves.

Also I would never expect any kind of announcement on Christmas Day either.

Developers and employees at Blizzard also have families and lives and I don’t think I’d be happy knowing someone over there had to come into work on Christmas to make an announcement that, honestly, would be better made at Blizzcon where Blizzard can hopefully restore some faith with the community.

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Right now, I’m eager to see 8.1.5 hit PTR.

Since kul tirans and zandalari (specially the former) still need updates before they can be playable, and the patch lacks any kind of big content (it’s mostly improvements to existing systems) I’m hoping this is the patch to bring some updates on existing allied races or, at least, some datamining revelations on future ones.


I really want to see more information on Allied Races and it appears they aren’t saying anything until after the Kul Tirans and Zandalari are out.

Vulpra and Trash Gnomes are our only solid guesses.

Yeah I’m with Alamara, they’ve been incredibly tight-lipped about what happens past 8.1.5. It’ll be interesting to get that into players’ hands on the PTR to see what can be fiddled around with or datamined.

I’m with Drede too in terms of seeing more info on AR. I will be surprised to get more info on AR until next Blizzcon though, Blizzard seems to not want to talk much further about upcoming ones.

Unfortunately my sub lapses at the end of March, I’ve been working on unlocking the Zandalari (still 18k rep away from Exalted) but there’s not a whole lot in the game convincing me to play it right now and it may be weird but part of that is nothing to look forward to (in a way) since really the stuff that really gets me is new races and classes. Hard for me to play games when I can’t get into a character I really want to adventure on.

And ZD rep is so gated :triumph: that I pretty much wait till either table missions or emissaries are up for it rather than doing all WQs in Zandalar each day.

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Just throwing this out there… I work on Christmas Day, millions of people do haha, the world doesn’t stop cause it’s christmas haha…

So I technically don’t have a family or life cause I work on Christmas Day, by your logic…

I’m just saying it would be nice.


I’m praying trash gnomes arnt an Allied Race, they should be a Gnome customisation, we need more customisation to all the races we have!.

Gnome players would be happy to have more customisation and WoW players be happy to have a better Allied Race


Blizz has said they’re open to the idea of high elven customization options for void elves, and have shown they’re not averse to tying customization options to warfront related quests, and theres a datamined Quel’thalas warfront.

I wouldnt be surprised if that warfront was void elf vs blood elf and the quest reward is high elven customization for void elves.


Could High Elven Customization Options for Void Elves make them stay as Pale White Skin Elves with Regular Brown/Blonde Hair? Because if not then why brother putting options on a Race that just goes into Void Form and you go back into being a blueberry again instead of just staying as a Pure High Elf or 100% Different Skin Color Elf Race that isn’t Blue nor Purple kind.

Plus there also wouldn’t be a Ranger Heritage Armor for Void Elves then if Quel’dorei Customization is just going to be simple options rather than what the Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Orcs, and Dark Iron Dwarves is being reskins with unique Customization options and their own Heritage Armor.

Plus it wouldn’t be fair to those who wanted High Elves get even more slap in the face when San’layn gets their own Heritage Armor, Unique Customization Options, and being their own Allied Race while there’s no Original Elven Race for the Alliance other than forced options for a hated race like Void Elves.


Since they announced that they required Zandalari Empire rep i was working on it, got exalted last week by doing just emissaries and nothing more. They are very efficient and save a lot of time, especially because Zuldazar is so horrible to navigate.
It will take longer but you are going to waste less time on it.

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How much you think Actvision’s stock would go up if the added High Elves as a playable race? Of course it’ll be a $10 shop charge to access them, but hey…

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despite a lot of us in the pro community admitting they would buy them if they were put on the shop it would still be a major backlash for the idea of putting playable races on the in game shop. They already tried transmog and that failed so horribly they never tried it again.

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I’d like some “normal-ish” void elf options, but not “high elf-like” options. Each should be its own thing.

By normal-ish options, I mean a skin that is not so pale, some hair colors that are not so faded in color.


One of the reasons I feel that BfA is reviewed so low, despite it still being better than both Cataclysm and WoD, is that everything Blizzard did in it feels unfinished or just a little bellow what people would really like to have.

Allied races? Few customization options; races that are just not appealing; leaving very requested races out.

Warfronts? Need to fell more engaging. Too much repetition.

Raids? Uldir feels like filler. Weak lore, Alliance has no connection to it, no shared themes with expansion’s main story.

Things to do? Why did they need to wait a patch to bring basic things like special currencies and paragon chests? Much of 8.1’s content feel like it should have been in since 8.0.

I think a lot of those issues could have been avoided if Blizzard just heard feedback rather than try to reinvent the wheel all the time.

Void elves are the perfect example. They were not needed, no one asked for them. High elves would be easier to implement (leaving more resources for other allied races) and would make people way happier.

The same thing applies to many other parts of the expansion.


They are attempting to cut out the beta process and outsource it to the player who then pays to beta test.

actually I believe it is more that we report these issues in alpha and beta and a large number of them are actually intended to be that way by blizzard because they know what is “fun”.


I think you may be right about that!

Yeah, I do feel like allied races are them just doing whatever they think is cool without considering previous lore. They should at least do ogres, forest trolls and wildhammers. Yet they are creating new races for the purpose. And void elves are not the alliance high elves who have served in the silver covenant and alliance military. How many allied races are too much? How many will there be? And will the devs be willing to give players the races they wanted? Or will the next allied race be something we haven’t seen yet? I feel like giving alliance junker gnomes would be a race slot thrown away.